Hello Dear Friends
I think of hearts and flowers when I think of you. So I wanted to begin my post with a cute little heart/flower banner.
I am having a great week. I hope you are too!
Tonight (Wednesday) my chores consist of cleaning the kitchen from a huge meal on Tuesday lunch.
I see your Gasp.
But I have an excuse. This time (I really didn't say that did I?)
Our son and his family arrived Sunday night at 9:00 pm for a short stay. So it is a crazy couple of days they will early on Friday morning.
Have you ever had one of those weeks and then you were burdened and labored with chores to do?
I know your nodding. We've all had those weeks! Whether your semi retired and working again or your a young mom.
I know you can relate.
Today on my list was of course the kitchen, laundry, vacuuming the floors and then mopping. It is 12:45 and I am almost done. I don't have a tiny house but it is small enough that chores only take a fraction of the time that they once did.
Plus I've gotten pretty fast because I clean houses for a living.
I know I see it another
I know call me crazy but I do. And I love it. I love setting my own hours. I realize I actually enjoy cleaning. Now.
But back in the day. Not so much!
Now walking into a mess isn't anything like walking into my own mess. A few short hours later that mess is all sparkly.
Waaay back in the day when I was a stay at home mom I had the chance to have a house keeper. I know another . . .
I really didn't need it but I could so I did. The Cowboy traveled alot and so it was somewhat of a single mom household most weeks. The Cowboy wasn't able to be around for afternoon activities etc.
Basically I/we realized that with someone helping with the deep clean then it freed me up to do more fun things with the kids.
My kitchen never looked like this. We didn't have a cool faucet back then. We always as a family on the night before the cleaner came made sure dinner was cleaned up. I planned my menus for a simple meal that was super easy to clean. Or we ate out.
The kids rooms did Not look like this. And frankly as a house keeper I wouldn't touch this. I did have a house early on that started out similar. Dawng I wish I could remember to take before and after photos!
The big rule in our home was nothing on the floor everything put away.
The cleaners job was to vacuum and change sheets and dust. My kids had plenty of storage and knew how to use it. Many times as pre-schooler's they had to 'buy their toys back'. I was a 'mean' mom
I inspected in the morning on cleaning day. Actually every day.
(That's the key...and a post for another day)
If the rooms didn't meet my inspection they didn't get cleaned.
I wish I had the forethought to photo/document all this for you and me and my grown children. The guilty party had to clean their own room that afternoon even if it meant not getting to do something they wanted. They knew the night before the cleaner was coming.
There were really no excuses but there were a few times my son rebelled. Actually I can't say he rebelled he just got distracted.
For the most part the houses that I clean now are easy to clean. Just big! I've arranged my portfolio (that sounds fancy. HeHe)
I've learned teenage boys don't make messes all they do is play electronic homes.
Teen age girls that's another story. None of my clients have girls.
(I pick and choose my clients)
My clients are all professional working couples and have plenty of money to spend on a house keeper.
There is no way we were anywhere near their income level back in the day but we managed easily. I didn't pay alot for a cleaner.
I was cheap. I paid the cleaner from my 'play' money and well honestly I didn't want to share too much.
Today you can get a professional cleaner for anywhere from
$10.00 to $25.00 an hour. Care.com is a super easy, simple and safe way to find a cleaner. Word of mouth is even better!
Are you wondering do you need a housekeeper? Are you wondering can you afford a housekeeper or cleaner?
The answer is yes for a couple of reasons.
You/your family deserves it
The cleaner you choose needs a good gig!
There are a couple of things you shouldn't do . . .
Don't feel guilty. Don't wait.
And one thing you should do. Pray about hiring a housekeeper.

Back in the day I didn't look like this when I cleaned our home.

It was the '80's maybe I looked a little more like this.
For us it was a good thing to do. I'd love to hear your thoughts or questions about hiring a housekeeper.
Maybe it's right for your family.
Linking with a few fun parties.
The list is on my parties page
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