
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Happy Homeker in Texas

Hello Welcome to Happy Homemaker . . . On Monday I'll be linking with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday.  I like to share my post on Saturday.  I am glad to be back after a waaaaay
toooo loooong absence.

Sandra provides the prompts but I add a few of my own . . .

The weather
It's summer time in Texas.  We hit 100's most days.  Upper 80's in the morning but on Wednesday we are expecting a cool front upper 70's in the morning!

On the breakfast plate this morning
Probably no breakfast today but I have a nice Ceasar Salad waiting for my lunch. 

Right now I am 
Happy to be writing this post.

On the beside table
I don't have a bedside table.  I am a minimulist in the bedroom.

On the reading pile
It's always a big pile . . . 
Image result for Desolate Shores Daryl Wood This one is for fun.  Not required to review by the author or on tour.  

On the menu
No menu planning for the next few weeks.  We are eating out of the freezer and pantry.  I am just winging it for awhile. 

Something fun to share
A new feature on the blog I am planning.  I have been approached by a couple tours promoters that promote children's books and Christian fiction so I'll be sharing a few more reviews here.  I am also starting a new feature "Cover Story"  I'll be featuring book covers. 

Another new feature
I hope you'll stop by tomorrow for my new feature.  I already have the post done and can't wait to share it with you.  I am calling this 
feature . . . Make MaMa Smile a  sometimes feature when I have something to share that just makes me Happy.  Come by tomorrow!

On the t.v.
Sandra provides lots of what I am watching on t.v..... but I watch very little t.v.  so I am skipping that one.

What I am sewing, crocheting or creating
Mainly I am creating junk journals and crochet.
No photo description available.

Looking forward to
Have a new job starting next week I think.  A past client that I helped organize her kitchen called and wants me to clean house for her.  

From the camera

Devo's or scripture
Image may contain: flower, plant, text and nature

Linking with Sandra on Monday 

Click here to link

1 comment:

Duke said...

We are in the 50's this morning, which is a real treat for August but it won't stay this way. Your books always look so good! Love your scripture.
Happy Sunday!