
Monday, November 22, 2021

Menu Monday and a TableScape


Hello...did I get you thinking about Pie?  

My regular readers know I plan my weekly menu on Saturday. 

My plans have changed a bit we had a surprise visit from a friend in Keller.  

Here's the plans with corrections...


 new recipe to try 

Asian Garlic Noodles with Asparagus be and Spinach  

We went out to dinner to one of our favorite Mexican places


 Author Victoria Hamilton's 

Ground Beef Stroganoff 

This recipe is so good and simple to make.  The recipe first appeared over Here Victoria kindly allowed me to share it. 


Fajitas, Spanish Rice and Beans



Since we've eaten out so much we are ready for a meal at home.  I will either do the Garlic Pasta or the Stroganoff.  It will depend on being able to get Vegetables.


Not sure. We have a Prime Rib but not sure what I'll cook with it. Will be out of fresh veggies by then. 


Pork Chops, Rice and Cream Gravy, and Fried Okra 

I love planning and serving fun and healthy in meals. 



I have been planning on setting my Thanksgiving table early to share in today's post but time got away from me.  
So may I share a precious one (to me) from the archives . . .
I/we were blessed to spend alot of time with our grandson.  I always enjoyed entertaining him.  The Preschool Teacher in me always came out.  This is art day we were making decorations for the table. 
The Paper Bag Turkey in the far for my D.I.L. made for me. 

How are your 
Thanksgiving plans shaping up?

Happy Thanksgiving

Linking with
The regular parties

1 comment:

Duke said...

Molly and I are spending Thanksgiving at home - just the two of us. I think a pumpkin pie might be a part of our meal☺