Yesterday I started a new theme here at My Journey. And today I want to share a little more of the idea behind it and give you an encouraging word or too.
My theme for the rest of December is Smile. I think it is a perfect theme for this month because there are so many things around us to make us smile in December. Now maybe this morning your not smiling yet because you haven't finished your coffee or Dr. Pepper. (we/I drink D.P.)
And so if your not here's a little something maybe to put you in the Smiley mood. It did me when I found it!
I first posted this pic on my Birthday and I threatened that my face would look like this if I didn't get cake. And well I haven't gotten that cake yet but I am going too! LOL. I did have a slice at Chili's with my daughter and grandson on Friday night....opp's sorry I am off on a rabbitt trail. Now doesn't this pic just make you smile? Can you imagine the mom and photographer during this shoot? I googled Jamilia Jean and she has the shoot on her blog. I wish I could have her do pics of my grandkids!
Back to Smiles....sorry
If your a regular follower of My Journey you've probably noticed a few subtle changes on my sidbar. I am in the process of a complete makeover of the blog. Backgrounds, photo's and buttons, links and Content.
Yes I said Content. My Journey will still be a place for you to get encouragement and some Godly Wisdom. And, I hope a place where I can get wisdom from you!
One of the changes I am making is where I am linking. I'll be joining some new linky parties and taking a break from a few that I have been joining. One of those I am leaving behind is Thankful Thursday. The main reason because it's my desire to remember that I should be thankful everyday.
And, I want to help remind you of the things that God has Blessed you with.
The simple things. The things that make you smile.
Maybe today your rushing around counting down the days till Christmas with a list that is longer than your arm.
Maybe your list of things to do has to be completed before the kids are home for the Christmas break and your frazzled.
I remember the days of being frazzeled. Let me tell you sister those days may seem daunting but,
sweet sister they don't last. In a heartbeat it seems you'll wake up and realize those sweet little toddlers or preschoolers or children or teenagers will be grown and gone.
And, they may be gone in more ways than one. In the literal sense and in the emotional sense. It is hard to think past the present into the future. But the future isn't too far away.
I love visiting blog sisters that share their family gathering ideas. Your ideas make me smile.
It makes me realize there are families out there intentionally trying to make happy memory making moments. Please keep sharing you Bless.
In the days to come I want to share with you tips, tutorials, ideas and stories that will make you smile. Some may make you sad. But will ultimately give you encouragement to make memories and to pursue making your home a place filled with love. A place of sanctuary.
And so today while your running around checking off your to do list. Look around and find something that makes you smile. And Smile big. Remember today that
Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Merry Christmas
I would love to know why your smiling. Leave me a comment!
May Your Journey Be Filled with Smiles . . .
Today new followers make me Smile.
Chocolate Milk makes me Smile.
Opening my eyes and seeing the sun shining in my window makes me Smile.
My warm bed makes me Smile.
Links below . . . .
Linking with Darlene at Time Warp Woman for Titus Tuesday click Here.
Linking with Conerstone Confessions for Titus 2 Tuesdays. Click Here.
Linking with Jacinda at Growing Home for Teach Me Tuesday. Click Here.
Linking with Jen at Rich Faith Rising for Unite. Click Here.
Linking with Joan at The Beauty in His Grip. Click Here.

Sherry, I love your December theme! Because of the precious hope of Jesus, we have so much to smile about. This 'JOY' picture made me smile! I look forward to seeing where God takes you on this journey!
Thanks so much for visiting Mary @ Woman to Woman today! (that made me smile:)!
Blessings to you ~ Mary
You make me smile, love you.
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