The Weather . . .
It is absolutely beautiful. It's a spring like day! Thanking God for this lovely prelude. Hopefully it'll last!
Right Now . . .
I'm thinking how grateful I am for such nice weather. I'm trying to get out more and walk the dog. It's so nice.
Thinking. . .
About plans for the week. Planning for Valentines Day Dinner
Looking forward to . . .
Valentines Day Dinner. We do an annual dinner for our daughter
and our grandson. It's a special time. The come to our house.
I'm the chef and the Cowboy is the Maitre De. The first year our
grandson called him 'That Man' because he was in a suit!
On My Reading Pile . . .
Totally empty of review books. Waiting for more. I do have one Miralee Ferrell y/a book left. This is a great series for young girls.
On My T.V.
Not much just cooking channel
The Cowboy loves Oak Island
Occasionally a movie
Things That Make Me Happy . . .
Not working. Or at least not working everyday
Being able to make a menu for our dinners.
On The Menu . . .
Monday- Pork and Stuffing in the Crock Pot, Salad
Tuesday- Chili Rellenos, Rice, Refried Beans, Salad
Wednesday- hmm how about a Quiche
Thursday-- Rib Eye, Potato and a Salad
Friday-- Chili
On My To Do List. . .
Get all Christmas into garage and get garage back in order
Finish the scripture book I'm making for my daughter
Decorations for Valentines Day
What I Am Creating . . .
Still working on the pink afghan actually haven't touched it since before Christmas. Need to get back to it!
Looking Around The House . . .
I see a clean/blank pallete. Usually my house is a little cluttered in a good way. At least I like to think it is. My shelves are filled with books, nick nacks and candles. The mantle is decorated. The kitchen counter and table is decorated. I'm living it all 'clean' this year till Valentines. I think I'm starting a new tradition. Less is more for January!
From The Camera . . .
On My Prayer List . . .
I've been praying for this girl at work. She just keeps coming to my mind. She is young and living with a boy friend and his parents.
The are in their 20's she has a 3 year old and is pregnant. There is
so much more to the story. I just pray that she is ok. And that
God protects her and the children.
Bible Verse, Favorite Quote or Devotional . . .

May your day be filled with Joy
linking with Happy Homemaker Monday over at Sandra's
Hello, you sound very organized. I am making a veggie quiche today, they are easy to make. Hubby and I both love quiches. It is nice to have the spring weather to enjoy a walk with your dog. The Valentine's Dinner will be wonderful. Happy February, enjoy your new week!
I'll be choosing JOY today! Thanks for the reminder :) Have a great week and I hope you can stop by:
What a great post, enjoy the spring like weather and send some to us pleasexx
Mom wants to know what time dinner is on Friday. Our dad is not a chili lover so mom never gets to make it and she loves it! She will bring the cornbread☺
Praying for that sweet girl with you!
I love your idea for a Valentine's Day dinner!!!!
It was fun to read about all you are doing and are planning to do. The list is a great idea.
I love a clear house between holidays. I'm not ready for Valentine's Day dinner or celebrating at all. It seems to sneak up on my every year. Hope you have a great week!
Your menu sounds yummy... I have never made a quiche before, I may have to give it a try! Have great week!
Loving your goals and ideas! Good inspiration. Have a fruitful week. I will add your friend to my prayer list. Much power in prayer for sure! Have a great week. Lynn
adding my prayers with yours for that sweet girl
Your menus make me want to come and live with you. I will do the dishes.
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