I spent 3 days running all over town searching for the right ones.
I ended up today after The Cowboy suggested it calling around the local stores that might have them.
I hope she likes them

I probably spent an hour turning it this way and that looking for the perfect angle

This is what she'll see when she walks in the door

I re-potted them into the urns.
Here's one in the dining room.

This isn't the urn that was originally in the room. I am not sure if she would want it sitting on the wood so I put a cloth underneath.
I wasn't able to find the smaller orchids she usually uses for this area so I had to find a different pot. I choose the urn that was similar to the one in the entry way.

It was hard finding the white. I wasn't able to find any small ones.
For another smaller entry way I chose this one. . .

I hope she likes them!
And I hope she likes how the house looks. This client has been out of town since May. I am the house keeper and manager of the grounds. Its been a struggle this summer getting the yard men to keep up with the work. I am a little curious what they will think when they return tonight! We'll see.
Anyway it was fun and stressful shopping for these gorgeous orchids. The best part was spending someone else's money!
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