
Thursday, January 26, 2023

Blog 365 #48 or #50 Something... Foodie Friday

. . . This is how my life is now.  Last week's Foodie Friday . . .

Welcome back to Foodie Friday sorry I have been away.  

Lately  I am just crazy busy.

I bought Christmas  Stockings  marked down 70%.  We haven't had stockings in years. 

I put them up for Valentine's Day  and look what I got . . . 

He was so cute.  But you know what I did!  My stocking was so full.  It was a fun treat. 

We need those fun moments! 

BtW it is National Caregiver Day. Such a hard job especially  for Loved ones.  I know. 

Leftover  Pot Roast from freezer and canned Corn.  

Our pantry was so bare before payday.  It is so small I have to buy in small quantity.  And so lots of grocery runs.  One reason I am so busy. 

A Hame and Cheese Omelet.  They last of the Ham I had in the freezer.  

I have a new skillet that cooks great Hash Browns. 

I think we had Tacos on Tuesday.  I forgot to buy him shellss so I Fried some.  Which is my favorite.   

Oh an lunch on Tuesday was nothing to write home about ...
First may I point out the cheap plastic spoon!  Seriously? 

Actually  the Chili was really good.  But it was super HOT I didn't  even eat half. 

His Sandwich was served on White Bread instead of Rye.  As you can see the cheese is not melted. 

And they had no Ice Tea!

I am not a fan of Strip Steak because  I don't cook it well.  But it turned out better than usual. I might be getting the hang of it. 

I enjoyed the combination. 

Trout seasoned and pan Seared

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