Good Morning.
Welcome to a rainy day in Texas! Is it raining where you are? Today it's HHnT. Know what that is? The day I join Sandra over at
Family Corner for her Monday party. But I do it on Saturday because I can. LOL.

Sharing a few things from last week. And a few plans for the new week. Sandra provides prompts but I add a few of my own.

The Weather
More rain. It's cooler too. That's nice. I am glad I live in Texas.
Our weather most of the time is really nice. Really hot sometimes.
But no snow. I think snow is to 'look at'. I'm a wanna be beach girl.
On the breakfast plate
This is one of Sandra's prompts I don't usually do it. But today I thought I would. Mainly because I am hungry. I am about to cook some bacon and eggs. Domino will have a plate too.
What I am wearing
Sandra's prompt again. Black yoga pants and a cami. It's a stay at home day.
On my reading pile
I have a huge pile right now. Mostly for tours. But a few that I am reading for fun.

What I am reading now

What I am thinking
I have a lot to do. I am glad I can stay home and catch up on a few things.
On today's To Do List
Breakfast I said I was hungry ✔
Clean the Cowboys bathroom sink ✔ It's too scary for a before shot
More sorting of stuff from mothers. Box up for donation.
Work on transitioning outdoor room from Summer to Cabin theme
Put away clean laundry from earlier in week ✔
Whew that's enough. Don't you think?
Things that are annoying me now
A new prompt of my own because I am annoyed.
For some reason. I cannot read the comments that people leave on my blog. I click on them and nothing happens. I can't moderate
either. I sent feedback to blogger. I hope they fix it. If you see spam on my blog(s) please ignore it!
On a better note... Things that are making me smile right now

Lovin' this even more now that it is white. I came home from work the other day and the Cowboy was in the backyard spray painting this treasure. It was green. Now it is all sparkly white. This was with the first coat. Sadly it's still sitting under the tree. No break in rain when we're home! Maybe tomorrow it can come in.
In the kitchen

This looks so yummy want to make it to go with the Chicken on Tuesday. The recipe is here.
On the menu
Monday BLT's and Potato Soup
Tuesday Lemon Chicken, Pasta Salad, Bread
Wednesday Roast, Potatoes, Carrots
Thursday Take out with M.I.L.
Friday Stew from leftovers
Last weeks menu...What worked/What didn't
Monday Plain 'ole Spaghetti and Meat Sauce, Salad, Bread
Tuesday Split Pea Soup, BLT's maybe dessert. Yum.
Have no idea what we had. Just know it didn't include dessert. Dawng it!
Wednesday Taking 'Take Out' to M.I.L. ✔
Thursday Briskit from freezer, Potato Salad, Corn ✔
Friday I think there's a pot roast in the freezer
No roast! Fried Cat fish and Onion Rings. Soooo healthy. I did add a fruit salad!
I cut/paste from last weeks post. I have no idea why the font changes. It is also grey but I can fix that.
In the craft basket
I've been wanting to make some Fall leaves since I found a pattern on Pinterest. I shared it a couple weeks ago. It didn't work. I even had a seasoned crocheter that's not a word is it? Look at the pattern and yes there is a mistake. Neither of us have taken the time to correct. I found this pattern it's not as pretty. But might work.

My first attempt is a bit wonky. But it was an easy pattern and works up fast.
Features from the Fabulous Party

A couple caught my eye
Dragon Fly Treasures came back and shared a Whimsical nest.
She repurposed a tree trunk in her garden.

Click here to visit her blog and read the post.
My friend Fabby came over again and shared her tea party.
Click here to read post.
From the camera


Thanks for stopping in.
Enjoy your week
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