Welcome to Thankful Thursday hosted by Lynn she shared an amazingly Thankful heart that reminded me of this photo.

Today my list is short. I am Thankful for God's presence. I am Thankful he directs me and guides me in his time. I am most Thankful for the peace he is giving me while I seek him.
This week my words are few as I seek His direction. Go to my post here for my prayer request and join me on my Journey toward his call.
Here is this weeks Bible Memory verse . . .
And He said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.".....Matthew 22:37-39 (NASB) This photo illustrated our Fathers command to me; if we are to love
So lovely my friend.
I am so thankful for God's direction, too!
Happy Thankful Thursday!
What a beautiful sunflower!
Thanks for sharing that scripture with us.
Amen! I am so grateful for His presence too. Great scripture! Praying for you my friend!
I am thankful that you visited me today as I am now able to visit you and pray for you. I completely understand the way you feel: we so have desires to fulfill; we also want to obey God's will for our lives. We can also 'think' that we are hearing God's words when, in fact, they are ours, our friends, our church's wish for us, or Satan's. We just have too many inner and outer ears!
Your words on your Journey: "And so probably more so than ever in the last 6 years we need God's guidance and direction. We need to know that this is God's will for this ministry. That it isn't just my hearts desire but that God put that desire into my heart and that he is opening the door or gate in this instance."
I pray for all, ALL, doors to be closed that are not of God. I ask that the open door be God's door to the ministry He has called you both too. I pray that you have only one voice to hear and it will be His. I pray for your heart, your cowboy's heart and God's heart's desire to be perfectly aligned. I pray that as you wait upon the LORD, that He will provide for your every need, that you will not rush ahead of Him, and that showers of blessings will rain upon you and your cowboy as you join with the LORD in whatever He has ready and waiting for you. I pray this in the Strong and Powerful Name of Jesus. Amen.
~ linda
Loved it :) Beautiful sunflower too.
I'm thankful for God's presence too. What would we do without it? Have a wonderful weekend!
Hello Sherry! So HAPPY we got connected again LOL! I've been having a lot of breaks from the net too.
Of course I remember your sweet Daisy. Hope she's still as sweet as ever!
Love the sunflower! It's so cheerful!
Glad to know you are comforted and encouraged by His presence!
I'm going through an uncertain time myself LOL. But God says "I will direct your steps" Proverbs 3:5-6. That was in an email I received early this week. How reassuring!
Keeping you and the ministry in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh yes, the insect trap. Think you can get it at any of the home DIY stores. They're not that expensive.
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