
Friday, December 30, 2016

Oh My Bloomin' Begonias

Sharing today the still lovely Begonia's that my dear daughter and grandson gave me for Mother's Day.

I said Mother's Day

I've always wanted a Christmas Cactus.  I guess this is the next best thing . . . 
Please don't notice the dead tomato
The weather has been so nice here they were still growing when we had a cold front a few weeks ago so I brought the pot into the 
glass room/green house.  
Yesterday I decided to try cutting them back to see if they would last. . . 
They look nice in my kitchen window
I love my kitchen window!
It may sound silly but I haven't haven't had one in 10 years!
I should have mentioned it in my Thankful post yesterday
 :           :
To show you how beautiful the weather is right now
A little cloudy but the sky is blue and the weather couldn't be better. 
This year I'm not wishin' I was on that beach about now. 
I'll have to get The Cowboy to help me take a better photo of the flag! 

Have A Good Day!
The Fabulous January Linky Party has started over at Our Holiday Journey
Click Here

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thankful Thursday

                                 Image result for blog post dividers
Today I have a wagon load of Blessings and Thankfulness. . . 

The weather.  It has been gorgeous all week.  Makes me want to play in the flowerbeds.

I am Thankful for my flowerbeds.

 Image result for blog post dividers
I am thankful for my pretend 'Sissy' B.J. Sweet Nothings she is making the very and Fabulous photo's for the monthly link parties at Our Holiday Journey.  The party starts again on the 1st.  
Here's the link to the list page.

I am Thankful for Litfuse and I Read Tours that have provided me 
with so many great books to read this year.  I am looking forward to many more in 2017!

I am Thankful that we got our storage building cleaned out this week.  No more $75.00 a month for storage.  It was like Christmas bringing it all home.
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I am Thankful for my job cleaning houses.  I love it.  I love the families that I clean for.   
Image result for blog post dividers

I am Thankful that The Cowboy got 2 'cases' from the lawyer that he does work for.  That's an extra $600.00.  Yea!  Rent will be easy this month!
Image result for blog post dividers
I am Thankful that our Christmas Day breakfast and lunch at the boys rehab unit where we serve was successful and that we got so much support.  
Image result for blog post dividers
I am Thankful for blog friends and blog parties like Thankful Thursday at Michelle's blog!  Click here to link up your Thankful post or visit.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Book Spotlight/Author Interview-Woman At Well Bible Study

Product DetailsProduct Details

About the book (provided by IRead Tours)
Are you ready for a rigorous spiritual bootcamp? This 4-week intensive Bible Study is about a journey of self discovery. One that will incite and ignite something amazing and wonderful in you. This is the story of how one person's transformation can create a massive wave of change for Jesus Christ in the world.

Book  and Leader Guide Available at  Amazon

About the author
Rachel was born in Dayton Ohio to a already large family of 5. She was the baby of the family, and literally about killed her Mother on her entrance into the world. Rachel was the 5th child to a school teacher and truck driver and soon found herself as a child of a single Mom of 5 who was forced to work 3 jobs to support her children. So Rachel is no stranger to seeing and living what it means to be a virtuous woman, as she watched her Mother do it, and continue to do it. Rachel is a devoted wife, Mother of 4 and Founder of Women at the Well Ministries. She is an author and currently writing her first in-depth Bible Study. She has been the keynote speaker at Mother’s of Israel conference, and several of her local church’s women’s events.

Her passion is studying scripture and then teaching those lessons to others, with the goal that they will then turn around and pay it forward. Her #each one #teach one philosophy is her mission. She is passionate about helping women by giving them tools to help them break strong holds so they can pursue whatever the Lord has for them. So, training them up for the call! That is what spurred her ministry.

She knows that God didn’t create women to just sit around and get pedicures and swap recipes and tackle the dust bunnies everyday, but to be side by side with the men in fighting the war against evil and taking as many people to heaven with them as possible.
She now does life with her best friend, her husband Curt and will tell you, her children are the best kids on the earth. They love to do Bible studies together and love traveling with their family.

If she isn’t at home with her family, you will find her checking something off her bucket list! Her biggest so far would be competing in figure competitions, competing at the Arnold class in fitness, being in a beauty pageant representing her county as Mrs. Miami County in the Mrs. Ohio America pageant, and authoring a 30 day bible study devotional. And, she is only getting started.

She loves to weave her own personal stories in with her message, because she believes she is living her calling day by day, and sometimes it gets pretty funny!

Connect with the author:  Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook  ~  Instagram
Click Here to read the author interview

Enter the Giveaway provided by I Read Tours

Book Spotlight-Rachel Tucker (Author) Interview

Product Details
This week I Read Tours is Spotlighting Rachel Tuckers new Bible Study Book.  I had the opportunity to spend a few minutes with Rachel and ask her a few questions...

"How do you find time to do all you do and be a wife and a mommy? 
That is easy! a couple reason; 1. I am just driven, it's in my blood. I'm a "shoot, ready, aim" person. So, when I decide I am going to do something, I just get moving and figure details out along the way. 2. My favorite saying is "when you have your priorities straight, everything just falls into place. So, my priorities are 1. Jesus 2. Husband 3. Kids 4. everything else. I wake up at 5 am to spend time with Jesus, to put my armor on, and to grow in wisdom. Then I meet with my husband to do a study together, after kids have gone to bed. And turns out, the Lord blesses obedience like that!

"I think some reader's will really be interested in how you manage to juggle writing, speaking and other engagements and all the really fun stuff on that bucket list of yours."

It goes back to priorities. My oldest child is 20 and independent, my second oldest is 18 and a senior and my youngest are in 5th grade. So, I am home all day while they are at school, so I have to the time. I have an awesome ministry team that keeps me in check, and I think everything in life is meant to bring glory to the Lord. The size of your dream is a good determiniation of the size of your God. I cannot do any of it without HIM. 

When you travel and speak at event's do you find women that share their own desire to step out of their comfort zone and pursue women's ministry or some other endeavor?
YES!  The words of my testimony pretty much scream, "If this chick can do it, anyone can". I am just real transparent about my brokenness. I think being transparent in my messages allows those women to dream bigger and to start letting go of shame and guilt and whatever chains they carry. Because they see what happens when Jesus grabs ahold of a train wreck like me!

"What advice can you give other women interested in serving in women's ministry?"
In the first chapter of my book, the first rule of business is to really find out "who you are, and whose you are". This will start the process of laying down the chains and embracing His perfect love. Also, I always say, "start with your greatest wound", your ministry will come out of that. That takes digging sometimes. This is why our At The Well retreats are so effective, because many chains are left behind at those retreats. The next one is Jan 27-29, 2017. Information is on my website. 

"Other than your Mom were there other Christian women that were role models for you?"
My Mom is an amazing woman, but not a role model for me in this arena. I have a spiritual Mother named Carolyn Slaughter. I met her when I started my walk. She is the wife to the pastor of our church. She is a big reason for my growth. I just did what she did. And when ever I need some wisdom, she is always there for me. I actually have a few of those women in my life. I'm uber blessed in this area!

"How did you have the courage to take the plunge and step away from the wife/mother role and begin speaking at women's groups" 
Well, it was scary! But, I know it's my calling, and it says in 1 John. 4:18 that there is no fear in perfect love, meaning when we have His perfect love, there is nothing to fear. He is already out there in front of me. He is the one who opens the doors, and He is the only one who can do that. I have unwavering faith. I don't doubt at all. I believe it's because the Lord literally picked up out of a pit, and when He saves you like that, you can't help but believe and have 100% faith.

"Of all the ministries you are involved in do you have a favorite?"
YES! Mine!! I am the founder of Women at the Well Ministries. Again, this was the Lord's doing, I just said, "Use me Lord" ..."Here I am!" 

"While you were writing the Bible Study, did you have a focus group of women that did the study."
Kinda! lol. I wrote the book along with a leader guide for that hungry woman!  The woman who also says, " I don't know you Lord, but I love you" and I want to serve you. I wrote the leader guide so that it could be done in small groups. That is where the power is. There is something that happens in circles that doesn't happen in rows. So, at our at the well conference in September, we launched the nationwide Bible Study. It has been pretty awesome to see the response!

"The 4 week Woman at the Well is described as an intensive study. Can you describe intensive to us?"
Yes! I focus on 4 of the most important parts of growing in your walk. Bible Study, prayer, fasting and meditation. During each day, they are all over the Bible. I reference many Old Testament prophecies to the prophecy fulfilled through Jesus. I want them to learn how to use their SWORD. Their weapon which is the word of God. In order to fight the spiritual battles. The word of God was not meant to be read, but prayed! My personal reflection questions require something digging and some meditation. 

"Although it is suggested to do this study with a group, would you recommend doing it alone if a group isn't available?"
Of course, but the reason I put the leader guide together was to get someone to step out of comfort zone and start their own! They were told to pray about who to invite, etc. It has turned out beautiful! 

"Now that this project is completed do you have any other similar projects on the drawing board?"
Always....but it requires my patience! I am a visionary, but sometimes I get out in front of the Lord. Right now I am in the "being still" moment. I have still have lots to do with this book!! But I would love to share when they do get in motion!

"I know you're busy so I'll end our time together with one last question. Can you share with us how reader's can learn more about your ministry."
Yes!! I  would love to connect with everyone on social media: Women at the Well ministries Fan page; My Instagram is Championmaker, and I have a youtube channel (Rachel Tucker) but the best way is my website,


Wordless Wednesday

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No automatic alt text available.

No automatic alt text available.

No automatic alt text available.

Linking with Wordless Wednesday, Create With Joy, Imagine-in-ing,
Wordless Wednesday @ Woven By Words
Wordless Wednesday @ Amanda's Books and More
Wordless Wednesday @ From Me To You Stephs Joy
Wordless Wednesday @ BeThere2day
Wordless Wednesday@Mixed Reviews
Wordless Wednesday@Catch My Words
Flower Friday No Rules/Wordless
Blue Monday

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Monthly Theme Parties for 2017

It' getting close to the New Year.  I have a wonderful year of Fantastic and Fabulous Parties  and special posts planned!     
All the parties are at Our Holiday Journey.  Click here.
Here's the list. . . 
My Favorite reads of 2016
 December 26th special post not a party

New Years 12 hours of quilts #2
This is not a linky party

And now for the parties!

Tidy Up

Are you planning on some resolutions or plans to Tidy Things up this year.   Maybe clean a closet or make something new.  I have lots of plans for sewing.  This month link anything.  Your lists, 
ideas anything thing goes!  Fabulous Calendars or printables.
Pins.  We love Pins!

Be My Valentine

 To share the Love this month I'm including a Giveaway!  This is your chance to share anything Valentine or Love related.   Link your decorations or ideas!  DIY decorations.  Vintage finds.  Maybe even your posts about Date Nights.  New posts or archived posts.  We love to see them all.  Be sure and sign up for the Giveaway.  Leave comments for extra points.


Welcome Spring and share your wonderful Spring decorating ideas.  Anything goes.  Include your garden projects or plans. 
Include your Easter posts!  Don't forget those yummy recipes!

Be A Cop Cat
Do you get some of your best ideas from Pinterest or other bloggers?  This month is your chance to share your Copy Cat ideas.  Find a cool decor idea on Pinterest and 'copy' it.  Or 
maybe you have a collection of copy cat recipes.  Do you love magazines and get ideas?  Choose a lovely magazine idea and try copying it!    

With a GiveAway
Combining this month to give you plenty of time to link your 
Patriotic posts.   Be sure and enter the giveaway!

Dog Days of Summer

Don't we all love summer!  Those days lazing around a pool. 
Yummy grill ideas.  Or cool summer salads. Or just spending some time with the family.  Or adding sunny and fun new items to our homes decor.  What ever says summer to you come over and link your posts.  

Summer Wrap Up!
Celebrate Fall
Some of us have a hard time leaving summer behind.  This month we're doing double duty.  Feel free to link your last of summer posts.  Or your Fabulous Fall posts!  

The 4th Annual Fabulous Fall Party
The only link party with rules!
No Halloween Posts
If you have Halloween posts.  Please leave a comment and invite me over. I write a special post on the 31st showcasing my favorites.
This month link your Fabulous Fall posts. Anything Fall related.
Link those archives.  I know you all have written wonderful posts 
Fall posts through the years.  
We might be new to your blog.  Invite us over!

Fabulous Fall and Thanksgiving
The Fabulous Fall Party continues with Fall/Thanksgiving posts. 

The Second Annual 
Count Down To Christmas 
with a Fabulous Giveaway!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather...Balmy. Gorgeous.

Right now I am...Sighing.  Remembering the weekend.

Thinking...Hoping it's an easy week.

On the reading pile... :

On my TV...Barn Builders, Flea Market Flip, Movies

Favorite blog post last week (mine or other)...
Not Every Christmas Is Perfect by Laura Lane at Harvest
Lane Cottage.  Click here to read the post. 

Something fun to share...The list for 2017 Monthly Theme Parties

 At Our Holiday Journey (my holiday blog)  Click Here

Blog Hopping (newly discovered blog)

Click here to visit Grammy

On The Menu For This Week... 
Tuesday--Kielbasa, Fried Potatoes, Carrots, Salad
Wednesday--Chicken Fried  Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Thursday--Bar B Que left overs and Mac N Cheese for grandson
Friday-- Steak,  Baked Potato, Salad
Saturday--Meatloaf, Corn, Mashed Potatoes

On My To Do List--Pull out Snowmen to decorate for Winter, Organize fabric from boxes into new shelving/storage unit,
Finish getting everything out of storage before the 1st.

In The Craft Basket-- Junk Journals for Giveaways.  Check out the monthly parties list over Here

Looking Forward To This Week... Wednesday my day off.

Looking Around The House...Thinking I'll be putting away the Christmas soon.  I hate to see it go!

From The Camera...
In love with how this table turned out!

Bible verse, Devotional...
    Proverbs 16:24; honeycomb
Found here.  Read the post. 

Linking with Sandra at Family Corner.  

Enjoy your week!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Sewing Room Plans for the New Year

I have a few goals for the sewing room this year.  I found this wonderful party to share my ideas and plans and journal my process and progress.

At the top of the list
Organize my sewing room and storage spaces!
We moved in Oct.  This week I got shelving.

 Here are the rest of my plans in random order.  
  •  Make a Christmas tree quilt like this one 

Patchwork Tree Quilt Block Tutorial by Amy Smart | Diary of a Quilter:  or maybe this one THE cutest tree quilt, using free tutorial from Diary of a Quilter and a fabric kit from Stitch Supply Co. See this Instagram photo by @kelbysews • 1,080 likes:
I have had the traditional one on my Pinterest board for two years.
I just found this bright one a couple of days ago.  I love them both. Maybe I'll make both!  I'll be using a super simple paper  piecing method so they will stitch up fast!  I have a lot of ideas on my Pinterest board.  It's over here. There are pillows and stockings too. 
  • I also want to join a few link parties.  I love the Rainbow Scrap Challenge each month a different color is chosen and you make a project using the specified color.  It's a great way to focus and get some things made.  Kind of like taking a class and having to do a show and tell!  The party is over here
  • I have too many WIP's to count.  I hope to finish some.  I have a Piecemakers 2 actually calendar quilt to finish.  Both are mostly done.  I have them put back because I was waiting to quilt them myself.  Needed some practise.  Image result for piecemakers calendar quilts This is the one I hope to finish.  All the main applique is done.  I am not putting the pieced sun in the top and I probably won't do the corners like the photo.  I am planning on doing free motion quilting on each section.  I've never done a large fmq before and I think sections will be easier.  
  • I pieced a quilt in the Fall it's ready to be quilted.  It will be fast.  Just simple straight lines.T: The first three rows.  This was so fun to piece.   It's meant to be a pumpkin patch at night.  I added a few greens for the leaves.  The blacks have a lot of glittery stars.  I will quilt in black just simple lines randomly spaced.  Amazingly all these fabrics were in my stash.  I just cut random width strips.   I set the rows staggered so there was no matching.  
I have a list of quilts and throws that I want to make this year...
I also want to make a Christmas throw for the couch.  The tree I mentioned earlier I hope to hang on a wall. 

I want make a fall themed  throw for my green house room.

I do have some big plans this year.  I hope to have the time and the energy to pull off at least a few of my plans.  

I better get busy!  Starting on Monday I'll be sharing more quilt theme posts here.  Leading up to my annual 12 Hours of Quilts on New Years Eve.  

I hope you'll come by all week and spend some time with me on New Years Day I just might be featuring your quilt!

I'm going to sit down and rest awhile and think about all my plans!

Merry Christmas
please visit Our Holiday Journey and enter the giveaway!
Click Here

Friday, December 23, 2016

Thankful Thursday On Friday

I was so disappointed I didn't get to write a Thankful post to share 
with Michelle at It's A Small Town Life.
She has a delightful blog and is now hosting a Thankful Thursday party. 
The linky is still open it's not tou late to share your Thankfulness!

This week I am super thankful for my job and my clients.   I 
began cleaning houses in February.  God's timing brought me three wonderful families.  I added a small family just a few weeks ago.  My newest client gifted me an extra $100.00!  

Merry Christmas

Last week I did a one time job with a family moving into a 
ritzy town 8 minutes from where I live.  I spent 8 hours opening boxes in the kitchen!  Never moved to any other room!  Cowboy cannot say I have more kitchen stuff than anyone else!  
It was a one time job and I made $25.00 an hour.  

Merry Christmas

And I am thankful that we are providing and serving breakfast and lunch at the boys rehab unit where we serve.  We provide Sunday worship services every week.  Since Christmas is on Sunday The Cowboy wanted to do something special. 
We were able to rais $1000.00 to buy Tim Tebows Book 
Shaken to give to the boys and the staff.  All these funds were from one ladies group!   (The publisher gave them to us at 60% off retail.)
They also did a fundraiser at a local restaurant we received $250.00.
Another local barbque restaurant provided ribs and dirty rice. 
The local Krispy Kreme is providing donuts.  
We sold wrist bands to raise money to buy the rest of the food. 
We hired a caterer do briskit and beans.  He wouldn't allow us to pay him.  He thought we needed potato salad so he added that and chicken and sausage.  
The Cowboy teased the boys and promised the only thing 
green (veggie) they would have is jalepenos, pickles and guacamole.  We were really worried we wouldn't raise enough money for guacamole but we did!  

This morning The Cowboy delivered the frozen pies, guacamole
and 10 dozen eggs that have been in my fridge since Tuesday!  

It's been almost 5 years since we've done anything this big. 
We were worried because we have lost all our local connections. 

But we shouldn't have been worried.  God is in control and he provides.  

Today The Cowboy stopped at the resale store we like to shop in. It isn't too far from the facility and sometimes boys are allowed to work there.  He was surprised and super happy to see a boy there.  He had told us he would be leaving last week.  

But the staff didn't get all his papers arranged in order for him 
to leave.  

He said to The Cowboy.  'I wasn't too excited to go home.  I've never had a family Christmas.  I think that it was God's will for me to stay and have a 'real' Christmas. 

The Cowboy tough guy that he is cried when he told me.  I am thankful he listened to God and decided to do something special for Christmas for some young men that really need to see 
what the Season is all about.   
Image result for the reason for the season

Image result for the reason for the season
Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Book Review-Waiting For Wonder-Marlo Schalesky

About the book... provided by Litfuse
aiting for Wonder: Learning to Live on God's Timeline(Abingdon Press, November 2016)

What if, in this waiting, God is calling us to more?

It's easy to believe God when a promise is new. It's hard when the years pass and nothing changes. It's even harder when desperation strikes, your plans backfire, and still God does not fill the emptiness. But what if, in this waiting, God is calling us to more?

Join author Marlo Schalesky on a unique, contemplative journey to reveal the wonder that is often missed when we find ourselves struggling to wait well. Walking through the life of the biblical character Sarah, one who knows what it means to wait, you will discover a glimpse of God's character that will give you strength to keep hoping and praying for the desires of your heart.

Waiting for Wonder is a journey into the heart of God where you will wrestle with personal questions, think deeply about God's true character, and learn to appreciate His divine work as you discover your own path to the promised land. Recapture your hope, restore your soul, and renew your vision of a wondrous Savior when you learn to live on God's time.

Leader guide also available.

About the author...
Marlo Schalesky is an award-winning author of ten books, including "Wrestling with Wonder: A Transformational Journey Through the Life of Mary." A regular speaker and columnist, she has also published nearly 1,000 articles in various Christian magazines, including "Focus on the Family," "Today's Christian Woman," "In Touch," and "Marriage Partnership." Marlo lives with her husband, six young children, nine horses, two dogs, five cats, two parakeets, ten rabbits, two chinchillas, three hamsters, and a bunch of fish in a log home in Salinas, California.

Where to buy...

Click here
And I thought...
A great book to help you release your doubts about God's infinite wisdom and His timing.  
Many wait and wonder about God's timing in their lives and wish they knew the answers.  
Marlo includes personal stories followed and backed up by scripture that will refresh your spirit. 
A great book to take time and ponder alone or with a group.
A leaders guide is available.

I received a complimentary copy from Litfuse

This review will be posted at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, CBC and Good Reads
This post will appear at My Reading Journey

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Book Spotlight

About the book (provided by IRead Book Tours)
Two months before Troye Saavedra’s senior year of high school, his father’s drinking problem skyrockets. When Troye’s parents make an impulsive move to Georgia in order to “help” him finish high school on a positive note, he is forced to leave behind everything he knows. Things couldn’t get worse for Troye. That is, until he meets three enigmatic teenagers: Adelaide, an independent violinist with radical ideas; Zaidan, fiercely loyal and always funny; and Arabella, a girl who harbors secret struggles. Together, the four friends try to pick up the jagged pieces of their lives without getting hurt themselves. An insightful tale of perseverance, Silence Interrupted is a young adult novel about the beauty and peril of traversing the world as a teenager.

Book Description:
Book Title:  Silence Interrupted
Author: Sania Shaikh
Category:  YA Fiction,  205 pages
Genre:  Contemporary Fiction
PublisherLanier Press 
Release date:  November 14, 2016
Tour dates:  Dec 5 to 23, 2016
Content Rating:   PG + M

About the Author:
Sania Shaikh is a junior at Cambridge High School. Inspired to write from a young age, she worked on Silence Interrupted, her debut novel, starting in eighth grade.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook

Buy the book:

Wordless Wednesday/Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Linking with Create With Joy, Wordless Wednesday, Imagine-n-ing, Share Your Cup, 
The Art of Homemaking, Count Down To Christmas

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Elusive-Book Spotlight/Review

This is an unsolicited review. I don't usually post unsolicited reviews here.  I enjoyed this book so much I wanted to share it.  I read the book on my phone using the KOBO App.  

I am now a new fan of Sara Rosett.  After visiting her website for more information for this post . . . I realized I've been under a rock somewhere!  

The website describes the genre Cozy Crime and Heist Mysteries. 
I am looking forward to reading many more.  Especially book two in the On The Run series!  

Here's what the book is about. (from the authors website)

Elusive (Book One)

With its fun mix of mystery, international travel, and light romance, Elusive will appeal to fans of Elizabeth Peter’s Vicky Bliss series or Romancing the Stone.
Zoe Hunter loves living on the edge. Free-spirited and spontaneous, she’s built a life stringing together various freelance gigs that keep her bank account barely in the black. But when her ex, Jack, goes missing along with several million dollars from his business and the FBI zeros in on her as a person of interest, Zoe’s life goes from delightfully unpredictable to downright frightening.
Plunged into a world of fake identities, deception, and murder, she’s afraid to trust anyone. Zoe impulsively skips town in a search for answers that takes her from Las Vegas to Italy, but instead of tracking down answers, she only uncovers more questions.
Who was Jack? Is he dead or did he fake his disappearance? And, what was he mixed up in—art theft, the mafia, espionage, or all three?

And I thought...
Elusive is a fairly fast paced story.  Zoe's ex-husband who she happens to share their house with disappears during a storm. 
The story takes place in Dallas, Texas so I was immediately interested. When she finds his business partner murdered only a few hours later and then is questioned by police and the FBI  Zoe begins a search of her own to discover Jack's secrets and hopefully find him.  
The story moves at a good steady pace.  It is filled with twists and turns and kept me on the edge of my seat.  
The reader is taken on a fast paced journey from Texas to Las Vegas and then a fun visit to Italy.

This was a book that if I had read the print copy I would have finished in a day.  One of those books you let everything go and just relax and read!

The main reason that I wanted to share this review on this blog was because it is a good clean book.  No language.  No bedroom scenes.  

The crime scenes are not graphic.  There is a bit of humor in the story.  And a teeny tiny bit of romance.  I won't spill the beans for you. 

The only negative I have to say about the book is I felt like there was a little of a secondary plot about some of the sub characters that wasn't finished.  

I was glad to find this is book 1 and hope that the questions I have are revealed in upcoming books.   

I didn't do a lot of searching to see where the book is available but you can find it at  Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  

Also I found it is available free on the authors website.  
Click Here.  If your looking for a good clean read visit Sara's site. 

I read Elusive on my phone with the KOBO app. I was not asked by anyone to write this receive.   

This review will appear at My Reading Journey, 
Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Good Reads and 
The Springtime in Magnolia Book Club.