Welcome to Thankful Thankful Thursday. Today I am like many of you I am so Thankful for the beautiful Fall weather after such a long hot summer.
I am also very Thankful for Gods word and so I wanted to share a few of my favorite verses along with some beautiful illustrations of the beauty of Fall. Thank you God for the seasons . . .
Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and these things will be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33
One of my favorite verses. Sometimes I have to remind myself to stop and listen to Him. To give me a chance to let Him choose the path for me to take. I know His way is best.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight Proverbs 3:5,6
Some days I really need this reminder. Sometimes I don't understand what is happening. Sometimes even when bad things happen or when prayers don't seem to be answered sometimes
Trusting in God is all you can do.
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the the tents of the wicked.
Psalm 84:10
When I think of these words I paraphrase them a little to Better is one day your house or one day with God. Being with Him and His people focusing on Him and not allowing myself to be distracted by things of this world.
Today I cannot even begin to list all the things I am Thankful for these are just a few . . . Do you have a few today?
It is because of His Word. His Grace. His Strength and His Power that I can Thrive Today everyday.
This is a two part post . . .
Thanks for Joining me on The Thankful Journey
I am linking with a few more Thankful hearts today. ( Links are after part two)

Part Two . . .
It is Better to be With God. It is Better to Seek His Kingdom First . . . but sometimes we don't. Sometimes we get distracted. Sometimes our needs, our desires and the things we think we need distract us from Where God wants us to be.
Don't get me wrong...I don't have it all figured out. In fact I am still trying to Be Still and listen and many days I feel like I have cotton in my ears.
But this week something has changed for me. This week I am Seeking His Will and I am Trusting in Him.
Yesterday I resigned from my job. I had not been there long. And, it was actually just a 'pay check' it was a means to an end. But, I have been feeling more and more frustrated. I have been getting more and more tired. There is so much to write about the things that have happened and the feelings that I had while I was there but, it is all behind me. I no longer have to drive home on Friday thankful I don't have to go back till Monday.
And today I have a job interview at 2:00. Yesterday I stepped out in Faith. The amazing thing is my Cowboy started a new job on Monday. Just a little part-time gig a few hours a day. And then this morning a local television ministry called him for an interview for a campus monitor job. He already works evenings teaching at a driving school. He laughed when he called me this morning to tell me they had called. He said he was praying about my interview and that I would get it. He said the least I could do was get 1 job since he has 3! He was joking and it was funny.
But the thing is the interview is with a non-profit. It will be a ministry job. It will be a job that will provide what we need financially but I'll also be making a difference. I'll also be serving God.
I am Thankful for the chance to Seek His Kingdom. Today I am thriving because I am Trusting in God.
And, I am joining Thriving on Thursday Click
here to join. Here's the scoop . . .
Thriving Thursdays is a link up for family-friendly bloggers, who are choosing to THRIVE in their lives. It’s a place for us to encourage and inspire one another to live life to the fullest–in Jesus Christ. Link up your posts about thriving–in marriage, faith, parenting, homemaking, relationships, in the kitchen, in frugality.
Everything we do can be a ministry and worship to our Lord. Link up as many posts as you want, and I hope that you’ll take the time to visit some other participants as well.
Here's the other linkies . . .
Thankful at Lovely Little Whimies click
Thankful Thursday at Woman Taking A Stand Click here
Thrive @ Home Click here