
Friday, January 1, 2016

Quilt An Hour #6

Hour #6.  And yes I could continue this for many more hours!
I have over 1,00 quilts pinned.  
Join me for 5 more hours to see some of my favorites!  
In case you missed the first 5 posts I'm linking the posts below.  (all posts are scheduled.  The links will go live beginning at 9:00 a.m.  I'm sleeping late it's a holiday!)

And now #6
(the link takes you to an Etsy shop.  This quilt is sold.)

I love the combination of colors.  I'm seriously having to hold myself back from moving from the computer to the sewing machine!  

I have a bunch of pink florals and some ginghams already cut!

             But, what would I do with it?
        What would you do with a super,sweet quilt like this?
Click Here to see the Intro. and Quilt #1
Click Here to see Quilt #2, #3,#4 and #5

1 comment:

Duke said...

So simple yet so beautiful☺