Don't fence me in...unless their Blue . . .
Love the flowers peeking through . . .
I've always wanted a little white farm house with a picket fence. Why not Blue?
Bordering a beautiful garden filled with cutting flowers. So I can carry the blooms inside.
And of course a pretty blue gate . . .
And them maybe a little whimsy
Of course there would have to be a fence on the edge of the property to hold in . . .
Joining Sally for Blue Monday. Click Here.
Happy Trails

Hi Sherry,
Your link is working just fine. It must have been that someone else was trying to link in at the same time. Then it jams.
I love your blue fence/gate. Thanks for sharing.
Happy Blue Monday!
What could be better than bright flowers peeping through a blue fence?
Please Visit My Blue Door
Very nice. You have some amazing blue monday shots.
Oh, what stunning photos. A Blue Dream World come true. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Happy Blue Monday. I have you on my Google Friends List and a Follower now for awhile. Look forward to visiting again.
I don't like to be fenced in but I sure love these fences and the pretty blues and flowers peeking through! Have a wonderful evening and Happy Blue Monday to you!
Of course now I am dying for a blue fence with flowers poking thru..:)
Love it...
You're right, the blue fences do wonders for the flowers! They would fit right in with another blog that had a blue house with white trim, Swedish? And you would definitely need the fence to keep in the whole herd of horses. Actually I saw about that many horses in a field yesterday. They would go through a lot of hay!
Hi Sherry,
To answer your question about the Dee Henderson book, you can find that review (along with many others) in my book review blog.
Authors reviewed can be found in middle of the page on the left side column in alphabetical order.
Oh yes, the first photo is stunning with these bright colours! Blue is a great colour in the garden and in the bathroom and in the bedroom and in the kitchen and in the living room and in the office and in the ... I could go on and on ...
such a lovely colourful display of flowers through the fence
Hi. Nice collection of blue color photos. The first one is brathtakingly beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Praying for you, and loving you.
Sherry, your photos are beautiful! I have always loved gates and doors, and who doesn't love blue? :) I am a native Texan, too, and am borrowing your very cool Native Texan photo! Following! ~Joy at Yesterfood
These are delightful. You should link to Good Fences with these too. Those horses by the way are stunning.
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