The Weather. . .
Rained during the night. Lightning and thunder. Very pretty sunshine this morning.
Right Now I Am . . .
Getting this post going then going back to bed. Woke up yesterday with a sore throat and cold.
Thinking . . .
Of taking pics of the kitchen, living room and mantle. Clean pallets. Most of the Christmas is stored away. I love Christmas.
And a clean Palette to decorate!
On My Reading Pile . . .
Not much of a pile right now. Actually pile at all I'll be adding something new to my phone today.
Something Fun To Share .
On My T.V.
I am counting down the days till Scandal returns. I'm actually a little annoyed with the story line. But I'm hooked
On The Menu This Week . .
Monday- Fajita's and fixin's and Chili Rellone's
Tuesday-- Potato Soup and BLT's
Wednesday--Pork (leftover from Sunday) Fried Rice, Egg Rolls
Thursday-- Quiche
Friday--I'm ready for a night out. And we got a text coupon from our Favorite Restaurant!
On My To Do List . . .
Finish putting away Christmas
Planning for Valentine's Day Decorating
Getting a Nanny job
What I Am Creating . . .
Junk Journals for the Giveaways.
From The Camera...

He chooses the craziest places to eat. But at least he's eating something!
Scripture to share . . .

Available here
Well that's a look at my week. Do you have plans for the week.
I'm linking with Sandra at Family Corner for Happy Homemaker Monday and a few of my other favorites. The list is on my parties page!
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