“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
~ 1 Peter 2:9-10 (ESV emphasis mine)
Iris at Sting My Heart has gotten me to thinking about the people/relationships that I am thankful for. God proclaims that I am his chosen. And that he gave be the chance to be one of his chosen. I am thankful that God showed me his son and that Jesus gave me the opportunity to become a child of God.
I am thankful for my Cowboy . . . Here is a recent photo of him.
I am thankful for my house . . . This is what it looked like before we moved in.

I am thankful God gave us a beautiful home so that we can share it with friends and family and build stronger relationships.
I am thankful for my Sunday School class. They are a group of amazing people. Anytime we or anyone else has a need they serve God by helping anyway they can. They are a real blessing to us.
I am thankful that I am free and able to baby sit my new grandson and that we have a relationship already. I am thankful that he smiles when he sees me.
I am thankful for my kids. They are amazing. Our son lives in Missouri and we don't see him often. Yesterday we received a really sweet email from him. I am thankful that even though the miles separate us we are still a family.
I am thankful for new friends that we have met through ministry. I am thankful that we are building working relationships and that we are Serving God together.
I am thankful for my new friends. The friends that I have met through this wonderful venue of blogging. You all know who you are. Thanks for your prayers,support and encouragement.
I am thankful for Kelli over at theresnoplacelikehome she hosts the amazing Friday Show and Tell. She has become a friend that provides me with much inspiration.

I am thankful for Amy Dean our Word Filled Wednesday hostess; another friend that gives me inspiration and encouragement.

I am thankful I have sisters.
And lastly I am thankful for Iris for giving me the inspiration to think about the wonderful people that are a part of my life. Thank you for reminding me how special these relationships are.