Today I am joining my sweet blogging friend Alicia. She's talking about dieting struggles over at her blog (link below)
I wanted to share with you a great book that I was offered to review. I am jumping the gun on my post but I'll just post again on my assigned day. (I hope they don't send out the police. Please don't tell!)
Anyway here's the great book that helps us answer the ? What do you Crave? And, what/Who do you want to crave?
Maybe I'll share the video first. Check this out.
Now here's the book...
I am only part way through. I am watching the video and it is great. It is a great study. The book is a great read.
So, after you've visited Alicia today (Here's her link) run out and buy the book!
Please pray for Denise aka Shorty Bear. (Here's her link).
Have a great day Craving God!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Prayers for Denise aka Shorty Bear
updated 3/5/11 I deleted the God-tube video because I noticed everytime I log onto My Journey the video is playin. Please follow the link below to hear this great song.
It is a beautiful day in Texas. This morning I found a new song.
I thought I would share for my friend Denise who is in the hospital.
I just got her number and heard her sweet voice only for a moment then the doctor came in.
I'll call again in a little while.
Please say a prayer and stop over at her blog and leave her a note.
Enjoy this song. (it didn't load for me but the sound is there. Hopefully it will load o.k. for you. ) The song is "Stronger" by Mandisa
It is a beautiful day in Texas. This morning I found a new song.
I thought I would share for my friend Denise who is in the hospital.
I just got her number and heard her sweet voice only for a moment then the doctor came in.
I'll call again in a little while.
Please say a prayer and stop over at her blog and leave her a note.
Enjoy this song. (it didn't load for me but the sound is there. Hopefully it will load o.k. for you. ) The song is "Stronger" by Mandisa
Friday, February 18, 2011
Couples Who Pray a book review
I had the option of choosing to review this book among other titles. This one I really was interested in reading. Being really open and truthful here. We don't pray together.
I think this is one you need to search out and check out for yourself.
It is has some practical suggestions. It also has some stories from celebrities. Some people that have reviewed the book thought that was negative. And I would have to say probably didn't really give the book a chance.
I think with any work like this the reader is going to have to look at it with an open mind and take from it bits and pieces that might be helpful to them.
The main question I ask is about it's foundation. For me I want to see reference to scripture. It doesn't do me a lot of good to read stories about other people or hear other peoples opinions that aren't backed up with what God says.
I enjoyed the appendix at the end of the book which included specific scripture about specific topics.
The whole premise around the book is the:
40 Day Prayer Challenge
Here's video about it . . .
And from the author's site:
Ten Steps discussed fully in our book Couples Who Pray:
1. Just start talking to God. A conversation.
2. Set aside the time, same time, everyday.
3. Start with an attitude of gratitude.
4. Confess your shortcomings & ask forgiveness.
5. Pray out loud.
6. Keep it short.
7. Normal language - no thee's and thou's.
8. Pray for your marriage.
9. Pray for others and yourself.
10. Expect God will answer your prayers.
I think this is one I would suggest you check out.
BTW it is written by the husband and wife team of SQuire Rushness and Louise Duart check out the website.
This book was offered by BookSneeze. I was not asked to write a positive review.
I think this is one you need to search out and check out for yourself.
It is has some practical suggestions. It also has some stories from celebrities. Some people that have reviewed the book thought that was negative. And I would have to say probably didn't really give the book a chance.
I think with any work like this the reader is going to have to look at it with an open mind and take from it bits and pieces that might be helpful to them.
The main question I ask is about it's foundation. For me I want to see reference to scripture. It doesn't do me a lot of good to read stories about other people or hear other peoples opinions that aren't backed up with what God says.
I enjoyed the appendix at the end of the book which included specific scripture about specific topics.
The whole premise around the book is the:
40 Day Prayer Challenge
Here's video about it . . .
And from the author's site:
Ten Steps discussed fully in our book Couples Who Pray:
1. Just start talking to God. A conversation.
2. Set aside the time, same time, everyday.
3. Start with an attitude of gratitude.
4. Confess your shortcomings & ask forgiveness.
5. Pray out loud.
6. Keep it short.
7. Normal language - no thee's and thou's.
8. Pray for your marriage.
9. Pray for others and yourself.
10. Expect God will answer your prayers.
I think this is one I would suggest you check out.
BTW it is written by the husband and wife team of SQuire Rushness and Louise Duart check out the website.
This book was offered by BookSneeze. I was not asked to write a positive review.
Hired a little help . . .
...I've been so behind since my computer crashed and I am sharing Cowboys that I decided I need a little help to tidy things up around here.
Actually I think we need the big guns . . .

It is beautiful outside so we opened the doors to let the breeze in.
And it is perfect weather to hang the laundry out . . .

And since I had all the great help. Well why not make a couple of changes to the blog. Still looking for the perfect wallpaper but the furniture is pretty much re-arranged!
Enjoy your visit. Have a great weekend. And, BTW thanks for stopping by. I miss posting. But I am thinking about all my blogging friends. Leave me a comment and let me know you've been by!
And remember God loves you and so do I!
Actually I think we need the big guns . . .

It is beautiful outside so we opened the doors to let the breeze in.
And it is perfect weather to hang the laundry out . . .

And since I had all the great help. Well why not make a couple of changes to the blog. Still looking for the perfect wallpaper but the furniture is pretty much re-arranged!
Enjoy your visit. Have a great weekend. And, BTW thanks for stopping by. I miss posting. But I am thinking about all my blogging friends. Leave me a comment and let me know you've been by!
And remember God loves you and so do I!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
In Other Words
In Other Words Tuesday . . .
“When I get anxious I know I have gone from . . .
God’s time, to my time, and it’s a waste of time. ”
Charles to not be anxious? Something I need to work on but so hard to do. I realized just a little while ago that I had not even prayed today. We (at least) I get so caught up in going about the day that I forget to rest, stop, listen and even ask. I need to take some God time.
How about you?
I am really short on computer time. Interested in more thoughts on the quote. Go over to Denise's and follow her link to the In Other Words.
Hopefully I'll get back to regular posts soon. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. Don't forget to let me know you stopped in!
~ Charles Stanley ~
“When I get anxious I know I have gone from . . .
God’s time, to my time, and it’s a waste of time. ”
Charles to not be anxious? Something I need to work on but so hard to do. I realized just a little while ago that I had not even prayed today. We (at least) I get so caught up in going about the day that I forget to rest, stop, listen and even ask. I need to take some God time.
How about you?
I am really short on computer time. Interested in more thoughts on the quote. Go over to Denise's and follow her link to the In Other Words.
Hopefully I'll get back to regular posts soon. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. Don't forget to let me know you stopped in!
~ Charles Stanley ~
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Mission 4 Monday
I have really missed writing regular posts. I still have not resolved the computer problem and so we wait upon the Lord. It is Sunday afternoon and I got a chance for a few minutes on the computer so I wanted to go ahead and get a post up for Monday.
Today I want to share again about Hope Inn Christ. I want to start by saying I have no idea exactly what plans God has for us with this ministry but we know that we will be a part at the very least by providing food.
On Saturday we made our second delivery of food. I took a few photo's. Here's one of the sign.
Hope Inn Christ is a residential aftercare home for young boys (18-20) that are released from our state juvenile prison. Hope Inn Christ officially opened a couple of weeks ago when the first boy moved in. We got to meet him on Saturday. He is 20 years old. And actually the amazing thing is he is from our area. When we began Auto Mission we worked with teen court in the DFW area. It is amazing we never ran into him then. But his family didn't utilize the teen court option. He ended up in the juvenile jail for a few months before he went to TYC. He has been 'locked' up for 4 years.
We really didn't know what to expect when we met him because he was from a different unit. We had heard a little about him from the house parents. We both enjoyed our visit. Cowboy talked to him for a long time will I helped the founder/house parent put their video on their website. (that was cool)
She had told him (the youth) about me (she doesn't know about this blog) and how I write and publish the ministry blog. He has no computer skills but he wants to write his story and so they have asked me to help him set up a blog!
I ask you have you ever imagined using your blog or blogging skills for ministry? I mean many of us write devotionals and we share what God is teaching us to each other. But did you ever think of helping someone this way. It just reminds me that it is possible to share Christ in more ways than we can imagine. If we just step out of the box and open our hearts, open our minds and just let go and let God he can do amazing things through us.
Before we went to Hope Inn Christ on Saturday morning we went to McFadden where we serve as chaplains and do lots of different programs and activities. One activity we like to help with is the monthly birthday party. I get to take pictures most of them I can't publish but I can give some to the kids.
Here's a photo of Saturdays cake
Today I want to share again about Hope Inn Christ. I want to start by saying I have no idea exactly what plans God has for us with this ministry but we know that we will be a part at the very least by providing food.
On Saturday we made our second delivery of food. I took a few photo's. Here's one of the sign.
Hope Inn Christ is a residential aftercare home for young boys (18-20) that are released from our state juvenile prison. Hope Inn Christ officially opened a couple of weeks ago when the first boy moved in. We got to meet him on Saturday. He is 20 years old. And actually the amazing thing is he is from our area. When we began Auto Mission we worked with teen court in the DFW area. It is amazing we never ran into him then. But his family didn't utilize the teen court option. He ended up in the juvenile jail for a few months before he went to TYC. He has been 'locked' up for 4 years.
We really didn't know what to expect when we met him because he was from a different unit. We had heard a little about him from the house parents. We both enjoyed our visit. Cowboy talked to him for a long time will I helped the founder/house parent put their video on their website. (that was cool)
She had told him (the youth) about me (she doesn't know about this blog) and how I write and publish the ministry blog. He has no computer skills but he wants to write his story and so they have asked me to help him set up a blog!
I ask you have you ever imagined using your blog or blogging skills for ministry? I mean many of us write devotionals and we share what God is teaching us to each other. But did you ever think of helping someone this way. It just reminds me that it is possible to share Christ in more ways than we can imagine. If we just step out of the box and open our hearts, open our minds and just let go and let God he can do amazing things through us.
Before we went to Hope Inn Christ on Saturday morning we went to McFadden where we serve as chaplains and do lots of different programs and activities. One activity we like to help with is the monthly birthday party. I get to take pictures most of them I can't publish but I can give some to the kids.
Here's a photo of Saturdays cake
I wanted to share the cake because Michael is going to Hope Inn Christ. He will be 18 on the 19th and I already have a waiver signed so I can post his photo's after his birthday. He is on my drama team and I have lots of photo's and I know that there will be lots more.
I will get to see him (at least) every Wednesday because all the boys from Hope Inn Christ will come to our warehouse on Wednesday and help with our food pantry and backpack program.
So those are a few of the 'outside' of the box's ways that I share Jesus. Maybe they are ways you've never thought of. And, maybe there are ways you share Jesus that I have never thought of.
Leave your comments or write a post (come back and leave your link) about your Mission 4 Monday, or Tuesday or whatever day and share ideas.
For more info. about our ministry and a link to Hope Inn Christ click here.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
A Billion Reasons Why...
I haven't posted. Actually one and it is huge! My computer broke and now I share my Cowboys. I don't get much time. But the positive is I have more time to read and I just finished a great book!
Loved it. I snuggled in yesterday during our latest blizzard (ok maybe it wasn't really a blizzard but snow in Texas is a reason to snuggle in!)
Anyway I loved having the chance to read uninterrupted. This was a great book and fun story. I was captured and captivated from the beginning to the end.
This is one that I would recommend for really any age. It was just a sweet story that was not overly romantic (graphic)
or overly preachy.
I found it is available at Amazon (left a long review there) and probably a bunch of other places but since my computer time is short I didn't get to spend much time checking.
Just take my word for it. Check it out.
Buy it for someone for Valentines.
BTW it was Audra Jennings at B&B media that offered this one for me to read and review.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Sweet Sisters Saturday
I had this crazy idea to share with you on Saturday some of my favorite blogging friends. Today because she posted the cutestes (is that a word?) photo the other day I wanted to send you over to see Becky at Sweet Cottage Dreams. She has a lovely little cottage that is filled with the cutest little doggies. She posts alot of photo's of her Sweet Cottage and lots of neat photo's of the things she collects, antiques, scottie dogs and red things. I know your not doing anything but surfin' so why not go over and tell Becky 'hi' and tell her I sent you.
Have a great Saturday,
Then Sings My Soul
Welcome to Then Sings My Soul Saturday.
Today I am sharing a song I just stumbled onto when I was looking for music for Sunday. The lyrics are amazing and really share what I wish I could put into words. The video may be a little slow to load but please wait. The song is beautiful.
Then Sings My Soul is hosted by Amy. Click here for the direct link to her blog.
Today I am sharing a song I just stumbled onto when I was looking for music for Sunday. The lyrics are amazing and really share what I wish I could put into words. The video may be a little slow to load but please wait. The song is beautiful.
Then Sings My Soul is hosted by Amy. Click here for the direct link to her blog.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Snowed In...Sewing...Thinkin'
This week my mind has been jumbled. This week I have missed posting. I have missed visiting your blogs. This week I have been a little frustrated since my computer crashed.
For the time being I amusing sharing Cowboys computer.
But hopefully next week the company that gives us donated space will let me use a computer in an empty office. We are going to ask on Monday. I so hope so! Would you say a little prayer me?
That is really a little selfish of me because what we really need is a new computer for the ministry. (Click here) But for the time being we wait for God to provide. And, I guess I really should ask you . . . Would you say a big 'ol huge prayer for our ministry and that God would provide a new MAC so we can do our chapel services?
Even though I haven't been able to post much this week even if I could have I am not sure what I have said. My mind is so jumbled with everything that is going on.
It has now been one complete week since our apartment manager let me know not to do a calendar for this month.
What this means. I do not know. Since providing activities for the residents is what pays our rent. All I can do is question? What is happening. When will we know something? Will they just send an email one day and say more program you need to pay rent or move? So many ?'s I have.
But even with all the unanswered ?'s I know that all I can do is trust. Because God is faithful. God is good.
I have struggled all week when I have had small bits I time when could post I have struggled with what to say. Because I want to give you something to encourage you. I want to share something to make you smile. And, right now I ? what I have to share.
And, the thing is I can share that God is faithful . . .
God is good!!!!!!!
yep he is. And, I stumbled on a song that reminds me of that.
He is stubborn. Yes, he is stubborn. He is doesn't give up on me when I have too many ?'s
And, he doesn't give up on you. Here's the song that reminded me of that.
And, as I was sitting here typing I heard this amazing song. And I realized he had something for me to share with you.
He wants us to know that when were facing trials and frustration that is when those roots are getting deeper and deeper.
For the time being I am
But hopefully next week the company that gives us donated space will let me use a computer in an empty office. We are going to ask on Monday. I so hope so! Would you say a little prayer me?
That is really a little selfish of me because what we really need is a new computer for the ministry. (Click here) But for the time being we wait for God to provide. And, I guess I really should ask you . . . Would you say a big 'ol huge prayer for our ministry and that God would provide a new MAC so we can do our chapel services?
Even though I haven't been able to post much this week even if I could have I am not sure what I have said. My mind is so jumbled with everything that is going on.
It has now been one complete week since our apartment manager let me know not to do a calendar for this month.
What this means. I do not know. Since providing activities for the residents is what pays our rent. All I can do is question? What is happening. When will we know something? Will they just send an email one day and say more program you need to pay rent or move? So many ?'s I have.
But even with all the unanswered ?'s I know that all I can do is trust. Because God is faithful. God is good.
I have struggled all week when I have had small bits I time when could post I have struggled with what to say. Because I want to give you something to encourage you. I want to share something to make you smile. And, right now I ? what I have to share.
And, the thing is I can share that God is faithful . . .
God is good!!!!!!!
yep he is. And, I stumbled on a song that reminds me of that.
He is stubborn. Yes, he is stubborn. He is doesn't give up on me when I have too many ?'s
And, he doesn't give up on you. Here's the song that reminded me of that.
And, as I was sitting here typing I heard this amazing song. And I realized he had something for me to share with you.
He wants us to know that when were facing trials and frustration that is when those roots are getting deeper and deeper.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Snowed In . . . what cha doin?
Well we are snowed in and so I am getting a chance to play in my sewing room. Which I have not done in 5 months. So is the being stuck in bothering me.
Nope . . . but Cowboy is gettin' stir crazy.
I thought I would leave with you a photo of a
sewing class I did last spring.
Nope . . . but Cowboy is gettin' stir crazy.
I thought I would leave with you a photo of a
sewing class I did last spring.
for more info. go check out our ministry blog. (Click here)
Have a good evening.
I'll try to take a photo tomorrow what I am working on!
Thankful Thursday
It may seem a little funny. And I guess it really isn't because communication is so important. But I am thankful today for my phone. Although I don't really like it. But yesterday afternoon Cowboy fixed my phone so I can get email alerts on it. This was partly because he was bored. And, partly because he was tired of me using his laptop.
It is the coolest thing. I can be up to the minute now with my emails (2 since I've typing) Alot are spams and now I can delete them faster!
I am thankful also because my friend Denise is back online and posting!
I am thankful that we are getting a break (because of the ice). I know the next few weeks will be full. We will be really busy planning on working on details for two major fundraisers this spring and summer. And, because we will be moving soon.
About the move. I don't know where. I don't know when. But I am thankful that God has given me peace about the situation.
And, I could write many more things but the computer owner just came into the room. And so I will have to leave for now.
Maybe I'll be back later.
So what are you thankful for? Not sure...check out the other Thankful posts today at Laurie's. New to Thankful Thursday go over and visit Iris to check out how it all started. (click on names for a direct link)
It is the coolest thing. I can be up to the minute now with my emails (2 since I've typing) Alot are spams and now I can delete them faster!
I am thankful also because my friend Denise is back online and posting!
I am thankful that we are getting a break (because of the ice). I know the next few weeks will be full. We will be really busy planning on working on details for two major fundraisers this spring and summer. And, because we will be moving soon.
About the move. I don't know where. I don't know when. But I am thankful that God has given me peace about the situation.
And, I could write many more things but the computer owner just came into the room. And so I will have to leave for now.
Maybe I'll be back later.
So what are you thankful for? Not sure...check out the other Thankful posts today at Laurie's. New to Thankful Thursday go over and visit Iris to check out how it all started. (click on names for a direct link)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
So I Guess Your Wondering Where I Am?
Trust me I am not here. . .
But boy do I wish I was am. (bad grammar I know) But I really wish that is where I am but . . .

But it is really, really hard.
Not sure really when I'll be back or how often I'll be here.
I really miss you guys.
Boy do I wish I was on the beach!
While I am gone leave me your Date Night ideas!

Here's is where I am.
And this is what is going on or should I say not going on . . .
My computer crashed. And Now I am sharing Cowboys
And I am trying to do this . . .

But it is really, really hard.
Not sure really when I'll be back or how often I'll be here.
I really miss you guys.
Boy do I wish I was on the beach!
While I am gone leave me your Date Night ideas!
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