
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Visiting Fort Worth Attractions

I love my hometown!  Fort Worth has some amazing places to visit.
A few weeks ago we had the joy of visiting the zoo.  
                                             Image result for fort worth zoo
Today I am sharing a few of the photo's of the animals . . .
                       I managed a nice close up of this guy.  
We had a lovely spring day the day we visited.   It was a few days after a very bad storm. 
The zoo does an excellent job of providing a beautiful place to visit as well as a great environment for the animals.   Sadly during the
storm quite a few of the Pelicans died.  The above photo was part of a news article about the storm.  Click on the source for the story.

We were grateful for beautiful weather . . . 
Although sadly some of the plants had taken a beating too.  And 
there were lots of leaves still on the ground. 
The primates weren't affected.  The have a huge enclosure and indoor area . . . 
He looks like he's thinking about eating the lettuce he's collected.
Sometimes you have to wait for the shot.  
And then . . . 
. . .You have to jog to catch up with the rest of your party.
Or just forget it and enjoy taking photo's. 
t looks like he's following that crowd ahead.  I don't know if it was a good thing getting him that scooter for the day.  We did spend a lot of time trying to 'catch up' with him.  He has moved that fast in years!
 Zoo Collage 2:
I guess we all had our distractions.  I kept stopping and taking shots of fences.  Thinking "Oh Tex would love this one!"
I did manage to get some great shots!
We need to go back and take notes next time.  We read the sign but I'm clueless now what these little guys are!
Everyone had a fabulous time.  Except . . . 
Tatooe Boy's Phone:
. . .The tatooed man that lost his phone.  He said his wife dropped it.  Hmm. . . I bet that's what they all say!
Zoo Boy Turtle:
I loved the aquarium.  I spent forever trying to get a shot of a huge 
alligator.   I'll have to go back and try again!

Admittedly I did get more shots like this than the animals . . . 
Jumping Blue Zoo Boy:
  There are lots and lots of boy shots on this post.  I'd love you to go over and read the post.  It's a Blessing to see him running and jumping. 
Update . . . Next week he starts Karate again after a year and a half off.  Praise God!

And now back to the animals.  Today I'm only sharing one more. 
I have a few left for another post.  But I didn't want to leave without sharing this one.  We'll actually two . . . 
        Every Texas zoo needs a horse and a long horn!

The Fort Worth zoo is definitely worth vistin' if your every in the area!

Linking this post with:
Camera Critters, Eileen's Critters, Make My Saturday Sweet, Mosaic Monday, Blue Monday and
Good Fences, Take Me Away Party
                  And labeling it with the America The Beautiful Home Town Tour 


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I love all theanimals you showed us from your day at the Zoo. I hope you have a lovely week ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, It is always a fun time to visit the zoo. I love all the critters and photos. Sad to hear about the storm and damage. Great post! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Beautiful photos of the zoo and all the animals. so sad about the pelicans though. We used to take our sons to the Phila. Zoo when they were young and on the way to Wildwood, N.J. ,we stopped all the time at the Cape May County Zoo which was wonderful and free but we always made a donation since it was so well kept. Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Duke said...

What great shots of all of the animals! The duckie is so pretty!

Nonnie said...

Great pics of the animals and your boy! We've lived in the Dallas area for 40 years and have yet to visit the Dallas or Ft. Worth zoos. The storms in this area have been crazy.

shortybear said...


Annesphamily said...

Beautiful share! The photo captures are amazing. I sure love seeing these. A happy post. Enjoy your week.

Sylvia said...

That was a great visit to the zoo. I enjoyed the animal pictures. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

Jeanne said...

I can tell you had a wonderful time taking great photos to share of the Zoo. It was also fun to see the little guy in Blue enjoying himself so much. I feel like I have been there. The animals are awesome. Good luck with the alligator photo search.

I am sorry my comment is late. We were out of town and I ran out of time on Monday to visit everyone.
Happy Blue Monday,