Simmering in a pot of water
Orange Peels -Cinnamon Sticks - Whole Cloves- Nutmeg
The house smells like Christmas!
This fabric beckons me.
I tried to use it for another purpose.
It sits on the shelf and it calls to me.
There must be more Orange. I have to think of something else.
A Favorite Decorative Item
It continues to beckon so why not play around with it just a little
Now that's kind of fun. But there is more to think about than Orange.
How about On Line Friends . . .
Are you seeing a little bit of an "O" theme going along here.
Thats because I am joining Jenny again today and today is the letter "O".
Thanks for stopping by. I hope your day isn't
Ordinary. . . Journeying Joyfully
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