
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Vintage Cakes--Cookbook Review

I really enjoy going to the library and checking out new cookbooks.
Here's the latest . . .
  The cover caught my eye.  Yummy!!!!!   And, I love anything Vintage so I knew I would enjoy this cookbook. 

Vintage Cakes offers a fun collection of updated recipes for both classic and forgotten cakes.  Some I was familiar with but some were new to me. 

There are recipes for layer cakes, rolls, bundt cakes and even no-bake cakes. And of course cupcakes!  There are over 50 different recipes with wonderful color photos.  I loved the use of vintage items in the photography. 

The author tested 'old fashioned' grandma recipes and made some changes to update . . .
"I was happy to rid the recipes of any Crisco, Primex, Sweetex and margarine! I replaced the processed fats with good old-fashioned butter for the yummiest flavor and canola oil for tenderizing the crumb and adding moisture to the cake," Richardson said.

This site actually has some of the recipes and great photo's from the cookbook.  Click Here.

I really enjoyed reading this cookbook and looking at the photo's.  I was inspired to try a few of the recipes.

I looked around the internet to see where you might purchase.  It appears to be widely available at
Amazon and a few other places. 

Check it out.  You might consider purchasing a copy for a new bride.  I think it would make a great wedding gift.

Thanks for visiting today.   I am off to the library for a new cookbok to share with you next week.

Linking with  . . .
Road to 31          250 Titus 2 Tuesday                             
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Monday, April 29, 2013


This looked like fun. Saw it over at Denise's. Click here to visit.

Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They MUST be real places, names, things … nothing made up! If you can’t think of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person before you had the same 1st initial. You CAN’T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. Famous Singer/Band: Seventh Day Slumber

2. 4 letter word: soul

3. Street: State Street

4. Color: Salmon

5. Gifts/Presents: Sparklies

6. Vehicle: Saturn

7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Shells

8. Boy Name: Samuel

9. Girl Name: Sophia

10. Movie Title: Star Wars

11. Drink: Sprite

12. Occupation: Snake Handler

13. Celebrity: Sylvester Stallone

14. Magazine: Southern Living

15. U.S City: San Francisco

16. Pro Sports Teams: Stars

17. Reason for Being Late for Work: Sick

18. Musical Instrument: Snare

19. Things You Shout: Skeet

20. Cartoon Character: Snoopy   This was fun.  So what can you come up with using the first letter of your name?    Have a beautiful week Sherry

Blue Monday --Nanosecond

Nanosecond . . .I like that word.  Nanosecond.  It is fun to spell . . . (I guess I spelled it right. LOL)
It is fun to say.  It is fun to put into a sentence like . . .
In a nanosecond. 

I want a vacation.  So I was thinking that maybe I would just take one today. 

In a nanosecond maybe I could be . . .
 Great idea but a little toooo close to home.  I mean seriously we're talking a Nanosecond vacation! 

  Now this is cool!  Texas to Brussels in a Nanosecond! That's more like it. 

  Then maybe a stop here where I could look out this beautiful window at . . .
  awwww. . . Venice that's a dream vacation!

Or maybe

   BTW are you noticing a theme here?

Dawng I just thought of a problem. 

I probably wouldn't have much time for sight seeing on a nanosecond vacation.  I couldn't see these . . .


So.  I'll just stay home for now and just go on over to Sally's for Blue Monday instead! 

Happy Blue Monday

Come back next week.  I am sharing something I made.  And it is Blue!

Click Here to Join Sally


Bondi, Australia

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sweetness on Saturday

I couldn't help but share a few sweet photo's.  At least to me!
Making my Saturday sweet!

Enjoy . . .

 My daughter and I helped with a photo shoot.  She provided the animals . . .

 A piggy will do anything his girl asks . . . if she has pig food!
 The Fairy Princess Pig . . .
 It was hard to sneak this shot around the 'real' photographer.  But it was my idea so I had to try!
 One little Cowboy in the mix.   The sweetest of them all if you ask me!
 And one more . . .

I wish I could spend every Saturday doing this!

Thanks for stopping in.  I hope your Saturday is filled with sweetness!

Have a Joyfilled Sweet Day

Joining Chritina. Click Here to visit the linky

Friday, April 26, 2013

Five Minute Friday--Friends

Girl Friends,  Best Friends, BFF, Secret Sisters, Sista Chicks . . .
lots of words to discribe a couple or a few girls hanging out;
spending time shopping or lunching or in some circles bar hopping or clubbing . . .

Last Saturday I noticed a group of girls well ladies, mom's sitting together drinking their 3rd pitcher of Margarita's.  They were beginning to get really happy.  We were actually at  Taco Cabanna not some place you would expect to see a group of ladies laughing over a few margaritas. 

But I couldn't help myself as I wondered what it would be like to be a part of their group.

Not because they were drinking margarita's but because they were a group of friends hanging around and having fun.

Today Cowboy and I were driving to the grocery store.  I was looking out the window and noticed two ladies standing outside a business waiting for it to open.  It was a couple minutes till 11:00 the resturant wasn't open yet. 

It seems everywhere you look you can find girls hanging out together. 

Girls being girls.  Girls being friends. 

And I remember all my old friends.  I remember the fun times we had and I miss the friendships. 
I miss just talking on the phone in the afternoon.  Just hanging out shopping, lunching going to classes together . . .

between waking and dreaming

Friends a Blessing from God.  Enjoy and Cherish them.

Joining Lisa Jo for 5 minute Friday.  The place for writing without worry on a topic.  Go by and join the fun. 

Click Here


Thursday, April 25, 2013

If Pigs Could Fly . . .

They would need . . .

Wings . . .
 Fairy Wings that is and . . .

. . . a crown of course...btw have you ever tried to take a photo of a pig?  Not easy. . .

And one more almost W word . . . just because I am a proud mama and had to show this . . .
 Look close White feet!
Saturday I had the priviledge of hanging around a photo shoot at my daughters.  She was the Cowgirl Wrangler...Oh she is a W!
Silly me!

Thanks Jenny for hosting Alpahabet Thursday!
Jenny Matlock Click Here and Join

Happy Thursday

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

Five Minute Friday---Jump

Jump to conclusions . . .

Jump up and down . . .

Jump over . . .

Jump for Joy . . .

Jump into . . .
that's it; that's usually me.  Jumping to with both feet.  Give me a project or a cause.  Give me a little direction and I am jumping in.
And sometimes I get in over my head!  
But I just take a big gulp of air and keep on jumping in! 

It's kind of like the child playing in rain puddle.  Tryin to jump over but instead jumping in.  

I am waiting again on God's direction.  A new ministry opportunity is on the horizon.  

A new opportunity to Jump

Jumping in with Lisa Jo today.  Come over and join the party. 

Click Here

Hope your day is full of Jumping for Joy


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Very Vintage Alpahabet Thursday

So I realize I missed last Thursday and I was planning this really cool post for the letter "U". 

And then I thought I'll stop at Jenny's first.  And what do I find?

The letter   V . . .

So what is a girl to do?  Well just run around the house taking photo's of her favorite Vintage items!

Love this Vintage table and isn't this shot adorable?
This is my painted lady.  She has traveled with me from house to house.  She has had a little repair here and there.  I call her the painted lady because she really dreams of being painted blue . . . maybe someday!
Love my vintage glasses.  Bought the set on ebay back in the day. 
Why you wonder?
Look at the one in the center!
Cowboy kind of likes the hunting scenes

And a few Pinterest finds . . .
I have a watering can like this somewhere in storage!
Fun shot I think some of the spools are wooden which means   VvvvvvVintage!

And last very oh that is another V word!
Love this idea. 
I have passed up so many of these very Vintagy funnels
I just have to say

Love in joining Jenny for Alphabet Thursday
Jenny Matlock

Click Here and visit

Have a Very Wonderful Day
Come by tomorrow for 5 Minute Friday!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Are you still there? Wordfilled Wednesday

Today I am filled with words.  I am glad that isn't how I am typing!
Aren't these old typewriters nostalgic?  I would love to have one
in my office.  (that is if I had an office LOL)

Are you still there I wonder.
 I had to take a little unforseen and unexpected and not asked for blogging break. 
I have missed visiting you.  I have missed your visits here! 

I hope that you'll come back.  I have some very nice things rumbling around in this little 'ole brain.

And I'll be joining all my friends again Denise, Jenny, Brenda, Katherine, Christina and Judith and a lot more for their linkys. 

I didn't mention Sally or Lisa Jo because I was keeping up with them at least.  I couldn't just completely stop cold turkey!  

I have been doing alot of sewing lately.  And I'll be posting lots of snaps.  Starting today for WIP (work in process) Wednesday.  As soon as I get the battery charged snaps of the green quilt I am working on for Rainbow Stash Challenges.

And I've been spending more time at the library.  I love to read!  And I love cookbooks and new recipes.  Have you seen my Tuesday cookbook review posts.  I've enjoyed doing them.  Let me know how you like them!  I think I'll keep doing that for a while.  What do you think?

And then tomorrow I'll be back with an alphabet letter. 
I think Jenny is on 'U'.  Hmmmmm.  I have some ideas!

And look at that banner.  If you've been stopping by I bet your as bored with it as I am.  I really planned to do a new one each month since I learned how to do the collage. 
But, now since we're almost half way through April and since I need to remember to be Joyful even without a computer
and I know I need to be still and wait on the Lord.  

Well maybe just maybe I should keep it up.

So what do you think? 

Just wonderin'

Thank you for stopping by and thanks for leaving a comment even though you have to prove your not a computer.  I promise I'll take the verification off in a couple of days. 

Have a wonderful Joyful and Blessed Day

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Picture Perfect

Christina over at Amanda's Books and More prompted me today.  For her Picture Perfect post she
highlighted her kitty.

Not to be out done I had to join the fun!

My Spy cat.  He plays Mission Impossible . . .

When he is tired from his spy games he loves to take a nap on my bed.  And he loves to choose nap time when I am laying out blocks
 Trying to hide and pretend he is not really here . . .
 Agreeing with the spy kid that it they really, really don't need a nap now . . .
 The spy cat resting up till time to go back outside for more spy games!

And because horses are my favorite animal I had to add this one . . .
 I can't take credit.  I found this on pinterest.  Adorable! 

So don't you think they are Picture Perfect?

I hope your day is Perfect in every way!


P.S. BTW sorry that word verificiation is on.  I have had trouble with spam comments.
I'll remove it in a day or two. 
Please comment anyway!

Amanda’s Books and More
Linking with Christine.  Click Here