
Monday, December 7, 2015

Blue Monday--Happy Birthday To Me!

                                           I got Cake!
                                      Sorry Spell check isn't working. 
My super sweet DIL made this adorable cake for me.  She said I would 'always have cake'.  I don't always get a cake for my birthday and I love birthday cake!  

I had a super fun weekend and took some Blue photo's!
                               .  Blue Boy:
My super fun weekend began Friday night when this super silly 
7 year old and I trekked to our towns Christmas Parade.  
I use the term trek because I thought the parade would go right down our street.  But No they changed the route.   I get the boy (in a wheelchair) and the dog and we go out.  And wait and we see a few people going to town ctr. but I didn't think anything about it. Because the tree lighting was just after the parade.  The police are at the end of the street blocking off traffic from our street.  
Finally when it was only a few minutes to parade time we go down and ask and find out the route was on the other end of town hall 3 blocks away! 
   Well when you have a boy and a dog ready to see a parade you walk 3 blocks to see it.  
It worked out o.k. though.  The crowd didn't really know either what was going on.  We figured out that the parade would come toward town hall and then loop around back to where the started so we went over to the street in front of city hall and much to my excitement there were bleachers.  There were only a few people.    We had super seats and we saw the beginning of the parade! 
                                             The ba-jillions of people all saw the end! 
(I just to realize I didn't tell you.  This is an annual event with just me and the boy. 
Our daughter and the Cowboy both work evenings so they miss the parade)
I took a bunch of pics.  Here are a few. . .  
Parade   Blue Bandana:
Lot's of Blue.  The boy in the box was really cute.  There was a whole group of them.  This is the only shot I got.  My camera is acting up.  I think I need a new battery.  It's really slow.  Grrr..
I did manage to get a couple of shots of Daisy. It's hard to manage a big dog and a wheelchair and maneuver around people.  And yes she is dirty.  She needs a bath!  Bad hair day for the dog. 
It was a super fun time.  Saturday I spent the day finishing the decorations.  Climbing ladders and hanging garland.  Adding a few ornaments to trees.  I got the commission quilt off the table and got it decorated.  
         And on Sunday after church we went to a horse show!  
Horse Show:
Our daughter was working.  So our grandson spent the night Saturday and then we went after church.
We got to see her last student perform.  She was in a class of 50 and got 2nd place!  Everyone was so excited.  This is the first year my daughter has had a show team!  Many more pics to share!

But that will have to be later.  I have another post to write and 
then I am off to have a birthday lunch!  And buy a cake.
                  Did I say I love cake?
Linking this super, silly Cake post with Sally at Blue Monday.


SmilingSally said...

Oh Sherry,

You deserved those best seats! That boy (your grandson?) must have been thrilled.

Thanks for playing today.

BTW, I did not buy any of the blue that I showed; However, I did buy other gifts.

Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

Gail @Purple Hues and Me said...

Happy birthday, Sherry, from one fellow Sagi to another wonderful Sagi. My birthday was on the 4th.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty images and post! Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Duke said...

Happy belated Birthday!
Mom is trying to catch up with blogging and is failing miserably.