
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Thankful Thursday - The Garden Grows

Hello today I'm welcoming you to the Garden although my pictures aren't great it's really hard I have so much sun and I never come outside at the right time to take good pictures but here goes . . .  I'm just thankful that I have growing what I have growing and in some areas  I have no weeds. My Garden area has been a huge challenge getting rid of grass and weeds. hopefully I'll find them original photo to show
Starting in the greenhouse.  A Zinnia in pot.  I started these early and decided to leave them here to enjoy inside.  This pot of Zinnia's share the plant stand with the guardian Owl.  He watch's over the garden and keeps Birds from coming inside.  
Sadly we had some windows break during a storm and we haven't been able to find a window company to come out and replace them.
Just outside the door is a Tomato garden.  I started it new this year. I had to move a lot of my beds when we lost the tree th take advantage of what little shade I have left.
Looks like a mess I know but I was so pleased to have these blooms come up amongst the Cilantro.   I leave the Cilantro to reseed I'll pulling up the Cilantro plants when the flowers fade.

I will leave flowers to fade and then go to seed.  Next week I'll begin pulling up the Cilantro.  It should re-seed and come back in the Fall and become a cover crop for winter if I don't get anything else planted.

My Bee Balm is so pretty.  It is so simple to grow and attracts Bee's, Snap Dragons and Butterflies. 
I have gotten 4 Cucumbers the vine is finally beginning to grow on the support

I love my Zinnia's I have a small planting this year.  Several seeds were washed away by rain and growing outside the bed.  

Not a lot of luck with Sun Flowers this year.  I planted at least 5 packages of seeds.  I have 2 here that sprouted outside the bed that was prepared for them.  Only  1 sprouted by the Tomato's.  Bummer.  
This is an odd addition to the garden and an experiment.   I bought a Jicama with plans to use it in salads.  The silly thing sprouted on the kitchen counter. I moved it to the greenhouse.  It was sitting beside a hanging basket and started climbing the basket hanger!  So I took it outside and now look at it!  A very 
nice vine!

Back inside the Green House.  My mothers plant is blooming.  I don't know what it is called but it is Native to Texas.  I have seen them planted outside but in shade. I have no shade in my yard since we lost the big tree in the Fall.

I love Sweet Potato Vine.  I planned to leave outside but it gets so droopy in the afternoon sun.  I brought it in and it is happier. 
1 tiny Bell Pepper growing form seeds from a store bought pepper.

A few more Zinnia's sprouted.

The Crepe Myrtele's are showy.  I cut some blooms and brought inside
The chair sitting over a few Zinnia's that escaped the bed.

A close up of  the small Zinnia patch on the edge
of the second planting of corn

Cuttings in my basket ready to go  inside to fill my vases

I love sharing my little garden with you.

I am Thankful for new and old blogging friends. Today
I am linking with my old friend Michelle at It's A Small Town Life . . .
I am Thankful that another old friend Jess at Strangers & Pilgrims On Earth is back blogging after a way to long absence.
I am Thankful for my friend Sarah Collier at Classical Homemaking for mentioning that Jess is back.
I am Thankful that Sara hosts the Victorian Letter Writers Guild.
I am Thankful for my most faithful friend Sue and her dog Molly the Airedale.  They are faithful to visit me everyday and leave comments on my posts. 

So what are you Thankful for today?

Linking With


Duke said...

I think your garden is beautiful and it's so exciting to see so many pretty flowers and yummy veges. I only have flowers planted and not many of them seeing as I rent and don't own.

Sarah Coller said...

Everything looks great! What a blessing to have all those lovely things in your garden!