
Friday, November 13, 2020

Foodie Friday

 Good Morning.  How has your week been?

We've had a great week but it was not my normal cooking week.

It started with The Cowboy got into the kitchen . . . 

Look at what he did.  I left a pkg of Muffin mix on the counter.  He always ends up on the couch sometime during the night.

I got up with the girls (dogs) at 7:15 to the aroma of Blue Berry Muffins!

I think I will leave Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix out and see what happens!

And then at 9:15 he asked for this . . . 

I think I got the Tortilla right.  He asked for Jimmy Dean (well not specifically but that is what we had) meaning the kind you slice.  He wanted it crumbled and cooked.  He asked for 1 Egg.  I served 2 and he ate it all. 

The rest of the week was well 

Check it out . . .

Chicken Chili it is easy to make but I did use a mix but I added to it.  I added chopped Green Chillies.  And of course I made a pan of . . . 
I used the recipe in the Betty Crocker Cookbook that I have had since we got married.  I did make a couple changes.

The Cowboy bought Chorizo the other day.  I still can't seem to get the Tortillas heated like I want.
I am learning to eat Chorizo.  I am not a fan of Tortillas for breakfast.   
Leftover Roast from the weekend.  Fresh Mashed Potatoes and frozen Corn. 
And a Tomato.  A yummy meal.
Another try at those Tortillas.
This one looks pretty good. I scrambled me and the dogs some Eggs too.
Well another failed attempt.  Afraid I might get chopped.  LOL.
The Cowboy also found a can of Jalapeno Ranch Style Beans at the store.  I wasn't a fan.  It was a simple meal.  I cut up some Onions and Cabbage and took some Potatoes I had already prepped from the freezer.  A quick and yummy meal 
A yummy dessert found on mark down!

Eggs waiting for the Tortillas.
A new recipe I tried.  Oriental Pit Roast.  It was really good and a nice change from the regular.

I feel a bit accomplished making a few new and different meals.

Maybe getting a little out of the rut I seem to stay in!

Do you feel like your menu is always the Same 'Ole Same 'Ole?

Enjoy your weekend!

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And my regular fav's
The list is below and on previous posts.


Dandy Duke said...

I've seen that same loaf of chocolate brioche in the bakery dept of the grocery store and wondered how it was. I"m not a huge chocolate fan but it sure does look yummy!

Donna @ Modern on Monticello said...

Now I'm hungry after reading your posts. Good eats! Thanks for visiting this week. #HomeMattersParty