Beautiful is the word that comes to mind when I think about how to describe this book.
But, it's describing God so of course it is Beautiful.
This book is filled with scripture.
Almost every page has a scripture or a reference.
The book is divided into two sections . . .
Part One --The Heart of Worship (including 6 Chapters)
here are a few of the topics . . .
He is Worthy, He is Present, He is Loving
Part Two -- The Hands of Worship (including 15 Chapters
My Service, Love For Others, Money, In His Sanctuary
The numbers (21 Chapters/251 pages) make it sound like a lot to read, to absorb. There are a lot topics and it does jump around.
It's not a book to sit down and expect to read in one sitting.
But this is a book that is easy to read.
It's worthy of reading.
If your interested click here for an excerpt.
I would recommend this book for anyone wanting to truely worship God that might need a little help learning 'How'.
I would caution purchasing for a non-believer. Only because it is filled to the brim with scripture which could be too much unless the person is at the stage of 'seeking'.
This book is available at Amazon. Click here to purchase or read more reviews. Click here to purchase or read the reviews at
Barnes and Noble. Click here to purchase or read the reviews at
Christian Book(dot)Com. On Sale here at $9.99
Linking with:
The Art of Homemaking Monday
Teaching What Is Good
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Fine Print
I was offered this book by Baker Publishing Group for my honest review.