of cows as we go to church.
Some days they are on the road. This is why . . .

A little fence work needs to be done. I guess the farmer isn't too
worried this road goes straight through his property.

They are always very curious when we stop. I'm sure they are looking for a little snack.

I don't want to meet this guy on the road.
Occasionally they manage to get to the grass on the other side of the fence.
And if the timing is right we see the farmer in his old battered truck with a couple of youngins' walking behind the truck carrying a feed bucket luring them back in.
And btw. It's ok. to drive down the road. But don't pull up to the gate. I hear he comes out with a shot gun.
It is Texas after all
Oh, I love 'em!
Sounds like an old timer that wants to be left alone. The poor cattle probably curious as to who you are. We do everything different in Texas.
good fences
Such sweet faces☺
neat cattle. yup, see a lot of those kinds of fences around here, too.
Well that would be interesting to encounter a cow on the road on the way to church!
Nice looking cattle behind the fences. That last one seems to be checking you out.
We just came from this blog and we thought of you☺
Hello, they are a nice collection of cattle. I enjoy seeing them while taking the back roads around here, I do prefer seeing them behind the fences. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!
Great photos. The last guy looks powerful.
Neat shots of the cattle ~ love their expressions!
Happy Valentine's Day ~ ^_^
hi guys
Oh those fences are good for some critters nice looking cattle
Is that Norman in the first photo? :)
Nice snaps!
Have a Beautiful Day!!
Peace :)
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