Friday, December 30, 2011
Bible 2012 part Two
First . . . Thank you to all of you who have already commented or emailed about my challenge. Your sweet comments and emails honesty Blessed me.
So with that said it brings me to a couple more comments and confessions. Mine; about the subject of reading the Bible through in 2012.
As I said yesterday I have made the attempt many times. But as I think about it now I realize a couple of reasons why I failed so miserably.
Here's a couple of reasons I tried before . . .
And how many of us me included tried for this reason. And, failed miserably.
#2. It's good for 'me'. It'll help 'me' get closer to God.
'Me' yep. What a good reason for 'me'. To help 'me'
Yes just like beause someone else suggested it. Doing it for 'me' is actually a very good and valuable reason but let's face it if it worked for 'ME' I probably wouldn't be writing this post.
And so this year I want to do it Just Because. Yep no other reason. Not because someone told me to. Not because I want to check of a box in a quarterly. Not because I want to learn more about the Bible. And all the other 'good' reasons.
Just Because . . . God said to. Yep. That's right.
Obediance. For me I think that the big key at least for me right now is obediance. I want to please my father.
But, your thinking in away all those other reasons are being obediant. And actually they are. And I think you'll agree that it's our mind set that will spur us on and keep us going. We have to determine to do this. For all those reasons and many more. And Just Because.
But,we are human and we fail. And so that is why we need each other. We need each other for . . .
I need your help. I need you sweet sister to pray me through this challenge. And, I want to lift you up and pray for you and with you daily as we go through this Journey together.
I want to begin today praying for you. Some of you I don't even know yet. But I know that there are sweet sisters out there feeling a longing to Obediently following the Father. And are ready to jump in and join me and take this challenge.
And there are some sweet friends that I am praying will decide to join. In fact I'll be emailing and commenting on your posts and walls ane inviting you!
Those of you that have already joined me I began praying for you as soon as I received your email.
And, I am praying for your weekend. I pray that you have a peaceful and stressless next few days. I pray that you and your family are safe throughout this weekend.
And I look forward to starting fresh on Monday and begin our Journey through the . . .
Thanks again for joining me. It is my plan to actually begin reading together with you on Monday.
Tomorrow I hope to write another post to encourage you and others to join us. If you haven't already please sign up to receive my posts via email. And, when you do either email me or write a comment on any post and let me know your joining us! See you tomorrow!
So with that said it brings me to a couple more comments and confessions. Mine; about the subject of reading the Bible through in 2012.
As I said yesterday I have made the attempt many times. But as I think about it now I realize a couple of reasons why I failed so miserably.
Here's a couple of reasons I tried before . . .
- A legalistic attitude . . . sounds kind of strange dosen't it? But; as I thought about it. I realized that some of those times I was trying to be able to check of a mark in my Sunday School quarterly. (anyone remember those?)
And how many of us me included tried for this reason. And, failed miserably.
#2. It's good for 'me'. It'll help 'me' get closer to God.
'Me' yep. What a good reason for 'me'. To help 'me'
Yes just like beause someone else suggested it. Doing it for 'me' is actually a very good and valuable reason but let's face it if it worked for 'ME' I probably wouldn't be writing this post.
And so this year I want to do it Just Because. Yep no other reason. Not because someone told me to. Not because I want to check of a box in a quarterly. Not because I want to learn more about the Bible. And all the other 'good' reasons.
Just Because . . . God said to. Yep. That's right.
Obediance. For me I think that the big key at least for me right now is obediance. I want to please my father.
But, your thinking in away all those other reasons are being obediant. And actually they are. And I think you'll agree that it's our mind set that will spur us on and keep us going. We have to determine to do this. For all those reasons and many more. And Just Because.
But,we are human and we fail. And so that is why we need each other. We need each other for . . .
I need your help. I need you sweet sister to pray me through this challenge. And, I want to lift you up and pray for you and with you daily as we go through this Journey together.
I want to begin today praying for you. Some of you I don't even know yet. But I know that there are sweet sisters out there feeling a longing to Obediently following the Father. And are ready to jump in and join me and take this challenge.
And there are some sweet friends that I am praying will decide to join. In fact I'll be emailing and commenting on your posts and walls ane inviting you!
Those of you that have already joined me I began praying for you as soon as I received your email.
And, I am praying for your weekend. I pray that you have a peaceful and stressless next few days. I pray that you and your family are safe throughout this weekend.
And I look forward to starting fresh on Monday and begin our Journey through the . . .
Thanks again for joining me. It is my plan to actually begin reading together with you on Monday.
Tomorrow I hope to write another post to encourage you and others to join us. If you haven't already please sign up to receive my posts via email. And, when you do either email me or write a comment on any post and let me know your joining us! See you tomorrow!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Reading The Bible in 2012
Have you ever wanted to read the Bible through in a year and never quite made it?
Have you felt the desire to grow closer to God; but things get in the way?
Do you pray 'when you think about it'?
I am going to be real and honest and say . . . Yes. (Embarrasing as it is). . .
This year I am challenging myself to follow through and Grow Closer to God, Pray more like everyday, and . . .
Read the Bible through this year. Yes, yep, Uh hu, Si the whole thing!
And, because you are my dear sweet friend, my dear sweet sister I am asking you to join me in accepting this challenge.
I am not sure how this will work, I am thinking that . . .
No matter what version you want to read. Or what type of plan you want to use . . .
It doesn't matter. Whether your Bible is brand new. Or worn with age . . .
I am Praying that you will join me and Read The Bible in . . .
I would love to do this together. So, leave me a comment, send an email, message me on facebook or heck call me if you want and let's chat about how to do this together. We have a few days to work out the details. So let's pray together and lift each other up, challenge and encourage each other this year!
On my Journey through the Bible this year . . .
Have you felt the desire to grow closer to God; but things get in the way?
Do you pray 'when you think about it'?
I am going to be real and honest and say . . . Yes. (Embarrasing as it is). . .
This year I am challenging myself to follow through and Grow Closer to God, Pray more like everyday, and . . .
Read the Bible through this year. Yes, yep, Uh hu, Si the whole thing!
And, because you are my dear sweet friend, my dear sweet sister I am asking you to join me in accepting this challenge.
I am not sure how this will work, I am thinking that . . .
No matter what version you want to read. Or what type of plan you want to use . . .
It doesn't matter. Whether your Bible is brand new. Or worn with age . . .
I am Praying that you will join me and Read The Bible in . . .
I would love to do this together. So, leave me a comment, send an email, message me on facebook or heck call me if you want and let's chat about how to do this together. We have a few days to work out the details. So let's pray together and lift each other up, challenge and encourage each other this year!
On my Journey through the Bible this year . . .
Thankful Thursday Bye Bye 2011
Wow! Where do I begin? First let me get this out there . . . I am very, very Thankful that 2011 is coming to a close. Because this is a thankful post I won't dwell on all the reasons why. Onto the Thankfulness . . .
#1 I am thankful that I am writing this post today. I haven't had inter-net for most of the year and my posts have been few and far between. But I am still here. I miss you guys! I do read your posts on my phone. Which leads me to . . .
#2 I am thankful that I get the inter-net on my phone. And that I have been able to keep my phone on most of the year. I love our no contract service! If your looking at cutting down on expenses for the New Year check into a no-contract service. I get talk,text and inter-net unlimited $40.00 a month. I haven't found anything cheaper.
#3. Probably should be #1 but . . . I am thankful that God has been with us all this year. I am thankful for His provision and His timing. I am thankful for the lessons he is still teaching me. And I am thankful that he is patient even when I am slow in learning those lessons!
#4. And another big one that could be #1 in it's own right . . .
. . . I am thankful that my grandson had a Birthday party given by his little friends and their mommy's. He turned 3 one week before his momma finally made the decision to separate from her husband. Because of the seperation we had to cancel his party. So a couple of weeks later their friends gave him a party! It has been an extremely hard year (3 years for him. . . 5 for her) But, they are safe. They are happy and getting happier everyday. And, I pray that God continues to keep them safe while they go through the next phase. Court. It is dreaded but we will be singing Praises when it is over and they can move on. I cannot express to you how hard it is to see your daughter and grandchildren go through these kind of situations. I am Thankful God has been with her every step of the way.
And, I am thankful that 2012 is around just around the corner . . .
I look forward to 2012 and His promises and a New Journey!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wordfilled Wednesday Dec. 14
Welcome to Wordfilled Wednesday . . .
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come back and take you to be with me that you may be where I am. " John 14:1-3
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come back and take you to be with me that you may be where I am. " John 14:1-3

Last Saturday night I went with my daughter to church. The pastor made a comment about Christmas and Easter and how some people only go to church for these two events.
Then on Sunday Cowboy happened to use this photo in his powerpoint.
I got to thinking again about the people that only worship at Christmas and Easter. And, about what they are missing.
At our daughters church they were passing out invites for their Christmas services. I pray that many people will pass them out and that lots and lots of people will come. I know the services will be a Blessing! I pray that those that are there are touched.
It's my prayer today that someone might be touched by these words and remember that God is with you everyday. That no matter where you are. Or whatever circumstances you are in he is in control. If you believe in Him. Trust in Him. He will be with you. His word promises it!
That's reason for Praise.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside my window... At my daughters adopted families house. I spy a Paint horse, a Palomino horse, a pig named 'Sherman Rocket' (because he came from Sherman, Texas and runs around like a 'rocket') a trailer full of hay for the winter. And green grass.
I am thinking... I love visiting here. I
I am thankful... I know I sound like a broken record but I am so thankful God is taking care of my daughter. And that we are in her life again!
From the learning rooms...(if this applies) to machine quilt.
In the kitchen...At home I left a little brisket in the crockpot and 4 cooked hamburger patties for Cowboy who is a bachelor this week. If he doesn't remember to pick me up on Wednesday he'll have to start eating ramen noodles! Bet he remembers. Oh here we're having mac and cheese and fish sticks. (and I am going to raid the fridge and see if there is anything left from Thanksgiving! My daughter is working late that's why I am here.
I am wearing...warm clothes, sweat pants and a long sleeve t-shirt. It got cold here over night!
I am creating...My first ever t-shirt quilt. It is turning out really big and is a huge challenge. I hope I finish it tomorrow.
I am going... no where!
I am wondering... If I can get everything done while I am here that is on my list!
I am reading...nothing right now I just finished a couple of books from the Tiny Blessings series from Steeple Hill publishers. Writing a review when I get back home!
I am hoping...that we get the inter-net back on Friday. Tried Clear didn't work. Changing to Virgin ( I don't like that name) I hope we can get a good signal!
I am looking forward to...tree decorating tonight. (photo's tomorrow) and Friday night Christmas party at the children's home where my daughter works and where our horse lives.
I am hearing...silence at least for another few minutes. The baby (3 year old...I need to stop calling him that!) is asleep. He plays hard on Mondays at church.
Around the house... here home well the exact opposite.
I am pondering... my favorite Christmas memories
One of my favorite things...a sweet boy (I said boy. wow) walking into the room after a nap! He is adorable
A few plans for the rest of the week: finishing 'said' quilt, getting my Christmas decorations out of storage, Drama Team on Wednesday and party on Friday.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
He woke up and chose the photo.
Join Peggy for more daybook entries. Click here
Enjoying the Journey . . .
Thursday, November 24, 2011
I'm Dreamin of a _________________
Blue Christmas . . .
I was thinking of Christmas and a few thoughts came to mind . . .
I'll need a few new Blue ornaments . . .
And some Blue lights . . .
But alas none in the atic! Oh no. I really,really need Blue Lights . . .
so I'll have to hop in the car and go buy some . . .

But you know I really need a new tree. So while I'm buying new shiny Blue ornaments and lights. I'll just pick up a new tree.
Maybe one like this one . . . No. Too small. Just because I live in a bungalow who says I can't have a big tree.
Now that is more like it. But hmmm. Needs a little more . . .
Glitz. Or maybe not soooooooo much sparkle.
Or a little primitive. A little shiny. A little glittery.
Oh I just don't know . . . All this thinking and shopping and fighting the crowds is just making me sooooooo hungry!
So I'll stop for just a tiny little bite of something sweet. And order a Dr. Pepper and think about what to do.
And just think about all my ideas. And then I saw this darling little pink and purple tree. And another being decorated. What a smart kitty!
And then all the ideas got all jumbled up. And . . .
Oh I just give up. I'll just get some help with all this decorating!
We'll I am done with my decorating. I think I'll go over and see Sally at Blue Monday (click here) . And then I'll stop over and check out the Mosaic Monday (click here) posts for a little inspiration. Just got back from Mary's. Loved her post. She shared gift ideas for doggies!
I was thinking of Christmas and a few thoughts came to mind . . .
I'll need a few new Blue ornaments . . .
And some Blue lights . . .
But alas none in the atic! Oh no. I really,really need Blue Lights . . .
so I'll have to hop in the car and go buy some . . .

But you know I really need a new tree. So while I'm buying new shiny Blue ornaments and lights. I'll just pick up a new tree.
Maybe one like this one . . . No. Too small. Just because I live in a bungalow who says I can't have a big tree.
Now that is more like it. But hmmm. Needs a little more . . .
Glitz. Or maybe not soooooooo much sparkle.
Or a little primitive. A little shiny. A little glittery.
Oh I just don't know . . . All this thinking and shopping and fighting the crowds is just making me sooooooo hungry!
So I'll stop for just a tiny little bite of something sweet. And order a Dr. Pepper and think about what to do.
And just think about all my ideas. And then I saw this darling little pink and purple tree. And another being decorated. What a smart kitty!
And then all the ideas got all jumbled up. And . . .
Oh I just give up. I'll just get some help with all this decorating!
We'll I am done with my decorating. I think I'll go over and see Sally at Blue Monday (click here) . And then I'll stop over and check out the Mosaic Monday (click here) posts for a little inspiration. Just got back from Mary's. Loved her post. She shared gift ideas for doggies!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
WordFilled Wednesday
I was thinking of a verse to illustrate and these words came to mind.
Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with Praise. Psalm 100:4
The next thing that came to mind was a garden gate. I thought of stepping inside a quiet peaceful garden and feelings God's presence.
And,stepping into that garden whether virtual or real I feel His presence. I feel His peace. And I Praise Him. And I am Thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving . . .
Thanks for coming along on the Journey . . .
Did you see the question just above this post. Please check out my question of the week and leave a comment with your answer! Pretty please!
Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with Praise. Psalm 100:4
The next thing that came to mind was a garden gate. I thought of stepping inside a quiet peaceful garden and feelings God's presence.
And,stepping into that garden whether virtual or real I feel His presence. I feel His peace. And I Praise Him. And I am Thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving . . .
Thanks for coming along on the Journey . . .
Here's the linky go over and join or check out more beautiful illustrations. Click Here
Did you see the question just above this post. Please check out my question of the week and leave a comment with your answer! Pretty please!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Mosaic Monday(on Tuesday)Titus Tuesday . . Establish the work . . .
Welcome to Titus 2Days

I began this post yesterday to include the following mosaic but I wasn't able to load the above photo.
I wanted to repost only the above photo today and link to Titus Tuesday but our inter-net connection had other ideas. LOL
Today I wanted to tell a little about the pumpkin carving party that my daughter hosted a couple of weeks ago. And a little about where she is right now.
I have mentioned my Thankfulness many times on Thursday for various things concerning her. And I am very Thankful that God has heard our prayers. I am thankful he has brought her through a rough time and that she is on the way to being whole again.
For the past 6 years she has been in an emotionally abusive relationship. It was not physical only because the abuser knew how to control his anger and not actually ever hit her. (Walls were o.k. to hit . . . this I only found out about a couple of weeks ago) Last May after many, many prayers God gave her the strength to leave the marriage. She is now living with a Godly couple that are our age and have a huge house and lots of room for her and our grandson. This is a little hard for me especially because what mother wouldn't want their lost and hurting child with them? But I know God is in control and he has her right where she needs to be.
In August she celebrated a year of employment at a local Children's home where she teaches horse back riding. This is significant in her story for many reasons. One year ago she did not have a support network. And her husband was pushing her to take another corporate job. Her first step toward 'survival' she took the job at the Children's home.
At that time she had no one to turn to but her father and I. But, because of the brainwashing that comes with an abusive relationship we are the last person(s) that she will turn to. She was isolated from friends and other family members. But, she began to develope friendships with Godly women by teaching their children how to ride. These friendships developed. She developed a friendship with her supervisor also and when she finally left the marriage her supervisor went to the Director of the children's home and they took up a love offering for her. God supplied her needs. Another family had a car that they could sell to her.
The last few months have been difficult. The phone calls and emails from her husband are constant. The topics go from 'I miss you..." to " Your a bad person because..." It is a roller coaster of emotions.
But even though all this she is going on in her life she has begun to turn a corner and she is reaching out to others.
She is in church every week. And goes to a ladies Bible Study every Monday morning. Last Saturday her church had baby dedication. When she learned about it they said that the 'cut off' was 3 years old. Our grandson is 3 1/2. She was talking to the Children's director and started to cry and said "I wasn't allowed."
She told him a little about her situation and of course they said we could do the dedication.
So Saturday she walked up on stage and dedicated him to the Lord. Praise God she was 'allowed'!
Or you might have loved ones that are in situations that keep them away from you. A child in the military or living in another state.
Do you have a child in an abusive relationship?
I don't have any answers.
Because there have been many days that I have had to just 'give up' in a way and just turn it over to God and force myself not think and worry about them.
But I do know that God wants us to love each other. I do know that stepping out of our comfort zone and doing something kind for someone else is what God wants us to do.
It might be something as simple as hosting a Pumpkin Carving party. Since it is a little late for that now . . . How about a coffee or tea for a friend, or maybe a cookie exchange. Or maybe you could just invite a mom over and have a play date with the kids.
Maybe you have older kids and you know a couple with kids that left for college this year. Or away and won't be home for the holidays. Or a senior adult who will be alone for the holidays.
If you think about it the ideas and endless! I hope that this holiday season you have a wonderfully Blessed time. I hope and pray that your family will be together. And I hope and pray that you can be a Blessing to someone else.
Father God thank you for our families. Thank you for the holidays and the time we will share with our loved ones. Father I ask you to give us the opportunity to share our faith with someone else just by gently loving them or by doing an act of kindness.
linking with Mosaic Monday (click Here) and Titues Tuesday (click Here)
Establishing The Work Of Our Hands Along The Journey,

I began this post yesterday to include the following mosaic but I wasn't able to load the above photo.
I wanted to repost only the above photo today and link to Titus Tuesday but our inter-net connection had other ideas. LOL
Today I wanted to tell a little about the pumpkin carving party that my daughter hosted a couple of weeks ago. And a little about where she is right now.
I have mentioned my Thankfulness many times on Thursday for various things concerning her. And I am very Thankful that God has heard our prayers. I am thankful he has brought her through a rough time and that she is on the way to being whole again.
For the past 6 years she has been in an emotionally abusive relationship. It was not physical only because the abuser knew how to control his anger and not actually ever hit her. (Walls were o.k. to hit . . . this I only found out about a couple of weeks ago) Last May after many, many prayers God gave her the strength to leave the marriage. She is now living with a Godly couple that are our age and have a huge house and lots of room for her and our grandson. This is a little hard for me especially because what mother wouldn't want their lost and hurting child with them? But I know God is in control and he has her right where she needs to be.
In August she celebrated a year of employment at a local Children's home where she teaches horse back riding. This is significant in her story for many reasons. One year ago she did not have a support network. And her husband was pushing her to take another corporate job. Her first step toward 'survival' she took the job at the Children's home.
At that time she had no one to turn to but her father and I. But, because of the brainwashing that comes with an abusive relationship we are the last person(s) that she will turn to. She was isolated from friends and other family members. But, she began to develope friendships with Godly women by teaching their children how to ride. These friendships developed. She developed a friendship with her supervisor also and when she finally left the marriage her supervisor went to the Director of the children's home and they took up a love offering for her. God supplied her needs. Another family had a car that they could sell to her.
The last few months have been difficult. The phone calls and emails from her husband are constant. The topics go from 'I miss you..." to " Your a bad person because..." It is a roller coaster of emotions.
But even though all this she is going on in her life she has begun to turn a corner and she is reaching out to others.
She is in church every week. And goes to a ladies Bible Study every Monday morning. Last Saturday her church had baby dedication. When she learned about it they said that the 'cut off' was 3 years old. Our grandson is 3 1/2. She was talking to the Children's director and started to cry and said "I wasn't allowed."
She told him a little about her situation and of course they said we could do the dedication.
So Saturday she walked up on stage and dedicated him to the Lord. Praise God she was 'allowed'!
And, she is serving others. A few weeks ago she hosted the Pumpkin carving party. She invited a couple of preschooler friends and some teenagers that she is acquainted with at the children's home. The three teenagers were at the dedication. Two are teenage boys living at the home. They have been there 8 years. They are great 'jungle gyms' for our grandson. They throw him around like he is a football and run and chase him. They play super hero's and football and soccer together. They ride horses together. They go bowling and ice skating.
As our daughter opens her heart to others. As she serves God by giving these kids a little fun she is Blessed. And she grows. And God restores her and ever so slowly she is becoming whole.
I shared this post for a couple of reasons. During this holiday season you might have a family that is whole and intact. You might be planning a Thanksgiving dinner with all your loved ones. You might be out shopping and making plans for Christmas. You might be decorating your tree or trees!
Or you might have loved ones that are in situations that keep them away from you. A child in the military or living in another state.
Do you have a child in an abusive relationship?
I don't have any answers.
Because there have been many days that I have had to just 'give up' in a way and just turn it over to God and force myself not think and worry about them.
But I do know that God wants us to love each other. I do know that stepping out of our comfort zone and doing something kind for someone else is what God wants us to do.
It might be something as simple as hosting a Pumpkin Carving party. Since it is a little late for that now . . . How about a coffee or tea for a friend, or maybe a cookie exchange. Or maybe you could just invite a mom over and have a play date with the kids.
Maybe you have older kids and you know a couple with kids that left for college this year. Or away and won't be home for the holidays. Or a senior adult who will be alone for the holidays.
If you think about it the ideas and endless! I hope that this holiday season you have a wonderfully Blessed time. I hope and pray that your family will be together. And I hope and pray that you can be a Blessing to someone else.
Father God thank you for our families. Thank you for the holidays and the time we will share with our loved ones. Father I ask you to give us the opportunity to share our faith with someone else just by gently loving them or by doing an act of kindness.
linking with Mosaic Monday (click Here) and Titues Tuesday (click Here)
Establishing The Work Of Our Hands Along The Journey,
A Simple Day on the Journey
Outside my window... A nice fall day a little brisk, I love sweater weather . . . the cat
sitting at the door ready to come in for a nap
I am thinking... I am happy to be writing a post today
I am thankful... I/we are spending Thanksgiving with our daughter and she gets to cook and have us over
From the learning rooms... me...God gives me what I need. . .
I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord apart from you I have no good thing." Psalm 16:2.
In the kitchen...Chicken and Rice for tonight. An old family favorite from our favorite Mexican resturant
I am wearing...Blue sweat pants or pink ministry t-shirt and heart socks (they were on top of the stack) and no shoes at the moment my feet are up.
I am creating... An atmosphere of Love in our home (trying)
I am going... to the library tonight or tomorrow I need another book!
I am wondering...What our next step will be
I am reading...will be reading the 1st or 3rd in Di Mills Serve and Protect Series as soon as I get to the library. Just finished 2 and looking forward to another
I am hoping... God will reveal his plan for the ministry soon
I am looking forward to... Christmas
I am hearing... an airplane flying over and then silence. I forgot to turn the radio back on after lunch
Around the house...too much we are outgrowing our little bungalow, need to rotate things and put stuff back in storage to make room for Christmas!
I am pondering...what I will be writing about tomorrow
One of my favorite things...Dr. Pepper I need one
A few plans for the rest of the week: Wednesday deliver Thanksgiving meals with the boys from the Ranch, Thanksgiving day with our daughter, and Thanksgiving Praise and Worship at the Ranch
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
A little teaser for my post tomorrow. A photo tour of our towns Main Street hosted by my Cowboy
Enjoying the Simple Journey today . . .
For more daybook posts join Peggy at A Simple Woman. Click Here.
Why I am Not Blue
Yep I am not Blue today. But I am joining Sally for Blue Monday. Here is why I am Not Blue in photo's...
Because God promises to always give us everything we need.
Sometimes it may not be in our timing but he provides.
This weekend I got inter-net. Yea!
I am thankful that God hears our requests and our cries and answers our prayers!
I am Thankful that God gives me a place to live and I just happen to have this view. (at the end of the road). I have always wanted to live by the water. God answers our prayers.
I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord apart from you I have no good thing." Psalm 16:2.
God answered our prayers and brought us to a small town to live. A shot of our Main Street. With Blue sky and a blue awning on one of my favorite places. Come tomorrow for a tour of Main Street. Tour guide my very own Cowboy. You won't want to miss it!
And one more pretty blue photo . . . A tease so what do you think my topic next Monday is?
On My Not Blue Journey . . .
Because God promises to always give us everything we need.
Sometimes it may not be in our timing but he provides.
This weekend I got inter-net. Yea!
I am thankful that God hears our requests and our cries and answers our prayers!
I am Thankful that God gives me a place to live and I just happen to have this view. (at the end of the road). I have always wanted to live by the water. God answers our prayers.
I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord apart from you I have no good thing." Psalm 16:2.
God answered our prayers and brought us to a small town to live. A shot of our Main Street. With Blue sky and a blue awning on one of my favorite places. Come tomorrow for a tour of Main Street. Tour guide my very own Cowboy. You won't want to miss it!
And one more pretty blue photo . . . A tease so what do you think my topic next Monday is?
On My Not Blue Journey . . .
And don't forget to visit Sally for Blue Monday! Click Here

Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thankful Thursday
Thanks for stopping in today! I am so Thankful for your visit! I need to add you to my Thankful list!
First off I am Thankful that I live in Texas. I love it! I have lived other places for a short while but my heart belongs in Texas. Probably because of these . . .
I am Thankful that even though we live in a growing suburban area that I can see these. Maybe not this many at a time but there are still a few ranches around. And sometimes when we're driving we get to see a few horses. Well actually every time we go to our boys facility (where we are Chaplains) we see a nice little string of horses. There is a riding stable just down the road.
Today I am also thank that . . .
I don't have to type on this nostalgic piece of equipment. Although fun to look at; I am sooooooooo thankful for my computer! I love it especially because through it I get to communicate with you.
I am also thankful for eye candy like this. That because of the internet we can surf around and see lovely little photo's like this. This one compliments of Martha Stewart. I would love to have a little area in a yard to set up like this!
And I am thankful that we will spend Thanksgiving with our daughter. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving.
So do you have a Thankful list today!
Thankfully on the Journey today . . .
First off I am Thankful that I live in Texas. I love it! I have lived other places for a short while but my heart belongs in Texas. Probably because of these . . .
I am Thankful that even though we live in a growing suburban area that I can see these. Maybe not this many at a time but there are still a few ranches around. And sometimes when we're driving we get to see a few horses. Well actually every time we go to our boys facility (where we are Chaplains) we see a nice little string of horses. There is a riding stable just down the road.
Today I am also thank that . . .
I don't have to type on this nostalgic piece of equipment. Although fun to look at; I am sooooooooo thankful for my computer! I love it especially because through it I get to communicate with you.
I am also thankful for eye candy like this. That because of the internet we can surf around and see lovely little photo's like this. This one compliments of Martha Stewart. I would love to have a little area in a yard to set up like this!
And I am thankful that we will spend Thanksgiving with our daughter. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving.
So do you have a Thankful list today!
Thankfully on the Journey today . . .
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Jelly Roll Quilts Book Review
I just finished reading/looking at this book. It was great and I loved it so much I wanted to share it.
I checked it out at my local library.
The thing I like the best about the book is the directions and resources. Well I did love the patterns and the photo's but that is a given. You might have seen this book in catalogues and passed on it thinking you couldn't buy it or use it because your stash busting. Well this great book gives you the yardage needed even if your not using jelly rolls. In most cases you can simply cut X number of strips to make these awesome quilts. They even tell you how many fat quarters you can use!
Each set of instructions begins with Vital Statistics and a What you need box. Here's an example from
Bars of Gold on page 10. Their version made with Kaffe Fassett fabric. Ohhh La La!
Vital statistics
Quilt size 69x66in.
Block size: 8x10in.
Number of blocks: 40
plus 3 in wide sashing and border strips
What you need
But I did find a consumer quilt posted on Amazon and a couple of images from the book. Here's the consumers quilt.
This one is Sparkling Gemstones from the book. Click here for the Amazon link.
And here's a couple of pages found on Amazon.

This is the page that shows the Vital statistics and What you need box and a description. I loved this one called Pandora's box The book quilt used Japanese taupes I loved the greys, blacks,browns and taupes reminded me of stones. It is on my list to do. Oh I see a Pinterest page (is that what you call it?) coming on.

And then who doesn't just love a Log Cabin. The instructions are simple and clear and I love how they tell you exactly how much fabric you will need including how many fat quarters to equal the amount of strips. I am a fat quarter girl!
I love the Jelly Rolls but I am working on a use up that Stash budget. Hopefully once my Christmas sewing is done I'll be making something from this book.
Have you looked for quilt books at your library?
I checked it out at my local library.
The thing I like the best about the book is the directions and resources. Well I did love the patterns and the photo's but that is a given. You might have seen this book in catalogues and passed on it thinking you couldn't buy it or use it because your stash busting. Well this great book gives you the yardage needed even if your not using jelly rolls. In most cases you can simply cut X number of strips to make these awesome quilts. They even tell you how many fat quarters you can use!
Each set of instructions begins with Vital Statistics and a What you need box. Here's an example from
Bars of Gold on page 10. Their version made with Kaffe Fassett fabric. Ohhh La La!
Vital statistics
Quilt size 69x66in.
Block size: 8x10in.
Number of blocks: 40
plus 3 in wide sashing and border strips
What you need
- One jelly roll or 40 2 1/2in strips cut the width of the fabric.
- 1.8m (71 in) of sashing and border fabric.
- 60cm (23 1/2" in) of fabric for binding.
But I did find a consumer quilt posted on Amazon and a couple of images from the book. Here's the consumers quilt.
This one is Sparkling Gemstones from the book. Click here for the Amazon link.
And here's a couple of pages found on Amazon.

This is the page that shows the Vital statistics and What you need box and a description. I loved this one called Pandora's box The book quilt used Japanese taupes I loved the greys, blacks,browns and taupes reminded me of stones. It is on my list to do. Oh I see a Pinterest page (is that what you call it?) coming on.

And then who doesn't just love a Log Cabin. The instructions are simple and clear and I love how they tell you exactly how much fabric you will need including how many fat quarters to equal the amount of strips. I am a fat quarter girl!
I love the Jelly Rolls but I am working on a use up that Stash budget. Hopefully once my Christmas sewing is done I'll be making something from this book.
Have you looked for quilt books at your library?
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I was asked . . . so here it is . . .
I had a dear sweet friend ask me how she could pray for me. And, I realized that I have been really needing prayer but I just haven't asked.
I have been really, really struggling in a couple of areas. There have been days that I have not even been able to put into words what I need again. And so I have cried and I have prayed that the Holy Spirit would know my heart, my fears and my need.
#1 Please pray for our daughter. Long story short she has been in a emotionally abusive relationship for 5 years (married). She is now safely living with some friends of our family and she has filed for divorce.
But she has it in her head that they can 'agree' on visitation without going to court.
Even after her attorney has recommended not to allow visits till the court tells her she has to. She is meeting her husband at the park alone when no one is available. And, this Friday she is allowing the 3 year old to spend the night at his dad's. It took 3 years for her to leave. I am so afraid that he will weasel his way back in. I am so afraid that he will threaten her and she will go back. I am scared.
There were many days that all I could do was pray that God's will be done and just allow him to be in control.
#2 My other prayer request is ridiculous and so minor compared to my daughter and grandsons safety that I hate to bring it up but it really, really is hard for me. We struggle financially.
It's funny when I write this I have to smile because I think of the prayers that God has answered and then I am even feeling more stupid to even voice this. I prayed about a year ago that God would provide. I prayed for a place to live. I told Cowboy and I prayed that God would provide enough so we could pay rent and utlities. So I/we wouldn't have to worry about either one. God answered my prayer. Cowboy has a job and rent and utilities are paid every month. Sometimes with extensions but we haven't had the lights turned off! (In 2010 we were homeless for 2 months)
Here's the part I think is kind of funny. And the part I struggle with.
. . .
I didn't ask him to provide for anything more. I didn't ask for money for food. Money for gas. Money to feed the dog and cat. Money for the vet. Money for extras like the internet.
A few weeks ago a neighbor knocked on the door and asked to borrow 2 eggs. I had one egg. I gave it to him closed the door.
I knew when I gave him that egg it would be exactly 11 days till we could buy food again.
Don't get me wrong. We have food. We have learned how much money we have and we have learned to shop as wisely as possible.
We have learned that lots of things are alot cheaper at Dollar General or Dollar Tree. I have never been one to feed the dog table scraps but now she gets green beans and chicken to stretch the dog food. And, long grain rice is cheap and stretches it too. And, I have learned to make perfect rice. (I used to buy minute rice because that is what my mother did.)
But here is my struggle cheap is not healthy. Cheap is potatoes and bread to fill you up. I cannot tell you the last time we bought fresh produce or fruit.
I struggle. I have learned to be satisfied with a lot and I have learned to be satisfied with little.
But, I miss my blog. I miss the internet. Right now I am at the library. I miss getting up in the middle of the night and writing. I miss my friends. I can read your posts on my phone. I have learned to write posts ahead and then publish from my phone. But I haven't figured out how to link or even if you can from the phone. So, I miss Wordfilled Wednesday, Blue Monday, Thankful Thursday,Then Sings My Soul Saturday, Scripture on Sunday.
And, because I don't post regularly lots of my followers have quite coming around. I don't blame you.
I miss you.
I need your prayer.
I have been really, really struggling in a couple of areas. There have been days that I have not even been able to put into words what I need again. And so I have cried and I have prayed that the Holy Spirit would know my heart, my fears and my need.
#1 Please pray for our daughter. Long story short she has been in a emotionally abusive relationship for 5 years (married). She is now safely living with some friends of our family and she has filed for divorce.
But she has it in her head that they can 'agree' on visitation without going to court.
Even after her attorney has recommended not to allow visits till the court tells her she has to. She is meeting her husband at the park alone when no one is available. And, this Friday she is allowing the 3 year old to spend the night at his dad's. It took 3 years for her to leave. I am so afraid that he will weasel his way back in. I am so afraid that he will threaten her and she will go back. I am scared.
There were many days that all I could do was pray that God's will be done and just allow him to be in control.
#2 My other prayer request is ridiculous and so minor compared to my daughter and grandsons safety that I hate to bring it up but it really, really is hard for me. We struggle financially.
It's funny when I write this I have to smile because I think of the prayers that God has answered and then I am even feeling more stupid to even voice this. I prayed about a year ago that God would provide. I prayed for a place to live. I told Cowboy and I prayed that God would provide enough so we could pay rent and utlities. So I/we wouldn't have to worry about either one. God answered my prayer. Cowboy has a job and rent and utilities are paid every month. Sometimes with extensions but we haven't had the lights turned off! (In 2010 we were homeless for 2 months)
Here's the part I think is kind of funny. And the part I struggle with.
. . .
I didn't ask him to provide for anything more. I didn't ask for money for food. Money for gas. Money to feed the dog and cat. Money for the vet. Money for extras like the internet.
A few weeks ago a neighbor knocked on the door and asked to borrow 2 eggs. I had one egg. I gave it to him closed the door.
I knew when I gave him that egg it would be exactly 11 days till we could buy food again.
Don't get me wrong. We have food. We have learned how much money we have and we have learned to shop as wisely as possible.
We have learned that lots of things are alot cheaper at Dollar General or Dollar Tree. I have never been one to feed the dog table scraps but now she gets green beans and chicken to stretch the dog food. And, long grain rice is cheap and stretches it too. And, I have learned to make perfect rice. (I used to buy minute rice because that is what my mother did.)
But here is my struggle cheap is not healthy. Cheap is potatoes and bread to fill you up. I cannot tell you the last time we bought fresh produce or fruit.
I struggle. I have learned to be satisfied with a lot and I have learned to be satisfied with little.
But, I miss my blog. I miss the internet. Right now I am at the library. I miss getting up in the middle of the night and writing. I miss my friends. I can read your posts on my phone. I have learned to write posts ahead and then publish from my phone. But I haven't figured out how to link or even if you can from the phone. So, I miss Wordfilled Wednesday, Blue Monday, Thankful Thursday,Then Sings My Soul Saturday, Scripture on Sunday.
And, because I don't post regularly lots of my followers have quite coming around. I don't blame you.
I miss you.
I need your prayer.
Wordfilled Wednesday Proverbs 22:6
Welcome to Wordfilled Wednesday on Tuesday . . .
I received this photo in an email from my daughter. They did a holiday photo shoot and I got a little tease photo! When I saw it this is the verse that immediately came to mind.
On November 19th we will be participating in Parent/Child dedication. I am Praising God that this verse is true. Even though she has had many struggles in the last 5 years she is faithfully following God as a single parent.
Praising God on the Journey . . .
I received this photo in an email from my daughter. They did a holiday photo shoot and I got a little tease photo! When I saw it this is the verse that immediately came to mind.
On November 19th we will be participating in Parent/Child dedication. I am Praising God that this verse is true. Even though she has had many struggles in the last 5 years she is faithfully following God as a single parent.
Praising God on the Journey . . .
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