
Monday, June 15, 2020

Menu Monday

Welcome back to Menu Monday the day I share my meal plans fr the week.  And, recap last weeks meals.

Before we get into food I wanted to share the view from
my chair . . .

i just learned to video and I am not sure if it actually works so here's a still . . .

I happened to look up and see this dog in the chair.  Normally she is not in the chair.  This  is Domino it's normally Lola.  The chair was not in the normal spot because it sits in front of the closet and I was digging in it the other day; so the chair was closer to the window.  
She loves looking out the window.

I love my dogs. 
Do you have a dog that warms your heart?

Let's talk Menus!

Many of you know that my husband is ill.  He is on a restricted diet.  

It is a huge challenge to get him to eat what is on his diet.
And actually there are days that it is hard to get him to eat anything.
I have been 'winging it' alot and cooking without using a menu plan.

No menu.  No plan is not how I roll and so they whole task of making meals has become a chore for me.

Over here you'll find last weeks menu.  I was delighted that I had a plan and I kept up with what I planned to cook.  It was easy to look on my phone every day and prepare the planned meals.

So I thought
Guess what

Of the 15 meals I planned I succeeded in preparing and serving 1 Breakfast, 0 Lunches and 2 Dinners.

When I look back and look at these records I am dejected.  
But I carry on
It is now a quest

I relize now though I need to ad another element to the equation.  It is not about plans and prep. and serving for now.  It is about praying for my husband.  It is about praying he will have an appetite to eat and that he will be interested in the food that I prepare.

And so here are my plans for the week

I went to the grocery store on Saturday to get the things I need to offer for breakfast Eggs, Breakfast meat and fruit. I am prepared to make Eggs any way he chooses to go with whatever meat he is craving. 

Really I have no plans.  I have Tuna and canned Chicken I can prepare salad.  The Cowboy likes Sausages and Kielbasa so they are always in the fridge and freezer.  Even though they are not on his diet.

For lunches I will offer and encourage and pray and then move onto Dinner plans.  He always seems to eat Dinner so that is not much of a challenge.

Monday-Pan Seared Pork Cutlets and Stuffing, Fresh Greens
Tuesday- Leftover Lasagne from Sunday, Caesar Salad and Garlic Bread
Wednesday- Rib Eye, Onion Rings, Zuchinni/Pasta Salad
Thursday- Seafood Boil/Bowl and a cup of Gumbo
Friday- I had thought about making S.O.S. and when I mentioned it I didn't get a positive response so I guess we will be 'Wing It' .

So there are my plans for the week.  I am 'Jazzed to have a new week and a new chance provide some good food!

Do you plan Menu's?
Is it a challenge?
Leave a comment I would love visit your blog!

Have a Great Week

The party is over here

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Click here to visit the Little Cottage

Over here is the party 


Duke said...

Your video won't play for us. bummer. I plan what meals to make for two weeks and buy what I need but I don't plan each day for the week. We plan a day in advance.

Anonymous said...

I could not resist commenting. Exceptionally
well written!

Sarah Coller said...

You are doing a good work blessing your husband and praying for him! Your menu plan looks great. I hope he'll feel up to eating better this week. Blessings to you both!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

I admire your menu planning. I have always winged it. Thank you for sharing at Love Your Creativity. Happy Sunday.