
Friday, December 4, 2020

Foodie Friday

Hello and Welcome to Foodie Friday.  I am sharing today meals served at our dinner table.  

This is special to me because the Cowboy is now joining me to eat our meals at the table! 

I chose the simple Corelle pieces because I like to serve Pasta in the large bowls
The plates are old but the bowls are new that I bought to go with  the vintage plates.  They are perfect for Spaghetti.
We went the store late on a cold day.  I rushed around bought the ground meet because Spaghetti is fast.  Or so I thought.  I made my Sauce like I usually do but it could have simmered longer.  I forgot Garlic Bread.   I made do with Biscuits.  I also forgot Parmesan.  I melted Provolone on one half. 
I baked 5 Biscuits the night before so they would be ready for breakfast.  It helped me a lot having them ready!  I baked the Bacon in the oven.
I live the covered casserole dish from my mother's pottery.  It was perfect to hold the Mashed Potatoes. 
One of our favorite meals . . .
Can you tell?

Build your own  Breakfast Burritos.
 Lots of Cheese and Eggs to fill the Tortillas.  I served Mandarin Oranges since we were out of O.J.
A yummy low volume for meal.  I didn't realize till I plated how bland this meal looks but it was sure yummy. 
Kielbasa, Stovetop,Fried Okra and Onion Rings.

The Cowboys mom's Fried Rice.  
His mom only made F.R. with Ground Beef, Carrots, Onions and Celery.  I included Broccoli and Shrimp also.
I was so looking forward to this meal.  Table set pretty.  Crackers, Cheese and Chips already for . . . 
A big bowl of Chili.  And it was awful.  Just too hot.  I am clueless how it happened.  Such a frustration!    

I hope you had a great week of great meals!

Thanks for coming by and letting me share my weeks meals (even the failures!)

1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

Yummy! I like my pasta in a larger bowl too.