Welcome to Thankful Thursday hosted by Laurie today she wrote about needing courage. Here's a little of what she said...
Courage in your moment of grief. Courage in your moment of pain. Courage in your moment of sickness. Courage in your moment of stress. Courage in your moment of despair. Courage.
PSALM 3:3 "Lord, You are my shield, my wonderful God who gives me courage."
There are moments in our lives when we have to suck it up, we have to get some backbone, we have grab on to all the strength we can... such courage comes from the Lord!
"Aren't you thankful for the courage of the Lord! His strength and protection will rise us up out of the hand of the enemy and we WILL be overcomers!
What are you thankful for this week?"
This week I am Thankful that it is Thursday which means it is almost Friday which means it is almost the weekend. Which doesn't mean much except that it means it is almost Sunday and which means I get to go to church and seek rest, guidance,peace and courage.
I did need some courage this week to get to today...well maybe not really courage but stamina, long suffering and motivation. It was a really busy week. I guess if your a regular reading you've noticed this is my first post since Sunday.
But I am thankful that it was a Blessed week. I enjoyed keeping my grandbaby two days.
I am thankful for the rain we are having. Just enought to make the grass grow nicely for the horse and donkeys and just enough to keep the flower beds and the veg. garden watered.
I am thankful for the vegtable garden. It is my second favorite thing. My first my sewing room.
I am thankful God gives me courage to wait patiently. Well he trys to give me patience I don't always reach for it.
I am thankful God provides and that he gives me words of encouragement from wonderful new friends. I need that.
Are you thankful this morning?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009

I went over to Peggy's to see her Super Sunday post while I was thinking about what I wanted to post. I loved the song she shared and so I looked up cindy Cruise Ratcliff I am sorry I didn't know who she was. Here's one I found. It is super simple something I needed today. Thank you Peggy. Thank you Cindy. Thank you Jesus.
Join Peggy for Super Sunday.
Just choose a scene, song, scripture, "sermonette"...something simple & share it with us
while you enjoy your Sunday. Post it on your blog & link here with SUPER SUNDAY
it's just that simple to share something that God has touched you with this week
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Sings My Soul Saturday
Welcome to Then Sings My Soul hosted by Amy
Each week Amy and her friends post songs that Blessed them. This is the song that Blessed me this week. Many of you probably already know this song. I have heard it before but the Blessing to me probably isn't from the same reason everyone else is Blessed by it.
I haven't seen the movie yet. So here it is. My reflection and the lyrics follow.
I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait
I will move ahead, bold and confident
Takeing every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait
I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve you while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord
As I said I haven't seen the movie so these didn'touch me the same way the have everyone else. When I heard it last night I was thinking of the challenges and trials that I face in ministry. These encouraging words reminded me to contunie on and wait on the Lord. To continue to pray, to serve and worship.
I hope you are Blessed today even if your waiting remember that God has a wonderful for you. Even when you can't see him. Or if your like me right now and you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel just open his words and they will become the light for your path.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalms 119:105
Each week Amy and her friends post songs that Blessed them. This is the song that Blessed me this week. Many of you probably already know this song. I have heard it before but the Blessing to me probably isn't from the same reason everyone else is Blessed by it.
I haven't seen the movie yet. So here it is. My reflection and the lyrics follow.
I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait
I will move ahead, bold and confident
Takeing every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait
I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve you while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord
As I said I haven't seen the movie so these didn'touch me the same way the have everyone else. When I heard it last night I was thinking of the challenges and trials that I face in ministry. These encouraging words reminded me to contunie on and wait on the Lord. To continue to pray, to serve and worship.
I hope you are Blessed today even if your waiting remember that God has a wonderful for you. Even when you can't see him. Or if your like me right now and you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel just open his words and they will become the light for your path.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalms 119:105
Friday, April 24, 2009
Share and Tell Friday
Thanks for stopping in this afternoon. I really meant to get this post written last night but I forgot when I planned it I had Bible Study and Dinner Date (well no I didn't forget that part.) and I had a noon 2 hour meeting and then we had to deliver food to the grandma's before Bible Study, then this morning we had community service at the food bank with the halfway house girls. So now here I am to write this post.
I have found such fun people and great blogs to visit that I thought it would be fun to Share my new found friends and the places I enjoy to visit. I hope some of you will join me and maybe next week share with me your favorite post or blog stop of the week. I am trying to make a cute button too.
Well the place where I was most blessed this week was at Becky's I have had fun visiting her this week. But it was her post here that blessed my socks off. And it was partly what was behind my Thankful Thursday post.
One more place that I found this week that was fun was Jennifer she actually sent her readers over to Becky's to read the same inspiring post which is how I found it.
So to my new sisters Becky and Jennifer thanks for the encouragement and inspiration you gave me these week. You Blessed me.
I home you all have a Blessed Weekend full of Sonshine
I have found such fun people and great blogs to visit that I thought it would be fun to Share my new found friends and the places I enjoy to visit. I hope some of you will join me and maybe next week share with me your favorite post or blog stop of the week. I am trying to make a cute button too.
Well the place where I was most blessed this week was at Becky's I have had fun visiting her this week. But it was her post here that blessed my socks off. And it was partly what was behind my Thankful Thursday post.
One more place that I found this week that was fun was Jennifer she actually sent her readers over to Becky's to read the same inspiring post which is how I found it.
So to my new sisters Becky and Jennifer thanks for the encouragement and inspiration you gave me these week. You Blessed me.
I home you all have a Blessed Weekend full of Sonshine
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Share and Tell Friday
Hello dear friends. I want to invite you to come back by late Friday or over the weekend for my Share and Tell Friday. I'll be sharing a wonderful post and inviting you to meet someone I met this week. But I won't be able to write my post till the afternoon. But I figure that is o.k. because it will give you something to read over the weekend.
On Friday mornings I am at our local food bank with my halfway house girls working.
We sort food and prepare it to be given to people that need it.
I have to tell you that tonight I am really hyped up, encouraged,excited and a bunch of other verbs that I can't think of right now. Today we had our second Reading Group at our halfway house. We started last week with an intro. I read a story from a book called Women of the Bible. The girls really didn't realize it was a faith based reading group. I talked to them about what they would like to read and during the conversation we all agreed that it would be fun to read short stories each week rather than doing a book study. I was prepared with a short story from Women of the Bible. I read the story of David and Bathsheba but I changed the names. When I was about 3/4 through the story one girl said that it sounded like something from the Bible. Boy that was encouraging to me it opened the door for a wonderful discussion. Another girl said it was a cool and interesting story. When I finished I revealed to them that it was a story from the Bible. They were all intriqued. Today we read the story of Rahab. I gave each girl a study sheet from the book that gave more references and explained what it was like to live in a city surrounded by walls like Jericho. I attached to their sheets a piece of red ribbon. I explained to them that when they say it that it could remind them of Rahab's story and that if you have faith in God that he will help you. He will provide for you. He will give you the desires of your heart.
It was an amazing night. God provides encouragement to me each time that I am able to share his love with these girls. I wish dear friends, dear sisters that you could each be a part of these amazing opportunity that God has given me.
Tonight we were able to share with our girls that if you have faith and you trust God and you open your heart and your life to him that he will give you provision and he will use you even when you think your not worthy. I am not worthy but I know that God has a plan for me and I know that if I just keep on keeping on and doing what I feel he is leading me to do today that he will use me if only I let him.
I pray dear ones that you open your heart and allow God to reveal to you the Journey he has planned for you.
On Friday mornings I am at our local food bank with my halfway house girls working.
We sort food and prepare it to be given to people that need it.
I have to tell you that tonight I am really hyped up, encouraged,excited and a bunch of other verbs that I can't think of right now. Today we had our second Reading Group at our halfway house. We started last week with an intro. I read a story from a book called Women of the Bible. The girls really didn't realize it was a faith based reading group. I talked to them about what they would like to read and during the conversation we all agreed that it would be fun to read short stories each week rather than doing a book study. I was prepared with a short story from Women of the Bible. I read the story of David and Bathsheba but I changed the names. When I was about 3/4 through the story one girl said that it sounded like something from the Bible. Boy that was encouraging to me it opened the door for a wonderful discussion. Another girl said it was a cool and interesting story. When I finished I revealed to them that it was a story from the Bible. They were all intriqued. Today we read the story of Rahab. I gave each girl a study sheet from the book that gave more references and explained what it was like to live in a city surrounded by walls like Jericho. I attached to their sheets a piece of red ribbon. I explained to them that when they say it that it could remind them of Rahab's story and that if you have faith in God that he will help you. He will provide for you. He will give you the desires of your heart.
It was an amazing night. God provides encouragement to me each time that I am able to share his love with these girls. I wish dear friends, dear sisters that you could each be a part of these amazing opportunity that God has given me.
Tonight we were able to share with our girls that if you have faith and you trust God and you open your heart and your life to him that he will give you provision and he will use you even when you think your not worthy. I am not worthy but I know that God has a plan for me and I know that if I just keep on keeping on and doing what I feel he is leading me to do today that he will use me if only I let him.
I pray dear ones that you open your heart and allow God to reveal to you the Journey he has planned for you.
Thankful Thursday

Join me today for Thankful Thursday hosted by Laurie. Today's discussion is provision.
But before I begin I have to say I am thankful God knows and understands my heart. Even when I don't know how to express myself I know that he knows. He knows my hurts, my frustrations and even my pain. I resolve to trust and believe even when I don't in my humaness see it.
Provision is the suggested topic today which is difficult for me to talk about because I feel like that is something that I am constantly praying for. And I am constantly asking God to give me patience and to help me to hurry up and learn whatever it is that he wants me to learn.
And, as I whine and fret and worry about what we are going to do I know that there are those that are thinking and feeling the same way because of loss of employment or the fear of loss. And there are those that read my blog and they think you choose to do this. I lost my job or my husband lost his job and we have no control over that.
Your right I choose. I choose to wait and trust not as patiently as I should but I wait and I continue on. And I whine and I fret and I complain when I have a program planned and then not enough funds come in and I have to cut back on what I am doing.
And I pray for strength and patience and understanding. And I pray for you dear sister that you have strength and patience in whatever God is taking you through right now. Whether it is the loss of a job or the fear of losing a job if you trust in God he will provide provision. Maybe not exactly as we expect but I guess that is actually kind of cool because it is kind of like a surprise and we all love surprises right.
The other day I stumbled onto an amazing post that I will share with you tomorrow. This ladies trust and faith in God is so encouraging. I was lifted up after reading it. So come back tomorrow and visit my Friday Share and Tell I know you will be blessed.
Before I go I want to share what Debra Kaye said today because she said what I couldn't put into words. Thank you my sister.
"Psalm 6:2 "Have mercy on me Lord for I am weak; O Lord heal me for my bones are troubled"
David pleaded for mercy here based on his weakness. This confession "I am weak" is hard to own up to. We like to be strong...but we fail and we need to call upon God for mercy. I am glad for the provision of His grace and His mercy despite my weakness. And for the provisions that He sends along in the way of friends who will pray...and a sister in law who humbled and sacrificed her wants.
Blessings to you this Thankful Thursday! Great big hugs!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Wordfilled Wednesday
Welcome to Wordfilled Wednesday...visit Amy for more illustrations of God's word.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
Stop Don't Leave...
Dear ones it is still me don't think your in the wrong place. I don't know about you but I was so tired of that pink!
I found a wonderful new place to get free templates. I am cleaning things up a bit here. Hopefully I'll at least get the template up tonight. If not patience my sweets!
It will be worth the wait. I'll be up late working on it and getting all my buttons and stuff back up. I'll post my Wordfilled Wednesday as soon as Amy puts up Mr. Linky.
Come back tomorrow and see the new look at My Journey.
I found a wonderful new place to get free templates. I am cleaning things up a bit here. Hopefully I'll at least get the template up tonight. If not patience my sweets!
It will be worth the wait. I'll be up late working on it and getting all my buttons and stuff back up. I'll post my Wordfilled Wednesday as soon as Amy puts up Mr. Linky.
Come back tomorrow and see the new look at My Journey.
Tuesday Home Sanctuary Challenge
One more thing....sorry I know usually you put that at the bottom or the end but read on and you'll understand why it is here.
Here's my dummies at blogging hint for the day. Did you know that when you type in black and then change to white text so your post can be read on a dark background that everything turns white and you can't see it from the compose tab? Take my word for it. If you will read down and try to click on My Home Sanctuary it doesn't work because I typed it wrong. Well I can't fix it because I can't see it so here. I don't know if Rachel Ann's works or not but just in case here is the link. I don't know how far down the rest of the post is because I can't see it but it is there please scroll down you'll enjoy Rachel Ann's challenge
Back to the dummies at blogging category...this post was meant for My Home Sanctuary. This is the second time I have done this in the last couple of days. I hope my regular Journey readers enjoy this post. And by the way go over and visit Rachel Ann and my other blog too.
I just love Rachel Ann my inspiration for My Home Sanctuary. She gives us great ideas everyday to brighten up our homes and make them a sanctuary. Some of the ideas are super easy, some are hard last week I had to take apart my stove, some are needed and overlooked tasks. I don't know about you but I need the reminders and the inspiration. Here's todays Small Thing. I copied what she said because she is just hilarious.
Today's Small Thing is ridiculously easy. All you have to do is work on your salt and pepper shakers! Are they empty? Fill them up! Are they gummed up from humidity? Unclog the holes so they work properly. Are they sticky and yucky looking? Give them a nice wiping or perhaps wash them out completely.
You know, it's the little niceties that make life sweet. I like reaching for a sparkling salt shaker and elegantly sprinkling my food with flavor. It makes me feel a bit like Martha Stewart for such fine attention to detail.
POINTS: 30 for one set of salt and pepper shakers
BONUS POINTS: 10 for each additional set of shakers
I'll try to post pictures of all Salt and Pepper shakers tonight so you can see I really did this one and because I thought it would be fun for you to see them.
Have a great day making your home a sanctuary
Here's my dummies at blogging hint for the day. Did you know that when you type in black and then change to white text so your post can be read on a dark background that everything turns white and you can't see it from the compose tab? Take my word for it. If you will read down and try to click on My Home Sanctuary it doesn't work because I typed it wrong. Well I can't fix it because I can't see it so here. I don't know if Rachel Ann's works or not but just in case here is the link. I don't know how far down the rest of the post is because I can't see it but it is there please scroll down you'll enjoy Rachel Ann's challenge
Back to the dummies at blogging category...this post was meant for My Home Sanctuary. This is the second time I have done this in the last couple of days. I hope my regular Journey readers enjoy this post. And by the way go over and visit Rachel Ann and my other blog too.
I just love Rachel Ann my inspiration for My Home Sanctuary. She gives us great ideas everyday to brighten up our homes and make them a sanctuary. Some of the ideas are super easy, some are hard last week I had to take apart my stove, some are needed and overlooked tasks. I don't know about you but I need the reminders and the inspiration. Here's todays Small Thing. I copied what she said because she is just hilarious.
Today's Small Thing is ridiculously easy. All you have to do is work on your salt and pepper shakers! Are they empty? Fill them up! Are they gummed up from humidity? Unclog the holes so they work properly. Are they sticky and yucky looking? Give them a nice wiping or perhaps wash them out completely.
You know, it's the little niceties that make life sweet. I like reaching for a sparkling salt shaker and elegantly sprinkling my food with flavor. It makes me feel a bit like Martha Stewart for such fine attention to detail.
POINTS: 30 for one set of salt and pepper shakers
BONUS POINTS: 10 for each additional set of shakers
I'll try to post pictures of all Salt and Pepper shakers tonight so you can see I really did this one and because I thought it would be fun for you to see them.
Have a great day making your home a sanctuary
Monday, April 20, 2009
Basic Instruction and Monday 4 Mission

Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.....Psalm 119:105 (KJV)
Every time I see this button for the Bible Memory challenge I am reminded of the time I spent working with the youth at our church. The are many bittersweet memories. Some bitter I hate to admit. And many, many sweet ones that I cherish.
It also reminds me of the the times in our own ministry that we sat at the dining room table and talked to teens assigned from teen courts. It reminds of those that proudly told us what the acronym letters meant.
Today I want to share with you a little about our current ministry. As many of you know I work with girls that are incarcerate in our States teen prison system.
These girls are ending their sentence and living together in a 20 bed halfway house. It isn't really like a normal halfway house. They are still in prison. The door is locked on the outside (no one can walk in) but on the inside you can push it open and leave. The girls wear shower shoes (makes it harder to run out the door) They are not allowed in bedrooms except during sleeping times. They have assigned seats in the day room. They are not allowed to talk. They have to raise their hand and ask the staff on duty for permission to talk. Sometimes the permission doesn't come in a timely manner. I have seen girls with their arms raised for long moments and then hold the raised arm up with their other hand.
They eat in a cafeteria like room. It has those little tables with the attached round seats that you see in elementary schools. And they are not allowed to talk.
As an approved volunteer I am allowed to eat any meal with the girls if I am there.
What fun is that when you can't talk?
Well none at all and so I worked out a deal with the superintendent. We go ever Thursday for Dinner Date during the week 2 or 3 girls are chosen that have been good all week. We get to eat our meal in the classroom and we get to talk! The girls love it. It is a wonderful time for us because we get to really get to know the girls. And we get to talk to then about God. We always pray before we eat.
This is just one simple way that we minister to the girls. We love our work. I miss those days of sitting around the dining room table. (I'll post some photo's one day) I miss working with the local teens. But I know that God has a plan and I realize how much need there is at the halfway house. And I know how few volunteers there are there. And so I am Blessed to be able to be one of those allowed to share the Gospel with the girls.
Some people wonder about the safety of going there and working with the girls. Some people think we are nuts. In fact some people that have supported our ministry in the past stopped when we started this work.
But these girls are so sweet and so much in need. They are always happy when we come in. They smile and wave. There are a few that are closed off. And those we pray for and we try to find out things about them so we can minister to them.
Each day we we spend with them we are Blessed each day we are thankful that we can tell them that Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Super Sunday Post

Today I am joining my frined Peggy for Super Sunday. And yes this Sunday is Super. Why you ask? Because it is. Because our God allowed us this amazing day. A day to study and worship for some. A day to rest for others. A day for family for some. And for probably a rare few a day of study,worship, rest and family!
I am praying you are all having a Super Sunday!
This morning we studied Isaiah and God's words of hope and provision for his people. I am so grateful for his provision for us. That he chooses to forgive us when we fail and he chooses to just open his arms wider and wider for us.
Thank you Abba Father for your love! Thank you for this Super Sunday!
Tomorrow I will be assigned a new Bible verse. Here's this weeks verse.
Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
If you wish to join us in memorizing come back tomorrow or go here and come by tomorrow for Mission 4 Monday
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Share and Tell Friday on Saturday
Welcome to my Saturday edition of Share and Tell. I mentioned wanting to start this new weekly post for Fridays last week. I have had some interested responses so next week I hope you will join us.
Today I want to share with you a really fun blog I just found this week. I think it is my new favorite!
I like to go to my favorite places and check out the comments and thier favorites because I always find places like Foxgloves, Fabric and Folly. I was intrigued by the name which is usually what draws me to visit other blogs. Some of you guys are just so creative.
When I visited over at Foxgloves I loved all the photo's decorating ideas. They love pink over there and write a post with photo's of pink things on Saturday. Today the photo's are of a darling pink cottage and a bouget of pink Sweet Pea's.
I know if it is rainy or cold where you are today. Like it is where I am you'll feel all warm and cozy so go over and check out my new favorite place. And come back on Friday and Share and Tell about your favorite places.
BTW if you haven't found Kelli go visit her. She has a great Show and Tell every Friday.
Today I want to share with you a really fun blog I just found this week. I think it is my new favorite!
I like to go to my favorite places and check out the comments and thier favorites because I always find places like Foxgloves, Fabric and Folly. I was intrigued by the name which is usually what draws me to visit other blogs. Some of you guys are just so creative.
When I visited over at Foxgloves I loved all the photo's decorating ideas. They love pink over there and write a post with photo's of pink things on Saturday. Today the photo's are of a darling pink cottage and a bouget of pink Sweet Pea's.
I know if it is rainy or cold where you are today. Like it is where I am you'll feel all warm and cozy so go over and check out my new favorite place. And come back on Friday and Share and Tell about your favorite places.
BTW if you haven't found Kelli go visit her. She has a great Show and Tell every Friday.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursday's Challenge
I just love Rachel Ann she comes up with the neatest ideas to organize us and help us make our home a sanctuary. And, she is just plain fun to read.
Here's her suggestion for today.....
Today's Small Thing is to finish one thing that you've started. It might be folding a load of undies, planting some seeds from the packets you bought weeks ago, or "cutting in" around the baseboards with paint in the rooms you started painting before Christmas. Put some legs on your vision today and make it happen! Take a small beginning and give it a fitting end!
Then pat yourself on the back for a job well DONE!
POINTS: 40 for finishing ONE small beginning....you're one step closer to the kind of world you want.
I will be putting away the clothes that have been sitting in a laundry basket (clean and folded) for several days now!
What are YOU finishing today?
Hey! Give yourself 10 extra points for sharing in the comments or telling someone what you finished!
Here's her suggestion for today.....
Today's Small Thing is to finish one thing that you've started. It might be folding a load of undies, planting some seeds from the packets you bought weeks ago, or "cutting in" around the baseboards with paint in the rooms you started painting before Christmas. Put some legs on your vision today and make it happen! Take a small beginning and give it a fitting end!
Then pat yourself on the back for a job well DONE!
POINTS: 40 for finishing ONE small beginning....you're one step closer to the kind of world you want.
I will be putting away the clothes that have been sitting in a laundry basket (clean and folded) for several days now!
What are YOU finishing today?
Hey! Give yourself 10 extra points for sharing in the comments or telling someone what you finished!
Thankful Thursday

I am writing a different kind of Thankful post today. BTW I couldn't find where to link up so if anyone knows please pass it on. My thanks to Iris for starting this wonderful meme.
Found it go over to Thankful Thursday here sorry the link doesn't ...go over to:
Found it go over to Thankful Thursday here sorry the link doesn't ...go over to:
Women taking a stand dot blogspot.com
Today I am thankful that God in his divine wisdom is so into detail and the small things of our lives. Some of you might think that this is a strange post but I hope that those that are struggling believing or just trusting will see how God does provide for us through what he is doing for me right now.
Many times I mention that I am thankful that he provides specific funds for the ministry or for us. Many times on Friday I mention prayer needs for the ministry. And I am sure there are many times that I write about my frustrations when things don't happen in my timing.
Today I want to share what is going on and hopefully you will get a glimpse at the whole picture and through my story see how God in his soverienty has plans for us.
Last April we were living in a rent house. We had been living there for the last 2 years rent free. Our landlady had us manage two other properties for her in lieu of rent. In April we received notice that we had to move because they were developing the property. We had 30 days. 29 days later we were still searching for a house.
It was hard because of our ministry we weren't able to show job stability and we couldn't find anyone that would rent to us and our three horses, two cats, one rabbit and one dog. (we ended up having to give away my favorite horse)
We found two different houses that we really liked and that would work for us. Signed papers put up the non-refundable filing fee of $125.00 on one and $100.00 on another and both were rejected. We're in the hole $225.00 and our ready cash is dwindling rapidly.
Of course our wonderfull landlady gave us more time and we found the house that we are in now. Which by the way we love. It is another long story about finding it but I will just mention this when we drove up to the property with our big dog to meet the landlord we were pleased to see his big dog in the back of his truck. Enough said we clicked. He rented to us and we moved in.
Fast forward... In November we began to run out of funding. Things just started falling apart. We managed to pay November rent but we couldn't come up with December. Our landlord waited. I mean who would kick someone out in December. Well I am sure it happens. We actually had some major grant money coming that should have been received in October but they decided not fund till January '09. So we waited. January 15 rolls around no money. February 1 no money. Finally on the 10th we sit down with our landlord and tell him we would move if he could give us 30 days. He says he will wait. A few days later he calls us and we are thinking the worst of course. He tells us that he and his wife have discussed it and they have decided to donate the December and January rent. 2 days later we receive a check and pay February rent.
Fast Forward . . .Last week we started having problems with water. Loosing pressure off and on in different areas of the houses. Well long story short on that the well pump broke. They spent yesterday trying to get it out of the well. They couldn't and so now the landlord has to put in a new well to the tune of almost $16,000.
Here's the thankfulness part of the. Usually this could take 3-4 days or more. Well normally in this situation the landlord would be liable to put you in a hotel or something. Well with all our animals and responsibility here and our lack of funds to drive back and forth etc. that just wouldn't work.
Our house sits next door to the landlords property which is an Adventure Park. They offer paintball, ropes challenge courses, motocross and camping. And they have a meeting room and kitchen washers and dryers and showers.
I am thankful to live here. Last night I drove down in the dark with my big dog to take a shower. (Had to have the gaurd dog just in case even though the gates were locked!) I felt like I was a teenager again in church camp. Although the accommadations aren't anything like any camp I have ever been to.
There are Dr. Peppers, bottled water and ice at our disposal.
And so today I am Thankful that God brought us here and has provided for us. And I am thankful for the Adventure that I am living.
And I am thankful that God does care about the small things.
What are you thankful for today? Do you see God's plan in your life? Today I pray for you that God will shower you with his love and grace and you will see all that there is to be thankful for in your life.
Oh I forgot to mention my landlord is letting me put in a garden and buying supplies for it and he is building us a chicken house.
Today I am thankful that God in his divine wisdom is so into detail and the small things of our lives. Some of you might think that this is a strange post but I hope that those that are struggling believing or just trusting will see how God does provide for us through what he is doing for me right now.
Many times I mention that I am thankful that he provides specific funds for the ministry or for us. Many times on Friday I mention prayer needs for the ministry. And I am sure there are many times that I write about my frustrations when things don't happen in my timing.
Today I want to share what is going on and hopefully you will get a glimpse at the whole picture and through my story see how God in his soverienty has plans for us.
Last April we were living in a rent house. We had been living there for the last 2 years rent free. Our landlady had us manage two other properties for her in lieu of rent. In April we received notice that we had to move because they were developing the property. We had 30 days. 29 days later we were still searching for a house.
It was hard because of our ministry we weren't able to show job stability and we couldn't find anyone that would rent to us and our three horses, two cats, one rabbit and one dog. (we ended up having to give away my favorite horse)
We found two different houses that we really liked and that would work for us. Signed papers put up the non-refundable filing fee of $125.00 on one and $100.00 on another and both were rejected. We're in the hole $225.00 and our ready cash is dwindling rapidly.
Of course our wonderfull landlady gave us more time and we found the house that we are in now. Which by the way we love. It is another long story about finding it but I will just mention this when we drove up to the property with our big dog to meet the landlord we were pleased to see his big dog in the back of his truck. Enough said we clicked. He rented to us and we moved in.
Fast forward... In November we began to run out of funding. Things just started falling apart. We managed to pay November rent but we couldn't come up with December. Our landlord waited. I mean who would kick someone out in December. Well I am sure it happens. We actually had some major grant money coming that should have been received in October but they decided not fund till January '09. So we waited. January 15 rolls around no money. February 1 no money. Finally on the 10th we sit down with our landlord and tell him we would move if he could give us 30 days. He says he will wait. A few days later he calls us and we are thinking the worst of course. He tells us that he and his wife have discussed it and they have decided to donate the December and January rent. 2 days later we receive a check and pay February rent.
Fast Forward . . .Last week we started having problems with water. Loosing pressure off and on in different areas of the houses. Well long story short on that the well pump broke. They spent yesterday trying to get it out of the well. They couldn't and so now the landlord has to put in a new well to the tune of almost $16,000.
Here's the thankfulness part of the. Usually this could take 3-4 days or more. Well normally in this situation the landlord would be liable to put you in a hotel or something. Well with all our animals and responsibility here and our lack of funds to drive back and forth etc. that just wouldn't work.
Our house sits next door to the landlords property which is an Adventure Park. They offer paintball, ropes challenge courses, motocross and camping. And they have a meeting room and kitchen washers and dryers and showers.
I am thankful to live here. Last night I drove down in the dark with my big dog to take a shower. (Had to have the gaurd dog just in case even though the gates were locked!) I felt like I was a teenager again in church camp. Although the accommadations aren't anything like any camp I have ever been to.
There are Dr. Peppers, bottled water and ice at our disposal.
And so today I am Thankful that God brought us here and has provided for us. And I am thankful for the Adventure that I am living.
And I am thankful that God does care about the small things.
What are you thankful for today? Do you see God's plan in your life? Today I pray for you that God will shower you with his love and grace and you will see all that there is to be thankful for in your life.
Oh I forgot to mention my landlord is letting me put in a garden and buying supplies for it and he is building us a chicken house.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wordfilled Wednesday

Welcome to Wordfilled Wednesday hosted by Amy please visit her for more wonderful illustrations of God's word.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Bible Verse of the week
Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth
I heard this phrase awhile back when I worked with the youth at our previous church.
It became real to me when I began using it in our ministry. The might not always remember a Bible verse on thier last day but most of them could tell you what the word Bible meant.
They would proudly say: Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth
As I think back to that time I am reminded of the boys that would stop over at the magazine table on thier way out. The would look at magazines and then pick up a Bible (under a free magazine) and leave. Each time we caught their eye there was a connection made. You see many of these kids wouldn't want thier peers to see them picking up a Bible.
It saddens me as I think of our opportunities. Many of us have only to choose which illustration to pick up and read. Many can choose to read one with some words in red or not.
And yet we don't. I am one of the many that has a hard time finding the time to read the most important book in my library. I need encouragement. I need reminders. I need to take time. And so I join others who are determined to do what it takes to hide scripture in their hearts.
This week our challenge is to memorize:
Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to this own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. (KJV)
Sadly this isn't much of a challenge to me because this is another one of those verses that is already buried and hidden in my heart. Normally I prefer to read the NIV or another translation that is easier for me to understand but this is the way that I memorized it originally and so for two reasons I will keep it that way.
1) My brain is a little tired and I need all the help I can get
2) It just feels good to remember it. It brings back memories from childhood. I don't necessarily remember when I memorized it. But it reminds me of Gods love for me.
If you haven't joined us at The Power of His Love
I urge you to go over and sign up. Just being a part of the group will give you encouragement to learn, study and memorize God's word.
And BTW I am a day late with this post. We get a new assignment each Monday and have all week to work on it. I try to write the new verse everyday on my blog. And on Wednesday I join Amy for Wordfilled Wednesday with an illustration of the weeks verse. Come by tomorrow and see this weeks illustration.
Thanks for stopping in an I hope you are Blessed on the Journey
I heard this phrase awhile back when I worked with the youth at our previous church.
It became real to me when I began using it in our ministry. The might not always remember a Bible verse on thier last day but most of them could tell you what the word Bible meant.
They would proudly say: Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth
As I think back to that time I am reminded of the boys that would stop over at the magazine table on thier way out. The would look at magazines and then pick up a Bible (under a free magazine) and leave. Each time we caught their eye there was a connection made. You see many of these kids wouldn't want thier peers to see them picking up a Bible.
It saddens me as I think of our opportunities. Many of us have only to choose which illustration to pick up and read. Many can choose to read one with some words in red or not.
And yet we don't. I am one of the many that has a hard time finding the time to read the most important book in my library. I need encouragement. I need reminders. I need to take time. And so I join others who are determined to do what it takes to hide scripture in their hearts.
This week our challenge is to memorize:
Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to this own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. (KJV)
Sadly this isn't much of a challenge to me because this is another one of those verses that is already buried and hidden in my heart. Normally I prefer to read the NIV or another translation that is easier for me to understand but this is the way that I memorized it originally and so for two reasons I will keep it that way.
1) My brain is a little tired and I need all the help I can get
2) It just feels good to remember it. It brings back memories from childhood. I don't necessarily remember when I memorized it. But it reminds me of Gods love for me.
If you haven't joined us at The Power of His Love
I urge you to go over and sign up. Just being a part of the group will give you encouragement to learn, study and memorize God's word.
And BTW I am a day late with this post. We get a new assignment each Monday and have all week to work on it. I try to write the new verse everyday on my blog. And on Wednesday I join Amy for Wordfilled Wednesday with an illustration of the weeks verse. Come by tomorrow and see this weeks illustration.
Thanks for stopping in an I hope you are Blessed on the Journey
Monday, April 13, 2009
Mission 4 Monday
Today I am sharing with you some photo's taken when we visited one of our clients yesterday. This family consists of "MaMa 72 years old; Meme 93 years old and thier grandson 8 years old)
These photo's need no other words I think they would fit for a wordless Wednesday post too.

You can see by the smiles on thier faces how excited they were. When we drove up the boy came running out to our truck. He was at school the last time we delivered groceries. He missed seeing us.
We learned of this family last year at Thanksgiving from the juvenile parole office. They included them in their deliveries of Thanksgiving dinners. We adopted them when we saw the needs.
As Peggy says at Mission 4 Monday God wants and will use us if we open our hearts to serve him.
These photo's need no other words I think they would fit for a wordless Wednesday post too.
You can see by the smiles on thier faces how excited they were. When we drove up the boy came running out to our truck. He was at school the last time we delivered groceries. He missed seeing us.
We learned of this family last year at Thanksgiving from the juvenile parole office. They included them in their deliveries of Thanksgiving dinners. We adopted them when we saw the needs.
As Peggy says at Mission 4 Monday God wants and will use us if we open our hearts to serve him.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Then Sings My Soul Resurrection Sunday Edition
There was this song I kept hearing on the radio and singing (not nearly as good) all week. This morning I went to find it on you tube to share with you all. I found a couple of beautiful versions but none had the words and I just really like to include the words. But I found this and I thought it was awesome and perfect for today.
And then I went to the kitchen to get my morning Dr. Pepper and what I saw made me smile. God is speaking. I wish I could have taken a picture. But they were too far away they would have run before I could have gotten a decent shot. What God shared with me this morning was two cotton tail rabbits sitting in my back pasture.
O.K. your thinking 'Ya God is speaking through rabbits'. He did to me this morning. You see he knows that I love animals. He knows that I told my Cowboy yesterday that all I want is enough money to pay rent and feed my animals. Which includes 3 rabbits that my son in love gave me a few months ago. If you have read my blog for awhile you'll get what I am saying.
If you haven't I share this video and it's message to you. God is speaking. God is speaking to you today. Maybe he is speaking softly to your heart and telling you he loves you. Maybe he wants you to trust and believe in his son Jesus. And to believe in Resurrection Sunday.
There is someone that I know that struggles with this. She is a sweet girl that I have been mentoring for almost 2 years now. She struggles with understanding how God can allow the things to happen to her that have. She struggles believing and trusting in God. And today my prayers are with her. I'll be emailing this video to her and praying that God speaks to her. She has a new job working in a nursing home. I am praying that while she is there this weekend that someone will take the seeds that have been planted and watered for the last two years and harvest them.
And, I pray for you that God speaks to you.
Amy is the hostess for Then Sings My Soul join her sing with us today.
And then I went to the kitchen to get my morning Dr. Pepper and what I saw made me smile. God is speaking. I wish I could have taken a picture. But they were too far away they would have run before I could have gotten a decent shot. What God shared with me this morning was two cotton tail rabbits sitting in my back pasture.
O.K. your thinking 'Ya God is speaking through rabbits'. He did to me this morning. You see he knows that I love animals. He knows that I told my Cowboy yesterday that all I want is enough money to pay rent and feed my animals. Which includes 3 rabbits that my son in love gave me a few months ago. If you have read my blog for awhile you'll get what I am saying.
If you haven't I share this video and it's message to you. God is speaking. God is speaking to you today. Maybe he is speaking softly to your heart and telling you he loves you. Maybe he wants you to trust and believe in his son Jesus. And to believe in Resurrection Sunday.
There is someone that I know that struggles with this. She is a sweet girl that I have been mentoring for almost 2 years now. She struggles with understanding how God can allow the things to happen to her that have. She struggles believing and trusting in God. And today my prayers are with her. I'll be emailing this video to her and praying that God speaks to her. She has a new job working in a nursing home. I am praying that while she is there this weekend that someone will take the seeds that have been planted and watered for the last two years and harvest them.
And, I pray for you that God speaks to you.
Amy is the hostess for Then Sings My Soul join her sing with us today.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Mission 4 Monday

Welcome to Mission 4 Monday I haven't posted a mission project lately but today I wanted to share with you something that is on my heart. Even though I have been away and unable to use my computer or email I have been doing some work. I spoke to the Elementary school the other day near the location of our baby fair. You can read about it here I was able to speak to the counselor and I asked her if they had a back pack program. As I suspected she said they did not. And told me how much one was needed.
Here's why I am writing to share this with you. I live in a city with a huge Food Bank. They have more than 300 agencies like myself that distribute food in many different ways like
food pantrys, soup kitchens and back prack programs. I spoke to the Food Bank and found out that there is not funding to add another school to the program.
This broke my heart. In the back of my mind I am thinking about how I am going to raise the funds to start this much needed program.
Is there an elementary school near you? Is it a low income neighborhood. Can you imagine being a child and going home on Friday knowing that the last meal you had was at lunch. The backpack program provides food to get the child through the weekend. Our food bank includes in the back packs : 2 cartons of milk, juice box, fruit cup, cereal bars, pudding cup.
Maybe your a SAHM .or maybe your a grandmother. Maybe your on a fixed income or have little extra money to donate to a charity. But, maybe you have a few hours of time to volunteer at your local food bank. I ask you today to pray with me for Springdale Elementary School and the children there that go came to school this morning hungry. I ask you to pray with me today for the school in your neighborhood or city and the children there that came to school today hungry.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Then Sings My Soul Saturday
Please visit Amy for wonderful posting including hymns and praise music and wonderful words of inspiration and encouragement.
I am still away and am using a borrowed computer so I am not able to look for a song or check my emails. Sorry I can't include a song today.
I hope everyone has a Blessed weekend. And if you didn't get a chance there some great Show and Tells over at Kelli's. Show and Tell is on her Friday go by for a visit and enjoy.
I am still away and am using a borrowed computer so I am not able to look for a song or check my emails. Sorry I can't include a song today.
I hope everyone has a Blessed weekend. And if you didn't get a chance there some great Show and Tells over at Kelli's. Show and Tell is on her Friday go by for a visit and enjoy.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Share and Tell
Good morning. The sun is shining where I am. I hope you have sunshine today. One of my favorite blogs to visit is Kelli's House. She is the hostess of Show and Tell Friday . I love to go over and see what she is showing and visit all the other bloggers that are showing thier treasures. Go by and visit her today and tell her I sent you.
I am still away from my computer and so I can't do a Show and Tell. But I thought that I could begin a new little project. How about Share and Tell? I joined a couple of wonderful ladies last week that challenge me to memorize scripture. I love the encouragement and I really need it.
I love visiting other blogs and I thought it would be fun to Share and Tell about our favorite blogs or meme's or carnivals or maybe a favorite post of the week. Or maybe a post you read in someones archives that touched you.
Today I want to Share with you Fearless Friday it is hosted by Angela. I love her profile photo you have to check it out. Here's what she says about Fearless Friday.
"Fearless Friday Meme is se omething that I started because I know how powerful prayer is and how it DOES bring about God's yoke destroying, burdening removing power in the midst of your life. This Meme is about sharing your prayer requests with me and I with you. I also have a Prayer Journal specifically for Fearless Fridays where I write down your prayer requests with the date beside it. When a prayer has been answered, I will write in red ink PBG (Praise Be to God) and the date that God answered your prayer.I would be honored to pray for you!"
I know I need to pray more. I know that I really need to see PBG's in my life. I have had a struggle the last few weeks and just knowing that I have friends that are praying for me helps me. And it brings joy to my day to be able to pray for someone else and see thier PBG.
Thanks for visiting and don't forget to go and see Kelli. Please share with me your favorite places to visit.
I am still away from my computer and so I can't do a Show and Tell. But I thought that I could begin a new little project. How about Share and Tell? I joined a couple of wonderful ladies last week that challenge me to memorize scripture. I love the encouragement and I really need it.
I love visiting other blogs and I thought it would be fun to Share and Tell about our favorite blogs or meme's or carnivals or maybe a favorite post of the week. Or maybe a post you read in someones archives that touched you.
Today I want to Share with you Fearless Friday it is hosted by Angela. I love her profile photo you have to check it out. Here's what she says about Fearless Friday.
"Fearless Friday Meme is se omething that I started because I know how powerful prayer is and how it DOES bring about God's yoke destroying, burdening removing power in the midst of your life. This Meme is about sharing your prayer requests with me and I with you. I also have a Prayer Journal specifically for Fearless Fridays where I write down your prayer requests with the date beside it. When a prayer has been answered, I will write in red ink PBG (Praise Be to God) and the date that God answered your prayer.I would be honored to pray for you!"
I know I need to pray more. I know that I really need to see PBG's in my life. I have had a struggle the last few weeks and just knowing that I have friends that are praying for me helps me. And it brings joy to my day to be able to pray for someone else and see thier PBG.
Thanks for visiting and don't forget to go and see Kelli. Please share with me your favorite places to visit.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Thankful Thursday
Welcome to my blog today. I have a very short post this morning.
Each Thursday I link with Thankful Thursday and share what I am thankful for.
Today I am thankful that when my computer and internet are down I can borrow a computer and check my blog and make a quick post.
I pray that if your reading this that you have a Blessed day and that God will reveal himself to
you today. I pray that if you are hurting that God will put his arm around you. Because the Bible says in Joshua to 'Be strong and courageous. Do not tremble or be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9'
So today wherever you go remember God is with you.
Please go over and visit Laurie for more wonderful Thankful Thursday posts.
Each Thursday I link with Thankful Thursday and share what I am thankful for.
Today I am thankful that when my computer and internet are down I can borrow a computer and check my blog and make a quick post.
I pray that if your reading this that you have a Blessed day and that God will reveal himself to
you today. I pray that if you are hurting that God will put his arm around you. Because the Bible says in Joshua to 'Be strong and courageous. Do not tremble or be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9'
So today wherever you go remember God is with you.
Please go over and visit Laurie for more wonderful Thankful Thursday posts.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Wordfilled Wednesday

I am the LORD, and there is no other; besides Me there is no God: I will gird you, though you have not known Me.....Isaiah 45:5 (NASB)
Welcome to Wordfilled Wednesday hosted by Amy
Today I had to use a stock photo from the computer but I hope you enjoy it along with the words of God. This is our memory verse this week. I joined Beth to encourage each other in scripture memory.
I hope you will consider joining us. Next Wednesday I will be putting Mr. Linky up and asking you to join and write a post about how you memorize scripture. Or how someone in your family memorizes. Or maybe even a fun story. I have a great story. So to get you started here is mine.
When our son was in the 4 and 5 year old Sunday School class he began bringing little prizes from Sunday School to "Big Church" after noticing this was consistently happening each week. And noticing the prizes and trinkets were getting nicer each week we began to ask him questions. Of course he had already told us his teacher gave them to him. We became rather suspicious about what was going on so finally one week when we picked him up with yet another prize we asked the teachers why he was getting them. They were all so happy to explain and also praise us (me and Cowboy) for so diligently working with him to memorize the Bible Verse each week.
As we are scratching our heads and looking at each other it dawns on me what is going on. You see we didn't know we were supposed to help him memorize verses. I guess we missed that part of orientation. LOL.
It almost immediately dawned on me what was going on so I asked. I knew the answer already "Do you have the verse on the wall?" Of course the answer came back "Yes" so I asked if I could see it. I remember these teachers so well Mr. and Mrs. (they were in their late 50's maybe 60's)Mr. and Mrs. Hodges were so proud of our son. I saw the bulletin board decorated beautifully illustrating the weekly verse. And another one with past verses.
I can imagine you are already figuring out what was going on. I asked them where the kids sat when they said the verses. The answer was in a circle on the floor. Which happened to face the bulletin boards. The mystery was quickly solved. Our darling 4 1/2 year old was reading. Each week Mr. and Mrs. Hodges asked him to say the verse and so each week he obliged. He didn't understand the memorization part or if he did it didn't make sense to him. Why would you memorize it when you can just read it.
Now many years later I of course understand the answer to that question. And so that is why I urge you to memorize scripture. I urge to help your children. No matter how small. No matter if they can even read. Help them Hide His words in their heart.
Please join me next Wednesday and share your story or how you memorize scripture.
This weeks verse...
I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides me there is no God; I will gird you, though you have not known me. Isaiah 45:5
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