
Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Collection Of Spring Fences

 Are you glad it's Spring?  It's starting out lovely here. 
Today I thought I would share a few fences that I found on Pinterest. 
Enjoy. . . 
Collect bright-colored hydrangeas to dry for beautiful winter bouquets.
An article on how to dry Hydrangeas
fence + water:
                     Lovely.  I love country fences.  
I'm not sure this link was correct.  It went to a lovely shop called
Terrain.  I'll be checking it out later and making a wish list!
Cute fence:
Another country charmer.  I'd love to see what this one surrounds.
  A fence with archway made of driftwood
Oh how cool is this!  I've always wanted to live on the beach!
Another super cool one.  I'd love to see what his surrounds!
A living fence made of flexible trees
This one is just amazing.  I've had a similar picture cut out from a magazine for years.  I'd love to have a living fence!
Couldn't you see willow chairs in a cottage garden?
A fence made of rustic uneven old posts
And another just charming old country fence.  I love the holleyhocks in the foreground.  I want to grow holleyhocks!
(insert pitiful sad face)
A fence made of old bicycles
Just crazy and cute.  I love the pink one!

         I just love them all for different reasons.  
                       Can you choose a favorite? 

Linking with Tex for Good Fences


TexWisGirl said...

some neat and sweet fence finds. i really like the 2nd shot.

ellen b said...

Wow...these are very unique!

Ida said...

Good you found quite a variety of fences to share. Each one was so different and unique. It's a tie for me between #2 & #3.

shortybear said...

nice fences

Connie said...

These photos are so lovely and unique . . . especially the bikes in a row . . . how clever is that? Thanks for visiting my blog, it brought me here :)

Paula said...

I like all your fences, very unusual.

GreenComotion said...

This is the best fence post I have seen today. I simply love all these fences, the favorite one being the bicycle fence (I commute by bicycle sometimes). Awesome!
Have a Happy Day!
Peace :)

Duke said...

We are looking for the hollyhocks in the 2nd to last picture and we see nasturtiums and rosemary right next to them and geraniums behind. We agree with you - hollyhocks are gorgeous! Our mom's favorite picture is the first one with the blue hydrangea♥

Madeline's Album said...

Great looking fences. The bike one was very funny. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline