Monday, May 31, 2010
Book Review--A Crime To Be Rich

Happy Homemaker Monday . . . coming soon
. . . running late. . .
baby coming to play . . .
will post during nap. . .
Happy Memorial Day
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Simple Sunday
And I found a lovely bouquet of flowers over at my friend Renae's so I am leaving it here for you too.

I will be leaving in a few minutes to go and do the chapel service at the girls Halfway House. Will you please say a pray for our girls
May your day be Simply Blessed.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Then Sings My Soul

Enjoy the video.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Book Review-The Last Christian

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Happy Homemaker Monday on Tuesday
I had to put my photo at the top because it wouldn't load earlier. Enjoy.

The weather in my neck of the woods:
Blue skies. And some cool breezes.
Things that make me happy:
An evening walk with the Cowboy, the dog and the cat. Yes the cat walks with us.
Book I'm reading:
The Case of the Great Granny by Thomas Emmon Pisano (watch for the review)
What I'm enjoying on TV:
in the next hour Mickey Mouse club with the grandbaby
On the menu for dinner:
I have no idea. I have a freezer full of meat and french fries and no veggies. I love veggies.
On my To Do List:
Play with the baby today he turned two and he is bringing his 4 wheeler we got him for his birthday. Scratch play I'll be chasing probably!
. . . take a nap too!
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I made onion rings a new way last night and they were sooooo good! Used bread flour, seasoned cornstarch and half a jiffy cornbread mix. Cut real thin and fried in the iron skillet. Yummy!
In the craft basket:Oh I so want to sew!
Looking forward to this week:
Tips and Tricks:
I use shelf paper but can't always find the right color or pattern. So I get fabric and use clear contact paper over it. It works great and it is simple and easy to change. Much less expensive than shelf paper. You can reuse the fabric too.
My favorite blog post this week:
One of my new friends is Carrie at Farming on Faith wrote this post about friends (enjoy reading it just after the happy birthday post.)
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Not really new to me but I want to share with you a fellow Texas. Candy at I love her photo's and the stories she shares along with them. Go over and say "hi"
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
Blogger won't let me upload...photo's of birthday coming soon.
Lesson learned the past few days:
This is silly to post but did you know that if you get overexposed to the sun your lips can be damaged and swell. Yup. Mine were so swollen on Sunday morning I couldn't go to our chapel service. I missed my boys.
On my mind:Where God's wants me to be.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Borrowed Sandrahttp://familycorner.blogspot.com/ the hostes of Happy Homemaker Monday on Monday LOL I love this one. I needed to be reminded of this.
Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced.
1 Chronicles 16:11-12
Monday, May 24, 2010
Have a Blessed Day . . . Hope to see you later
Friday, May 21, 2010
Book Review- The Missing Element
This was one of those books that sucked me in and kept me interested from page one. These are the kinds of books I really like. From the beginning the reader is captivated by what is going on. The book begins when computer genius Katherine Whitson vanishes from her home. The reader has a birds eye view of the circumstances surrounding her sudden disappearance. As she lets her would be kidnappers into her home she is shocked when the tables turn on her and she is forced to write a note. A note telling her husband she is leaving him. As she is forced and watched she makes an effort to leave clues she hopes her husband can figure out.
After reporting her disappearance to the police who don't react because of the note; her husband begins searching for help to find his wife.
Enters the main character in the book James "Beck" Becker and his wife Elizabeth who are both retired from government jobs. Elizabeth being an expert in computers who worked for the CIA and "Beck" being a military intelligence operative. Although The Missing Element doesn't really delve into their past or how they got together the reader is drawn into the characters. And left hopefully anticipating the next next James Becker Mystery novel.
Beck begins the job of searching for Katherine and immediately realizes there is definitely foul play involved as he is literally attacked when he goes to the husbands job to ask further questions. Beck recruits help from his friend "Bull" and the two begin surveillance and investigation on suspects in the case.
Betcher does an excellent job of bringing new characters into the plot. I loved his way of developing characters like Becks wife Elizabeth. When their home is broken into the reader is given just a little insight into Elizabeth's character and her experience in covert operations. And the situation she deals with adds a little humor to the story.
As Beck solves the case Betcher does an excellent job of wrapping the story up. And as the story ends the reader is left wanting more and a little sad the story is over. But there is definitely a feeling that there is more coming. More adventures with Beck and Elizabeth and their friends.
I was glad to learn from Mr. Betcher that there is indeed book two of the James Becker Mysteries in the works and it is due out in the fall. I am looking forward to reading it.
I highly recommend The Missing Element. It was a great read. It was suspenseful, intriguing and fun. In my opinion this would be a good book for any age group from older teen to adult. There is nothing explicit that would keep this from being a book that I would offer to the teens in the halfway house where I work.
John L. Betcher holds a Bachelor’s Degree, cum laude, in English from St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Minnesota Law School in Minneapolis. He has practiced law for more than twenty-five years in the Mississippi River community of Red Wing, Minnesota. He has also been a long-time supporter and coach of youth volleyball there.Mr. Betcher has published three feature articles in COACHING VOLLEYBALL, the Journal of the American Volleyball Coaches Association. His most recent article was the cover story for the April/May, 2009 Issue.His book on volleyball coaching philosophies entitled THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF VOLLEYBALL COACHING has been selling nationwide and is currently available at Amazon.com.He is also an active member and writing peer coach at the Agent Query Connect writer's forum.
Many thanks to Bostwick Communications for introducing me to the works of John L. Betcher. Thanks also to Mr. Betcher for allowing me this opportunity. I look forward to book two!The Missing Element may be purchased directly from Johnbetcher.com at Barnes and Noble here or at Amazon here
Mr. Betcher welcomes correspondence at betcherjl@q.com.
Prayer for Ministry

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Oh how pretty don't ya think?
I finally got three columns back! I love the new spring look. Still needs some fixin' up but I think it is great!
Excuse the dust while I work on it a little more!
I know I really need to change the photo size but that is another long episode of trial and error!
And I know I need to clean up the sidebar . . . I love my followers so much I have them on twice!
I hope everyone has a great Friday we will be at a fundraiser for the ministry. Please pray for lots of people going to Grapevine Main Street Days and that they come and park in our lot!
I really am thankful . . .
Just wanted to take a few minutes and let you know where I have been. That isn't me or my Cowboy but that is what we have been doing and are still doing. Have you ever known anyone that it is taken over 3 weeks to move 5 miles?
Disclaimer here's the whinny part . . . I have done most of the moving by myself in a convertible mustang. Now do you see why I am whinny! We have a lot of stuff mostly stuff that belongs to the ministry. Lots and lots of records. Lots and lots of fabric for the girls sewing program. Lots and lots of food for the pantry program. Just lots and lots of lots and lots. LOL. Here is where we are moving to. Can't say moved because there is still stuff over at the other house.

But there is a but. It seems like there always is a but. Our corporate sponsors who have pledged funding are very, very slow following up with their pledge. They were supposed to wire funds a couple of weeks ago and didn't. We went out on a limb and went ahead and wrote some checks. Bad idea. But anyway they did mail part of the money but not all which has put us in a bad position.
Our ministry needs your prayers. We received a message from the owners that if we didn't pay the deposit that we owe by the 28th and the full June rent by the 1st that we will have to move.
So I covet your prayers. I am praying that God will send a flood of viewers here to this blog over the next few days. Because our ministry needs your prayer support.
Maybe you don't really know alot about our ministry. Please go here and read about what we do. I know that God has a huge plan not only for us personally but for this ministry. But I also know that Satan has big plans too. We all know his plans. With that being said please say pray asking God to bind Satan from any further attacks. And please ask God to provide all that is needed. Not only for the minisitry but for us. Financially, emotionally and physically we are exhausted.
We do have a fundraiser this weekend. Please pray for great weather and lots of people visit Grapevine Main Street Days. We will be working a parking lot and getting $5.00 per car.
I have struggled about writing about our struggles and the situation we are in. But I realize that God needs to get the glory for what he is doing with this ministry. And, when I am able to write an amazing Praise report he will indeed receive the Glory.
Praise God.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wordfilled Wednesday

I was reminded of this verse this morning by a really sweet friend. Thank for the reminder.
Please join Amy Deanne for more wonderful illustrations of God's word. Here's the link.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Then Sings My Soul
I really began to love Amazing Grace when I was a teenager. There was a version that our youth choir sang when Billy Graham came to Dallas. I always loved that version. I love when artists can take these amazing old works and make them modern.
We sing this version on Sunday mornings at our chapel service with the boys. They love it. What a blessing it is each Sunday to watch these big tough guys sing their hearts out.
I hope you enjoy it and would you say our prayer for our boys at McFadden Ranch.
Amy Wyatt hosts Then Sings My Soul every Saturday come and join us and worship.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Book Review- Indivisible by Kristen Heitzmann
I thought I would start this review a little differently. Did that trailer not get you goin' and wantin' to read the book!
Indivisible is filled with suspence, romance, intrigue and just a plain 'ole good story.
Before I began to write I did check out a couple of other reviews basically everyone used the info. and summary provided by the publisher. I figure if your thinking about buying this book you want a real honest opinion and when you follow my link you can read all that stuff on the publishers site so why bore you with it here.
Indivisible takes place in a small Colorado town. The town is on the brink of major economic fortune due to coming development. The main character of the book Jonah Westfall is the Police Chief. His father (who is deceased) was the prior chief. Jonah's past and his relationship with his father and his mother is an underlying story.
And so with all that going on Jonah is under a lot of pressure to close this case. Along with the case invovling drug dealing going on in the quiet little town that affect the towns prosperity.
Another character is Tia Manning a child hood friend of Jonah's. The author does an incredible job of not letting the reader know what is really up with these two. I caught myself expecting they had some relationship and that they would get together in the end. I became drawn to the two and wanted them to end up together. It is one of those books you want to jump ahead and see what happens but I didn't!
There are several other characters with thier own stories that mingle and intertwine. The first to appear is the new female veteranian. She is new to town and Jonah's only real source to begin the investigation of several animal mutilations. And as you would guess it she is totally attracted to Jonah.
There are a couple of other underlying stories that are actually quite interesting. There is what is going on with Sarge the veteran that runs his bakery shop like a military operation. And there is the amazing new girl in town that works part time at the bakery until Sarge suddenly becomes ill and he is taken to the hospital.
I really enjoyed this book. Even though the were lots of characters. Lots of stories I enjoyed them all. This is one of those books that you really want to see book 2 and 3 down the road so you can see what happens with everyone.
I would give this book 5 stars. This was just a fun good clean book to read. I would highly recommend it.
Many thanks to Ashley Boyer and Waterbrook Multnomah for allowing me to review this book.
Wordfilled Wednesday
I talked about this yesterday and the more I looked at this photo I realized it was a perfect illustration for this promise.
"Behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and sup with him and he with me." (KJV) This is the way I memorized the verse a loooooooooong time ago. Is it a verse you know?
Today I thought I would share Amy's great illustration she is the amazing creating of WFW. Here's her work.

To see other great illustrations go and visit her guest hostess this week over here.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Is Your Door Open?
I see this gate as cool. I also see as cool my new house. Which btw has polished concrete floors. I had a long chat (on line) with my daughter last night about the concrete floors. She is afraid the baby will get hurt. I had to remind her that she is paranoid. That she is 28 years old and I haven killed her yet! LOL.
We do all see things differently. I am wondering as I am thinking what the door to your home looks like. I don't have a huge wall and gate surrounding my house but I do have a really pretty front porch and there is enough space above the door for a sign which I hope to install soon. I just have to come up with the right verse.
Maybe . . . Come to me all you who are weary and burndened and I will give you rest . . . or Behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and sup with him and he with me."
I never really wold have thought about the Revelation verse but I actually say it over the door at a resturant the other day. I was plesantly surprised and then I noticed on the menu one particular meal the proceeds go to missions in Mexico. I ordered that one and it was great!
Well these are the thinks I am thinking about. I am wondering what words would you put over your door? Share your ideas with me. The door is always open even if you see a closed gate. . .don't worry you have the key!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Happy Homemaker Monday
The weather in my neck of the woods: Not sure the temp but feels nice really windy and a little humid but really nice.
Things that make me happy: Mothers day wish and hugs from the boys at chapel service yesterday. God was with us and those boys made my day.
I'm reading: Just finished The Last Christian by David Gregory can't wait to write the review. Just started Embracing Your Second Calling by Dale Hanson Bourke and I am loving it already.
What I'm enjoying on TV: too much reading to do!
On the menu for dinner: chicken a la King, mashed potatoes...sounds good doesn't it? Sandra what time? I actually have no idea yet but I am thinking it is going to be something to go with hashbrown potatoes!
On my To Do List: Too long but how about what I have already done today. 2 loads of laundry, one done and put away, washed dishes that didn't fit dishwasher last night, swept the entire house. I love my new floor! Worked in our pantry (ministry), posted Mosaic Monday and Blue Monday....aren't you tired just reading this? Next on my list LUNCH!
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon: Broccoli salad leftovers for lunch the recipe which I adapted to follow!
In the craft basket: Just emptied a box of fabric scraps to use the box for something else so am thinking about stitching them up tonight. I am having sewing machine withdrawal.
Looking forward to this week:Enjoying more time outside in the patio ...stole this from Sandra 'cept I have to say my new patio at my new house!
Tips and Tricks:Fold the laundry or hang as soon as it comes out of the dryer. If not you will always be behind and have a messy laundry room! Or if you have yummy leftovers from last night. Eat out of the dish finish it off and wash. No extra plate needed. This only works if your home alone. I am not sure men and children would get the concept.
My favorite blog post this week: I have ones saved but forgot where I put it. It is from my friend Carrie's blog. I'll add it after lunch. I am starving.
Blog Hopping: Last week I loved the parade of homes at Poppiesatplay.blogspot.com I love her blog go over and visit.
No words needed:

On My mind: Something I can only share with my father right now. I need his strength. I need his faithfulness.
Devotional/Scripture Reading or Key Verse: Isaiah 43:18-19 forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? there it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands."
I found this verse last night while reading Embracing Your Second Calling. God spoke to
me through this verse reminding me of his faithfulness. I am leaning on him.
BTW I am also labeling this post dummies at blogging because I lost the font...notice the change?
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day

Friday, May 7, 2010
Happy Friday
A friend sent me some fun photo's this morning so I thought I would share! I am spending the day finishing getting everything out of the old house. Wish I was in a field collecting flowers with my dog!
Ya'll have a blessed day!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
My Faith is in my father who supplies all my needs. Who promises he will never let go. Even when waves are crashing in. Even when things look bleak he promises to always be with me.
Where does your Faith lie?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Cook Books on sale for Mothers Day
I know you won't get it time to give to your mom but why not get one for her birthday. Or Christmas or just because you have a great mom!
You can make a paypal payment right now! Our paypal account is Slegan@yahoo.com
And, I will mail tomorrow book rate. If you want it faster than that email me and we will see what the shipping is.
There are some really great recipes and your purchase will help our ministry!
Wordfilled Wednesday

Borrowing Amy's amazing illustration today. Thanking God for his security and provision. Praise God today!
You can see more Word Filled Wednesday posts at Penny's today.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Prayers for Denise
I am happy and joyful and I feel so Blessed by his provision for me and my Cowboy and for our ministry. His ministry.
But it is bittersweet when I think of Denise and her prayer needs. Tonight I am sharing a video she did a couple of days ago. If I had any extra $ I would be making a donation to their fund. Unfortunately my only help can be in the form praying and encouraging. And in asking you to pray, encourage and if God leads you to make a donation to help them out.
I think God for the Blessings he has given me the past few days. And I pray that he will provide an abundance for Denise and her husband.
Monday 4 Missions Prayers Answered
We started moving into the new house last night. This will be a short post. I have to go wait on cable people. But I had to share the photo's. I'll add captions later.
Photo's of the house. Do you see that tub? Yea! Jets! Yea! Almost my favorite part. I love the brick wall it is the dining room. And my kitchen! I do not deserve this! I am linking to
Mosaic Monday so I can share the good news with everyone that God is good.
Even though the house is a dream come true. Below is the better part!
It is a 50x45 space. 2 more identical spaces connected that we will be getting soon! This first space will house our automotive classes and food pantry and on Sunday our chapel service space! Praise God. Praise God!
Thanks for the prayers. I'll be back on Wed. if not before! Love you all. I hope that God is revealing himself to you. He is there just hang on and have faith!
Linking also to Blue Monday even though there isn't a lot of blue I hope Sally doesn't mind. I didn't have time to do anything Blue! I promise Sally I'll be back next week with a real blue photo!