I enjoy my Friday nights . . .
. . .On the Fridays that we don't go out to dinner
I visit one Crazy Mama that loves quilts as much as I do.
Amanda Jean is a lovely blogger and quilter that hosts a fun Friday night linky party dedicated to quilts.
Today I am sharing a few of my favorites from last nights party. Just to make my Saturday Sweet . . .
First up Amanda Jane shared a few pincushions. The big one on the right was the focus one. She shared how she put it together starting with a Hexie blog (that looks like a flower) that she made in the spring.
I clicked on this one because I loved the title of her link .'
Quilting is more fun than housework'. I found that is also the name of Cynthia's blog. I loved this fun scrappy quilt when I saw it larger. I could see the
beautiful details. This lovely quilt she made from Charm Squares which are precut squares you can buy at quilt shops. By using Charm Squares instead of buying yardage a quilter is able to get a lot more different pieces of fabric from a particular line. Plus the squares are already cut making your work faster.
Cynthia happens to have this quilt available for sale in her Etsy Shop. Click
I chose this one because I really liked the Apples. I chose this photo of the quilt because of the darling cat.
Kim of Persimmon Dreams is the quilter. (Don't you just love the names of these blogs!) Her
aunt did the quilting. Check out the story behind this quilt at her blog. You might find a surprise there.
We recently lost our sweet kitty. I used to say a quilt isn't a quilt until Rascal has laid on it.
Here's one of the last photos of Rascal . . .
He always got a little of a grumpy look on his face when I took a picture when he was sleeping. He wasn't a fan of the flash when he was taking a cat nap.
A few more quilts. I just can't get enough!
Lynn at the Little Red Hen shared . . .
This is a Vintage Modern Quilt. The pattern is vintage. The method and use of fabrics and colors is modern. I love the quilt hanging on the barn door.
I just loved this sweet little quilt. I've been planning on making someone that loves pink a quilt for Christmas. I know I need to get started right. But this is a simple pattern and perfect. I think next Saturday I'll be building pink houses.
Did you notice the fence in the background. I just love to hang quilts on a fence to photograph.
Click Here to see a post of quilts on fences. I linked the post over Tex's party
Good Fences.
Tex has a weekly party featuring fences. It's a fun place to visit!
A next fun quilt that celebrates Thanksgiving . . .
What a cute little quilt. Looks like he's stealing the Thanksgiving Dinner dessert. He looks like he's a
little 'stuffed'.

And since we just happened to be talkin' Turkey and Thanksgiving I wanted to invite you to share your
Thanksgiving posts. I'll be starting the Thanksgiving Party on November 1.

The Fabulous Fall linky party is running. You can come by and day and link Fall Themed
posts. If the link isn't the top post just click on the Leaf picture on the sidebar it will take you directly to the current party.
So now that I've been inspired by all these quilts. I'm going to make my Saturday even sweeter by
finishing up a project!
Happy Trails