Hello. I hope your week is going as great as mine has been.
Today I am linking with Michelle at It's A Small Town Lifeand sharing a Thankful post.

If your a regular reader of my blog you know I read and review alot of books.

I do love books.
The library used to be a weekly haunt of mine. But then we moved to a smaller town. On my first visit I was sad to see I had already read everything on the shelf in the genres that interested me.

There was a time that I/we didn't have to worry about a budget.
We indulged too much really. But one of our indulges was books.

Back in the day when our kids were 13 and 16 we went to Barnes and Noble every Friday night. We drank hot chocolate and looked at books. We each got to choose a book to purchase. Most of them were books about horses.

I like to display our books in our home. Some day I hope I have a book room/library. Maybe it will look something like this...

Or maybe...

I love rooms filled with books. Although I not a reader of the classics. I do appreciate them. I don't read Civil War books
the Cowboy does I do appreciate them. I love looking at books.
I love displays of books...

I love books. I am thankful for books.
I am thankful for amazing writers that give us hours of reading pleasure.
Have you read a good book lately?
Linking with Michelle for Thankful Thursday
and a few other great parties.
See my Parties page for the list.
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