First and foremost I am Thankful that God provides.
There has been so much going on here in the last few months.
But God is good and he gives us what we need: physically, spiritually, financially and much more that I am forgetting at the moment.

I am also Thankful that I am writing this Thankful post. It's been
a wild ride this summer. But I am back and hopefully writing a post everyday. I hope you enjoy my posts. Leave me a comment and let me know!

I am Thankful for the facility where my mother is now living.
I am Thankful for the nursing staff. The go above and beyond.
They call me with updates. They are very helpful. Good facilities are out there. You just have to look for them!

I am Thankful that even though my son lost is dream job 2 weeks ago that God is providing. He was offered the opportunity to buy a barn with an established lesson program. Not exactly his dream but keeps him in 'the business' while giving my DIL and grandchildren
jobs. Please pray with us and them as they consider, pray about and work details out on this opportunity.
I am Thankful for Fall and that a few of the plants in my garden have gotten a 2nd chance. I notice the Nasturtiums are growing again. They never bloomed in the summer. Just died off. But they are thriving again. So I gave them a big 'ole drink of H2O today.
My herbs are thriving. I even have Zinnia's that have sprouted in the last few weeks from the seeds that fell to the ground. I don't know if they will have a chance to bloom but I hope so.

I am Thankful God gives me things that make me smile. This isn't my garden but I saw this today when I was outside trying to clean up. The butterflies spent the day hanging around! It was a beautiful and welcome site. I hope I have my phone ready the next time!
Today I Smile
I am Thankful
What are you Thankful for?
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