Today Darlene over at Time Warp Women was writing about her brother in law. Here is a little of what she said . . .
'Jerry grew up in the '60s when being a gentleman was the style of the day. It wasn't only common, chivalry was expected of men. Men opened doors for their dates, pulled chairs out for women, walked on the street side of a walkway, and waited until a lady was seated before they plunked down in a chair.'
This is only part of what she was writing about how 'sweet' her bil is to her sister. The first thing that popped into my mind was 'Wow. I wish my Cowboy was that romantic!' To me much of what she described was romantic.
But Darlene described it this way . . .
'His behavior reflected that of valor and strength, but it also reflected the heart of a servant, which we see in the life of Jesus Christ.'
Wow valor and strength. The heart of a servant...the heart of a servant, which we see in the life of Jesus Christ. For me just having my Cowboy do nice things for me just makes me happy and makes me feel good. Last the last two mornings when he made the bed. But it is really about more than just how it makes me feel. It's about . . .
'We are raising the next generation of men and women. If we want our boys to be better than what we are seeing out there, then we need to teach them how to not only respect themselves but to respect women and children as God would have them to do.'
It's also about our men raising our sons. And grandsons. It is about us teaching the younger generation.
'God has instructed men to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. Let scripture be our guide in raising these men, and let's not forget the important role of servant-hood when teaching them virtue.'
I look around at the younger women I come in contact with and the ideas and attitudes that they have about relationships and dating. Ideas and attitudes about how they are treated by men. One term used way too often now a days 'Baby Daddy' or 'Baby Mama' just really causes me to stop and think. Not only about these young people but these children. The children that are being raised without the knowledge of Valor and Strength. And the knowledge of having a Servant Heart. A heart for Jesus.
Maybe you don't come across young people in your circle of friends, co-workers or acquaintances that live in the kind of life style I am talking about. Maybe this is just something you hear about or see in movies. But the fact of the matter is it is out there and it is really true. It really is sad that young men today don't know about Valor. And that young women today don't know what it is like to be treated with respect.
Today I was wondering if maybe you would pray for all the younger women out there. All the young girls that are searching for love and acceptance. And pray for the young men that they will strive to become Men of Valor and Strength. Men after God's heart.
Darlene has a lot more to say on the subject and she has a linky going on so go over and check out her post today. Click here.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Deeper into the Word---Book Review
Did you know that the word afraid appears 35 times in the New Testament. And that the word fear appears 83 times. And that each time either word is mentioned it is connected with the words 'do not' .
Just reading these lines kind of makes me think of a trivia game. But reading this book wasn't like learning trivia. The author says it is 'like a shovel to help you dig deeper, or a light to help you see better.' (page 11).
There really are 100 words described and discussed. Some words are: afraid, annoint, cross, friend and many more. The author took great care in studying the original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic words. As well as studying the historical and cultural contexts to provide the reader with lots of detail and information. Included in the book is an Appendix of Helpful Websites and a Greek word index.
From the back cover:
A Fresh Look at the Words Within the Word
Words matter. God cares about them and so should we. Going a little deeper into the Bible's words can make an old passage new again, enriching your understanding of God's message to his children. Why was this word chosen rather than that one? What does it imply in its original language that you can't see in English? And without knowing Greek, how can you learn to explore the details of God's Word for yourself?
Keri Wyatt Kent provides a fresh encounter with the most important words of the New Testament. Deeper Into the Word can be used as a daily devotional or as an easy-to-use reference tool. Either way, you'll find yourself excited by the wonders of God's amazing Word.
Here's the info. from the publishers site...
Price: $13.99
ISBN: 978-0-7642-0842-3
ISBN-10: 0-7642-0842-X
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of pages: 256
Publication Date: Jan. 11
Formats: Paperback
To purchase from the publisher click here. Or you can purchase at Amazon. Click here.
I really enjoyed this book. It is a great study tool. But it is also just fun to sit and read it or it would be great for a daily devotional. I think it is simple enough to read for an older child or teenager as well as an adult. It would make a great gift too.
I received this book from Bethany House as part of thier blogger review program. The FCC rules have been followed. I was not asked to write a positive review.
Friday, March 18, 2011
A Conversation with God --Book Review

Because it is so pretty I would have to recommend this book as a gift.
But is much more than just pretty. It is is a heart to heart talk with God . . .
From the back cover:
A Conversation with God for Women was created because your heart longs to know, "Why God?" It's time now to find the answers you've been seeking about the past, the present and the future. The answers to 55 of life's greatest questions come straight from the Bible, written in the form of engaging conversations with God, Jesus, and Bible women who offer a female perspective how God especially impacts the lives of women.
A few questions included in the book:
A question to God: How are we made in your image?
A question to Jesus: Did you experience human emotions on earth?
A question about the Bible: Did all the miracles really happen?
A question about Life: Jesus, What does following you involve?
A question about Prayer: Do you hear everybody's prayers?
A question about Relationships? What's so bad about gossip?
A question about Good and Evil? Are all sins the same with you?
I liked the way the book was put together. Each chapter begins with a scripture. Then it begins with a topic or statement followed by specific questions. The answers are written as if God is actually having a conversation with the reader. There isn't a lot of specific scripture mentioned during the dialogue but there are footnotes that take you to the notes section at the end of the book. The notes support the text with the approprite scripture.
There are 55 different questions covered in 257 pages. Followed by over 50 pages of notes.
I would recommend this book for anyone. I plan to use it is a Bible study guide for the youth that I work with. Men and women alike would enjoy this book. The men will just have to overlook how pretty it is!
One other thing that got my attention about the book. And I wanted to commend the publicist and the authors choice not include endorsements. It was refreshing to read a book that is able to stand on it's own with other peoples endorsements.
I checked to see where it is available. You can purchase on-line at Amazon, Target.
and at a new place I haven't heard of Deep Discount (dot) com.
This book was provided to me for review by Booksneeze. I was not required to write a positive review.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Thankful Thursday
Welcome to my Thankful post
I guess the main thing I am thankful for today is
A Photo Here Today
My list is long is yours? But, today I am just focusing being Happy and Thankful that I am able to post now and apparently able to upload photo's.
I have been trying to make the rounds; visiting my blogging friends the last couple of days. And I promise you all if you follow me and you have a link for me to find you I am going to visit you over the next few days.
I have missed regular posting. Many of you know how crazy my life is. And normally I don't let it get in the way of things that are important. Or, imporant to me. But for the last couple of weeks I haven't had inter-net. It is a long story. Mostly a server issue. But
I am prayerful that it is totally resolved finally.
So, that's why I am thankful today. How about You?
opp's before I go thought I would share this. I found it over at Alicia's check this out . . .
See ya over there,
opp's before I go thought I would share this. I found it over at Alicia's check this out . . .
See ya over there,
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Worfilled Wednesday
o.k. today I am 'out foxing' the dsl server that refuses to let me download photo's.
So what I did was go to my archives and chose the WFW post that had the most comments. And amazing it was my favorite.
o.k. so your wonder which one? Well you'll have to click Here.
Loved this one. I hope you enjoy today.
BTW I have done some visiting and found a couple of new blogs to share and a couple of posted I really enjoyed.
Check these out...
A Cowboy For Jesus
I'm just a little fellow, but I always want to be,
a cowboy sticking close to the Man of Galilee.
I want to do some roping of the souls who are in sin,
and keep them all for Jesus in the Holy Ghost Corral.
I'll be a cowboy, a Christian cowboy,
I'll work for Jesus all my days.
And on the prairie or in the city,
I'll help to round up all the strays!
The song "A Cowboy For Jesus" was written by Ira Stanphill in 1948.
Found over at Sheltering here for the link.
And something I want to do on Monday
So what I did was go to my archives and chose the WFW post that had the most comments. And amazing it was my favorite.
o.k. so your wonder which one? Well you'll have to click Here.
Loved this one. I hope you enjoy today.
BTW I have done some visiting and found a couple of new blogs to share and a couple of posted I really enjoyed.
Check these out...
A Cowboy For Jesus
I'm just a little fellow, but I always want to be,
a cowboy sticking close to the Man of Galilee.
I want to do some roping of the souls who are in sin,
and keep them all for Jesus in the Holy Ghost Corral.
I'll be a cowboy, a Christian cowboy,
I'll work for Jesus all my days.
And on the prairie or in the city,
I'll help to round up all the strays!
The song "A Cowboy For Jesus" was written by Ira Stanphill in 1948.
Found over at Sheltering here for the link.
And something I want to do on Monday
Jesus In The Presence Tense--Book Review
(sorry no photo)
I was excited to be offered this great book from B&B media.
Jesus In The Presesnt Tense The I Am Statements of Christ by Warren W. Wiersbe is a great study book. Here's an endorsement from the back . . .
" Who Jesus Christ is really matters, now and for eternity. Warren Wiersbe brittalnly explores the great I Am-ness of Jesus. It's good to know who Christ is." Palmer Chinchen , PHD, speaker and author of True Religion and God Can't Sleep.
I was struck by the title. I think for me sometimes that I forget that Jesus is in the present. This book did a great job of reminding me.
The book begins with learning who God is and describing how Moses worshiped by God's command. It continues through chapters titled: The Apostle John Provides Some Answers, The Light of the World, The Way The Truth and The Light and one enjoyed The Neglected I Way (Chapter 10) plus many more. A total 12 Chapters and study notes in 194 pages (including credits)
Each Chapter begins with scripture and continues on with each topic backuped with passages and sections of The Word. This was a simple read for me. And I think would be a great study for anyone wanting to grow deeper.
Here's the product info:
Link for the book at Christian Book click here. Paperback $11.99
Link for the book at Amazon click here.
Paperback $10.19 Kindle $9.68 Audio $21.98
And the information from David C. Cook . . .
Book - Paperback Trade
ISB: 0781404878
ISBN-13: 9780781404877 Item #: 107072
In Jesus in the Present Tense, Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe explores the "I AM" statements of God-from His burning bush conversation with Moses, to His powerful reassurances to the Israelites, to Jesus's startling claim to be the Light of the World.
Many Christians find themselves mired in past regrets or future fears, but the name of God itself reminds readers that God wants them to live in the present. The more readers understand and apply God's I AM statements from the Old and New Testaments, the more they will realize God's peace and joy. Then they will be free to live, serve, and know God more richly in the present tense-which is just where He wants them to be.
You can order directing from the publisher . . .
Order now online click here or phone 1-800-323-7543
Want more info? Here's another review and the first chapter. Click here.
This book was provided for review by B and B Media. I was not asked to write a positive to review and I have followed Trade rules.
I was excited to be offered this great book from B&B media.
Jesus In The Presesnt Tense The I Am Statements of Christ by Warren W. Wiersbe is a great study book. Here's an endorsement from the back . . .
" Who Jesus Christ is really matters, now and for eternity. Warren Wiersbe brittalnly explores the great I Am-ness of Jesus. It's good to know who Christ is." Palmer Chinchen , PHD, speaker and author of True Religion and God Can't Sleep.
I was struck by the title. I think for me sometimes that I forget that Jesus is in the present. This book did a great job of reminding me.
The book begins with learning who God is and describing how Moses worshiped by God's command. It continues through chapters titled: The Apostle John Provides Some Answers, The Light of the World, The Way The Truth and The Light and one enjoyed The Neglected I Way (Chapter 10) plus many more. A total 12 Chapters and study notes in 194 pages (including credits)
Each Chapter begins with scripture and continues on with each topic backuped with passages and sections of The Word. This was a simple read for me. And I think would be a great study for anyone wanting to grow deeper.
Here's the product info:
Link for the book at Christian Book click here. Paperback $11.99
Link for the book at Amazon click here.
Paperback $10.19 Kindle $9.68 Audio $21.98
And the information from David C. Cook . . .
Book - Paperback Trade
ISB: 0781404878
ISBN-13: 9780781404877 Item #: 107072
In Jesus in the Present Tense, Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe explores the "I AM" statements of God-from His burning bush conversation with Moses, to His powerful reassurances to the Israelites, to Jesus's startling claim to be the Light of the World.
Many Christians find themselves mired in past regrets or future fears, but the name of God itself reminds readers that God wants them to live in the present. The more readers understand and apply God's I AM statements from the Old and New Testaments, the more they will realize God's peace and joy. Then they will be free to live, serve, and know God more richly in the present tense-which is just where He wants them to be.
You can order directing from the publisher . . .
Order now online click here or phone 1-800-323-7543
Want more info? Here's another review and the first chapter. Click here.
This book was provided for review by B and B Media. I was not asked to write a positive to review and I have followed Trade rules.
I give up....I won't even try....
...I know I am sorry it sounds a little anonmyous doesn't it.
But after trying repeated yesterday and today to upload photo's I give up.
I have thrown in the towel. I have done all those other cliques I can't think of any right now but maybe you can...
But I do have a precious word from God to share with you.
And maybe as you read you can close your eyes and drink in His Glory and His Magesty and pretend there are pretty photo's here.
I hope that even though I can't add any photo's that at least I can share a few words of encouragement.
Today in our morning study I read these words . . .
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33”
I don't know about you but today I am looking for peace. Peace from the crazy wind. I keep telling Daisy (my dog) they lied when we moved to N. I think it is Kansas. And, we even had a dog show up on the porch yesterday morning! I had to tell Daisy over and over it wasn't Toto!
Yes we have another family member. Did I get to tell you about our recent? Well when you have a chance check out Isn't that the coolest name? Hope Inn Christ is an aftercare home for boys leaving incarceration. Right there are two boys but next week our third will arrive and then in a couple of weeks a couple more. We will have 7 by summer!
Hope Inn Christ is a beautiful 17 acre property that used be a horse ranch years ago (dang it) but there are still some bare bones and in the next few months we'll have fences repaired and horses will be coming.
But for now we are all just getting used to living, working, praying, learning and studying together. I wrote on facebook a couple of days ago it is like living at church camp. I think it is the single best experience that I have every had and I am Blessed and Grateful God chose us to be here!
So my friends in a huge nutshell that is what is going. That and the fact that dsl doesn't work. And we have spent two weeks trying to get it fixed.
But, I have a plan to 'out fox' the blasted thing. When I go to the office tomorrow I'll just upload my photo's. Slick huh. I suppose I could go check out one those new fangled wifi places too. Maybe I'll try that next week.
So until I get this internet thing fixed I'll at least be writing hopefully some uplifting words. I really hope you'll start coming by again.
In fact I really need you to because I think some of my review people are going to fire me. So help a girl out and visit and leave comments. They are checking them!
Ya'll have a wonderful evening and visit Wordfilled Wednesday for some beautiful photo illustrations of God's word. (not here! Bummer)
Thanks for visiting and remember . . . take heart He has overcome the world!
But after trying repeated yesterday and today to upload photo's I give up.
I have thrown in the towel. I have done all those other cliques I can't think of any right now but maybe you can...
But I do have a precious word from God to share with you.
And maybe as you read you can close your eyes and drink in His Glory and His Magesty and pretend there are pretty photo's here.
I hope that even though I can't add any photo's that at least I can share a few words of encouragement.
Today in our morning study I read these words . . .
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33”
I don't know about you but today I am looking for peace. Peace from the crazy wind. I keep telling Daisy (my dog) they lied when we moved to N. I think it is Kansas. And, we even had a dog show up on the porch yesterday morning! I had to tell Daisy over and over it wasn't Toto!
Yes we have another family member. Did I get to tell you about our recent? Well when you have a chance check out Isn't that the coolest name? Hope Inn Christ is an aftercare home for boys leaving incarceration. Right there are two boys but next week our third will arrive and then in a couple of weeks a couple more. We will have 7 by summer!
Hope Inn Christ is a beautiful 17 acre property that used be a horse ranch years ago (dang it) but there are still some bare bones and in the next few months we'll have fences repaired and horses will be coming.
But for now we are all just getting used to living, working, praying, learning and studying together. I wrote on facebook a couple of days ago it is like living at church camp. I think it is the single best experience that I have every had and I am Blessed and Grateful God chose us to be here!
So my friends in a huge nutshell that is what is going. That and the fact that dsl doesn't work. And we have spent two weeks trying to get it fixed.
But, I have a plan to 'out fox' the blasted thing. When I go to the office tomorrow I'll just upload my photo's. Slick huh. I suppose I could go check out one those new fangled wifi places too. Maybe I'll try that next week.
So until I get this internet thing fixed I'll at least be writing hopefully some uplifting words. I really hope you'll start coming by again.
In fact I really need you to because I think some of my review people are going to fire me. So help a girl out and visit and leave comments. They are checking them!
Ya'll have a wonderful evening and visit Wordfilled Wednesday for some beautiful photo illustrations of God's word. (not here! Bummer)
Thanks for visiting and remember . . . take heart He has overcome the world!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Handle With Prayer -A Book Review
Sorry no photo's on this post. Please enjoy the review and check this book out.
HANDLE WITH PRAYER Unwrap the Source of God's Strength for Living by CHARLES STANLEY
As explained on the jacket this is an updated and re-released book . . .
You can open the gift of prayer that God has given you.
In this best-selling classic, Dr. Charles Stanley urges you to experience anew your lifeline to God--prayer.
You can go even deeper with this life-changing material in your large or small group.
Get the most out of your group's study time by using the discussion tools in the Leader's Guide that is now included.
Each of the thirteen sessions include:
Session Goals--know the focus of each session, and learn how prayer is tied to each message.
Preparation--specific and helpful tips to organize your group's study time.
Discussion--key talking points to help guide your group's discussion.
Activities-- readings, skits, prayers, and individual reflection questions to keep your group thinking about the
power of prayer between sessions.
Some of the chapter topics include:
Praying with authority, Answered prayer, Praying and Fasting, Praying for Others plus many more.
For me this was a delightful book. I was encouraged in my own prayer life. And, I think it would be an excellent book for a group. I am planning on using it for a group study. I personally would love to get some of my blogging friends together and study this one. (when my inter-net is working)
It took a little digging on my part but I did find it at Barnes and Noble if your interested in picking up a copy.
It is available at Amazon (click here and Christian Book(dot)com too click here
Here's the info. from the David C. Cook site: (click here to purchase)
Book - Hardcover with jacket
ISBN: 0781404460
ISBN-13: 9780781404464 Item #: 107004 ea: $16.99
Handle With Prayer is a definitive guide to the power and practice of prayer. This modern-day classic is a must-read for anyone craving a rich, intimate prayer life that produces results.
God longs to communicate with His children. He desires to move in our lives, help us through difficulties, and unveil the unseen. Yet few of us would claim to have a satisfying prayer life. So why is it that so many Christians struggle to open God's precious gift of prayer?
This revised and refreshed edition features new artwork, an enhanced study guide, and updated content to connect with today's readers.
With over 250,000 copies sold, Handle With Prayer continues to inspire believers of all backgrounds to revive their time of prayer with God.
Thanks to B and B media for offering this book for review as part of their blogger review program.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from B and B Media as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
HANDLE WITH PRAYER Unwrap the Source of God's Strength for Living by CHARLES STANLEY
As explained on the jacket this is an updated and re-released book . . .
You can open the gift of prayer that God has given you.
In this best-selling classic, Dr. Charles Stanley urges you to experience anew your lifeline to God--prayer.
You can go even deeper with this life-changing material in your large or small group.
Get the most out of your group's study time by using the discussion tools in the Leader's Guide that is now included.
Each of the thirteen sessions include:
Session Goals--know the focus of each session, and learn how prayer is tied to each message.
Preparation--specific and helpful tips to organize your group's study time.
Discussion--key talking points to help guide your group's discussion.
Activities-- readings, skits, prayers, and individual reflection questions to keep your group thinking about the
power of prayer between sessions.
Some of the chapter topics include:
Praying with authority, Answered prayer, Praying and Fasting, Praying for Others plus many more.
For me this was a delightful book. I was encouraged in my own prayer life. And, I think it would be an excellent book for a group. I am planning on using it for a group study. I personally would love to get some of my blogging friends together and study this one. (when my inter-net is working)
It took a little digging on my part but I did find it at Barnes and Noble if your interested in picking up a copy.
It is available at Amazon (click here and Christian Book(dot)com too click here
Here's the info. from the David C. Cook site: (click here to purchase)
Book - Hardcover with jacket
ISBN: 0781404460
ISBN-13: 9780781404464 Item #: 107004 ea: $16.99
Handle With Prayer is a definitive guide to the power and practice of prayer. This modern-day classic is a must-read for anyone craving a rich, intimate prayer life that produces results.
God longs to communicate with His children. He desires to move in our lives, help us through difficulties, and unveil the unseen. Yet few of us would claim to have a satisfying prayer life. So why is it that so many Christians struggle to open God's precious gift of prayer?
This revised and refreshed edition features new artwork, an enhanced study guide, and updated content to connect with today's readers.
With over 250,000 copies sold, Handle With Prayer continues to inspire believers of all backgrounds to revive their time of prayer with God.
Thanks to B and B media for offering this book for review as part of their blogger review program.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from B and B Media as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
The Titus Mandate by Ted Bigelow
I have to begin this review with an apology for not being able to add a photo. I am borrowing a computer and it won't let me upload. I will add a photo as soon as I can. Enjoy the review.
The back cover boasts ...
It reads like a spy novel...only it's biblical...
Thousands of real churches-perhaps yours-have been infiltrated by dangerous men. The only escape is the Titus Mandate, the apostle Paul's rescue plan for your church spiritual safety, blessing and unity.
If today's Christians are to be rescued from this danger, we have to understand what happened on the ancient Mediterranean island of Crete. There Paul directed his prot'ege Titus to go toe-to-toe with the wolves, carrying out God's very public mission that protects Christians and churches from spiritual dangers.
Through the Titus Mandate, you'll be equipped to spot the wolves and protect yourself and those you love from Satan's most prolific form of spiritual danger.
I was excited to read this book. I thought it would be interesting and answer some questions I have.
For me it was enlightening. It was interesting. But it was also a little hard to read. Mainly because for me it was a little 'deep'. I don't mean that as a negative thing. It isn't a book you can just sit down and leisurely read. It requires focusing and thought. Which is a good thing considering the topic.
I can see how it would be a great resource and tool for church leaders. And for lay people that interested in getting deeper and understanding how the Bible says the church should be "run".
I found a Q&A supplied by the publicist (click here). And the following is part of the Q&A . . .
Q&A with Ted Bigelow, author of The Titus Mandate
Q: Your book discusses how so many have been hurt by the church today. Have you had any personal experiences that affected your knowledge of this?
Indeed! One time especially. Now I can say, many years later, that I am thankful to the Lord for this, but at the time I was hurt, confused, and there was no one to go to for counsel.
I had been so scared to bring up the issue I had with a pastor in our church that I had waited a year to speak to him. When I did, my own pastor hung up on me, and I was devastated! There were other men who were leaders in that church, so I went to one of them and asked for his help, but he told me that this problem shouldn’t get in the way of the pastor’s successful ministry. I didn’t share the issue with anybody else but, when I tried to talk to the pastor again privately, he and the other leaders literally kicked me and my wife out of church. That really hurt us, and it took several years of being under godly leaders before my heart sort of thawed and began to see perhaps why the Lord allowed us to go through that. The pastor left ministry soon after and, sadly, many aspects of his life fell apart.
Q: Who is qualified to be a shepherd in the church? Where are these qualifications found in Scripture?
Before any man can serve the Lord in church leadership, he must meet a list of 26 requirements in his life. When a man meets all these requirements, he is to be recognized by the sheep as a truly qualified shepherd. The list is found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. It is stringent and weeds out a lot of men who might like to be church leaders. But this list also motivates men to become more like Christ, the True Shepherd of the flock. It provides a God-given target for men to aim their lives and ministry. Furthermore, this list is the same for every church in every culture, because every man who grows in Christ-likeness looks more and more like the qualities of this list.
Q: How does a great church begin to lose the Gospel?
A great church loses the Gospel by violating God’s word on safety and protection. You see, when a great church makes its decisions using the world’s methods, the sheep treat each other in a worldly way. Instead of preferring each other as more important than one’s self, church decisions are made selfishly, instead of in the manner of preference (Philippians 2:3-4).
Furthermore, a great church marks its own obsolescence when it makes leadership positions a matter of popular vote and not biblical qualification. Leaders are relegated to consultancy not shepherding, while their policies are up for public review and possible censure. The kind of men who succeed well at popularity are never those who confront sin and error, and yet this is exactly what God requires from a leader.
The Titus Mandate relieves the stress of complying with the world’s methods and enables both sheep and shepherds to put into motion all the competency and power God’s Word grants them.
And here's the introduction:
The church is supposed to be the safest place on earth for Christians, so why is it often a place of deep dissatisfaction? Many Christians suffer from difficult church situations and are unsure how to live and worship with such stress, let alone grow in the midst of it. Much of this pain comes from being under poor church leadership. According to Ted Bigelow, if your church doesn’t follow God’s mandate for leadership as set out in the book of Titus, it is almost certainly headed for disaster.
I included the above because I agree with this thought process. I have experienced and witnessed much confusion, worry and stress over worship. There have been times when I found church ( a particular church) to be a place of dissatisfaction. And, getting the opportunity to read this book to give me some much needed advise and wisdom was a Blessing to me.
This book is available at Amazon (click for a direct link).
Here's a link to the authors website (click here)
This book was provided for review by B and B media. I was not asked to provide a positive review.
But as a caution to I also think we need to be careful not to allow ourselves to be dissatisfied with where we worship. One topic we discuss regularly in our Sunday Services (for info. click here.) is the topic of whether worship is for 'me' or God. Do we worship because we are being selfish and looking for something to please ourselves? Are we looking at worship as another way to grow closer to God? Are we worshipping to check of f a box? Or are we worshipping to Praise God?
The back cover boasts ...
It reads like a spy novel...only it's biblical...
Thousands of real churches-perhaps yours-have been infiltrated by dangerous men. The only escape is the Titus Mandate, the apostle Paul's rescue plan for your church spiritual safety, blessing and unity.
If today's Christians are to be rescued from this danger, we have to understand what happened on the ancient Mediterranean island of Crete. There Paul directed his prot'ege Titus to go toe-to-toe with the wolves, carrying out God's very public mission that protects Christians and churches from spiritual dangers.
Through the Titus Mandate, you'll be equipped to spot the wolves and protect yourself and those you love from Satan's most prolific form of spiritual danger.
I was excited to read this book. I thought it would be interesting and answer some questions I have.
For me it was enlightening. It was interesting. But it was also a little hard to read. Mainly because for me it was a little 'deep'. I don't mean that as a negative thing. It isn't a book you can just sit down and leisurely read. It requires focusing and thought. Which is a good thing considering the topic.
I can see how it would be a great resource and tool for church leaders. And for lay people that interested in getting deeper and understanding how the Bible says the church should be "run".
I found a Q&A supplied by the publicist (click here). And the following is part of the Q&A . . .
Q&A with Ted Bigelow, author of The Titus Mandate
Q: Your book discusses how so many have been hurt by the church today. Have you had any personal experiences that affected your knowledge of this?
Indeed! One time especially. Now I can say, many years later, that I am thankful to the Lord for this, but at the time I was hurt, confused, and there was no one to go to for counsel.
I had been so scared to bring up the issue I had with a pastor in our church that I had waited a year to speak to him. When I did, my own pastor hung up on me, and I was devastated! There were other men who were leaders in that church, so I went to one of them and asked for his help, but he told me that this problem shouldn’t get in the way of the pastor’s successful ministry. I didn’t share the issue with anybody else but, when I tried to talk to the pastor again privately, he and the other leaders literally kicked me and my wife out of church. That really hurt us, and it took several years of being under godly leaders before my heart sort of thawed and began to see perhaps why the Lord allowed us to go through that. The pastor left ministry soon after and, sadly, many aspects of his life fell apart.
Q: Who is qualified to be a shepherd in the church? Where are these qualifications found in Scripture?
Before any man can serve the Lord in church leadership, he must meet a list of 26 requirements in his life. When a man meets all these requirements, he is to be recognized by the sheep as a truly qualified shepherd. The list is found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. It is stringent and weeds out a lot of men who might like to be church leaders. But this list also motivates men to become more like Christ, the True Shepherd of the flock. It provides a God-given target for men to aim their lives and ministry. Furthermore, this list is the same for every church in every culture, because every man who grows in Christ-likeness looks more and more like the qualities of this list.
Q: How does a great church begin to lose the Gospel?
A great church loses the Gospel by violating God’s word on safety and protection. You see, when a great church makes its decisions using the world’s methods, the sheep treat each other in a worldly way. Instead of preferring each other as more important than one’s self, church decisions are made selfishly, instead of in the manner of preference (Philippians 2:3-4).
Furthermore, a great church marks its own obsolescence when it makes leadership positions a matter of popular vote and not biblical qualification. Leaders are relegated to consultancy not shepherding, while their policies are up for public review and possible censure. The kind of men who succeed well at popularity are never those who confront sin and error, and yet this is exactly what God requires from a leader.
The Titus Mandate relieves the stress of complying with the world’s methods and enables both sheep and shepherds to put into motion all the competency and power God’s Word grants them.
And here's the introduction:
The church is supposed to be the safest place on earth for Christians, so why is it often a place of deep dissatisfaction? Many Christians suffer from difficult church situations and are unsure how to live and worship with such stress, let alone grow in the midst of it. Much of this pain comes from being under poor church leadership. According to Ted Bigelow, if your church doesn’t follow God’s mandate for leadership as set out in the book of Titus, it is almost certainly headed for disaster.
I included the above because I agree with this thought process. I have experienced and witnessed much confusion, worry and stress over worship. There have been times when I found church ( a particular church) to be a place of dissatisfaction. And, getting the opportunity to read this book to give me some much needed advise and wisdom was a Blessing to me.
This book is available at Amazon (click for a direct link).
Here's a link to the authors website (click here)
This book was provided for review by B and B media. I was not asked to provide a positive review.
But as a caution to I also think we need to be careful not to allow ourselves to be dissatisfied with where we worship. One topic we discuss regularly in our Sunday Services (for info. click here.) is the topic of whether worship is for 'me' or God. Do we worship because we are being selfish and looking for something to please ourselves? Are we looking at worship as another way to grow closer to God? Are we worshipping to check of f a box? Or are we worshipping to Praise God?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Prayer for a friend . . .
Me . . .
. . . I need your prayer. I am able only to get inter-net in little smidgens. And it won't upload photo's!
So would 'ya pray for me!
. . . I need your prayer. I am able only to get inter-net in little smidgens. And it won't upload photo's!
So would 'ya pray for me!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Happy Wednesday
Leaving you a photo that makes me smile. I don't know why but I just love this photo. Maybe one day I'll add a verse.
Praying you all Have a Blessed Day
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Happy Monday
Good morning...I hope your Monday has started off great. I just have a couple of minutes. It is actually 10:20 on Sunday night.
But I wanted to leave you something in case you happened in this morning.
Here's a dreamy photo I found. . .
But I wanted to leave you something in case you happened in this morning.
Here's a dreamy photo I found. . .
Love this porch. I'm sharing it this morning because I am dreaming of something similar on my new porch. Yes I have a porch! It is so cool. I cannot wait to share it with you.
Hopefully I'll get a chance to write a Mission 4 Monday post tomorrow. In case I don't I wanted to let you kow I am thinking about you.
All my sweet sisters Alicia, Becky, Denise, Jennifer, Sammie and M.J. to name a few. I miss you all. I am praying that I'll be able to get back to regular posting and visiting soon. Until then enjoy a peaceful, happy and cozy Monday!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Sunday Blessings
Wishing you a wonderful Sunday. I was hoping to leave you a couple of great photo's to make you smile.
I thought that my inter-net troubles were behind me. But it seems that isn't the case.
If you've been wondering where I've been... it has been (click) here. We have been at Hope Inn Christ
one week and 2 days. We are still having trouble with the inter-net. It seems to be working but I am not able to upload photo's now.
I did manage to get a couple of reviews done. I have a bunch more to get posted.
And, I need to tidy up the blog and find some spring photo's to replace all those hearts! I enjoyed putting together those heart photo's. I hope you enjoyed visiting.
Thanks dear ones for your prayers.
I am praying that things settle down and I can stay on-line long enough to post and that I can get some photo's uploaded.
Until next time. I pray you have a Blessed Sunday.
I thought that my inter-net troubles were behind me. But it seems that isn't the case.
If you've been wondering where I've been... it has been (click) here. We have been at Hope Inn Christ
one week and 2 days. We are still having trouble with the inter-net. It seems to be working but I am not able to upload photo's now.
I did manage to get a couple of reviews done. I have a bunch more to get posted.
And, I need to tidy up the blog and find some spring photo's to replace all those hearts! I enjoyed putting together those heart photo's. I hope you enjoyed visiting.
Thanks dear ones for your prayers.
I am praying that things settle down and I can stay on-line long enough to post and that I can get some photo's uploaded.
Until next time. I pray you have a Blessed Sunday.
Passport Through Darkness by Kimberly Smith-Book Review
The publicist totes this one as:
Life on the Edge One Woman's Extreme Journey to Find a Life That matters.
For this reader the book wasn't quite what I expected. I was expecting a story and bio of the authors (and her families)experiences when they discovered human traffiking alive and at work in a children's home in Portugal. But to my surprise the story was more about how their work in Portugal lead them to discover the modern-day slavery, persecution, disease, and genecide in Africa and the Sudan.
Theirs is a story of hard work, lots of faith, struggles, exhaustion, strength, compassion and what it is like to feel God's presence and know his will for your life.
For me the story was encouraging. Even though the setting is different than the setting of the ministry that I work with I could understand their struggles.
The reader is encouraged and probably led to feel a little guilty when you see how they step out in faith as evidenced by the back cover discription . . .
Kiberly Smith was an average American churchgoer, wife, and mother- until she dared to ask God His dreams for her life. Traveling around the world and deep into the darkness of her own heart, Kimberly's worst fears collided with her faith as she and her family discovered the atrocities of human traffiking. But it was that broken place that a self-centered life was transformed into an international effort to save thousands ...
The book is written almost like a diary as Kimberly shares her experiences in building an orphange in The Sudan. But she shares more than just a daily accounting of her experiences she shares her faith. She also shares how God opened her eyes and how she discovered her purpose.
Here's the youtube trailer for more info:
Click here to visit the authors website and you can follow the links there to go to the following sites to purchase. . .
Amazon, Books a Million, Barnes and Noble, Family Christian,
Parable, Lifeway and your Local Christian Bookstore.
For this reader I enjoyed the story. However I have to leave one caution for the reader. The beginning chapters that describe the time the author spent in Portugal are very graphic. These chapters are not written for younger readers.
For more info. about the authors work visit the ministry website.
Click here.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from B and B Media as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
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