
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Simple Sunday-The Fabulous Party-The Linky Works


Happy New Year
It's working! Link up!

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Saturday, December 29, 2018

Happy Homaker in Texas

Welcome thanks for coming by. Today my post will be a little short because I am still learning to use the tablet! It is a challenge.
Let's get on with it!
Joining Sandra she's the brains behind 
Happy Homemaker
The Weather
For us here in  Texas it is cold. We've had a few warm 
days but it supposed to be getting colder.
We are waiting for spring!

Right now I am
How thankful I am that I can write this post with pictures!

I finished reading 
An ARC copy from the author. Thank you Sara you preorder over at Amazon. Watch for my 5 star review soon!

I am reading
For this tour

My  Ta Da Moment
Writing this post with pictures

The Fabulous Party Features

These caught my eye. I have not figured out how to add links here but you can go over to the party to find the links. The party is at

From the camera

In the craft basket
I've started this. Mine will be all whites but from different skeins of white. 

I found on Pinterest
The printables are on Etsy

Thanks coming by!
Enjoy your week!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Flower Friday

This pretty flower is my garden right now!
Anyone know what it is? 
 It is in the area where I planted the seeds on a roll. 

So surprised to have a pretty Posey in January!
Happy Friday!

The End of The Road

Good Morning dear blogging friends,

Today I am writing you a letter because I no longer have a computer.
It's been awhile the computer has been on a slow death and
I have to sadly say it's run it's course which leaves me with only the tablet.
Luckily awhile back I logged on and dia few test posts so I was able to log on today.

I hope to work things out but I am not holding onto much hope.

I have no idea how toset up the Fabulous Party on the tablet.

I am thinking about using facebook more but have not decided yet.

I am praying and I hope you will too that I can find away to post.

On Saturday I will attempt try to do the party page at the library.

I hope I can work something out.

Until then I wish you many Blessings.  I will visit and leave you comments.

So now I will slip on those Blue Slippers pour a glass of  Brandy and remember  the good times

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Some days it's hard to pull the thoughts and words together. 
This is one of those days.
Do you ever have those days? 
Sometimes it's easier to have someone else put into words what you just can't seem to express. 
Yes I am Thankful the list is really long. 
The things/people I am Thankful for make me smile.
They make me happy.
décision prise un 25 octobre confirme, j'y étais et en plus il fallait faire tout plein de cartons....

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Wordless Wednesday-Add A Caption

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday

Add a caption ____________________

My Blogs Been Hacked (by a Dog) New Wednesday Feature

The plan was to wait until January 2nd.  The first Wednesday. 
Somehow Domino sneaked in a wrote a post when I wasn't looking.  Hmm.
Hi.  It's me Domino with my super sweet Sissy Jenn.  
Look what she brought me for Christmas!
It's a really cool Pupcake from a special place that makes people cupcakes. 
I waited ever so patiently while Mom took some pictures.
Really I was planning what I was going to tell you when I managed to get to the computer.  I was trying really hard to keep my mind of that 
My Sissy Jenn said she would break it into pieces so I don't gobble it.
Why do they always think I am a Turkey?  
Turkeys say Gobble. Gobble.  
I say Woof!
I took the first bite and the second and third ever so gently.
Sissy Jenn taught me to "Savour the moment"
I sure did like love that Pup Cake!
I'll be back next Wednesday when Mom has nothing to say and share with you all I've been doing. 
Happy Wednesday

Monday, December 24, 2018

When I Have A Day Off

I can play around and have some fun!
I like to take pics and play around with a new Photo Editor

I can drink Hot Cocoa and have a cookie and maybe share 1 or 2!
What do you do on an unexpected 
Day off? 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Simple Sunday-The Fabulous Party

She will bear a son Jesus Matthew 1 Christmas by SarabellStudio

Wishing you a Blessed and Fabulous Christmas
Remember you can link any day as many posts as you want
The party goes all week. 
Starting early today in case everyone is busy tomorrow!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Happy Homemaker in Texas

Good morning.  Welcome to my weekly Saturday post. 
Happy Homemaker is a party hosted by Sandra at Family Corner
Image result for happy homemaker monday

The weather
64 today then dropping some into lower 60's. 40% chance of 
rain on Christmas Day. 

On the breakfast plate

I almost forgot I wanted to take a pic.  I was just about to turn the omelet and stopped and grabbed my phone.  I love mushrooms in my omelets.  So whenever I have any I make an omelet!

As I look out my window
Sunshine.  I don't have a pretty view.  Just winter/dead grass. 

Something new on the blog
I decided to do a feature I am calling Rustic Food Photos.  This will be the first photo/post I'll share in a few days. 

Right now I am 
Trying to concentrate on this post.  I have a million things to do over the weekend!

As I look around the house
I see Christmas and a few alot of dog hair

On Today's To Do List
In the kitchen  . . . 
Sausage Balls
Ginger Bread 
Chocolate Bundt Cake 

My 'Ta Da' Moment
Made it to the post office. I know that isn't a big deal but sometimes I just can't get the simplest things accomplished. 

And, I think I actually posted everyday this week!

This weeks menu
Monday-Christmas Eve 
Standing Rib Roast, Mashed Potato's, Creamed Spinach, 
Deviled Eggs, hopefully Popovers too!
Tuesday-Christmas Day
Cooking at the boys rehab where we minister hopefully there will be leftovers
Ham, Hash Brown Casserole, Green Beans, Jalapeno Cornbread
Wednesday- Fried Fish, Baked Potatoes, Cole Slaw or Broccoli Salad
Thursday- Bison Chili and Tortilla's
Friday-Pizza and Salad- D.I.L. left us some crust in the freezer!

Last weeks menu (what worked and what didn't)
Got some bargains and couldn't wait to cook them up!
Monday Spaghetti, Salad and Garlic Bread  (I want some
Romaine so bad!  I miss it) ✔✔ I even found Romaine
Tuesday  Cowboy Beans and Corn Bread (I have been craving thin cornbread made in a sheet pan.  Is that weird or what?)  Chicken Fried Steak, French Fries
I called it a Steak/Fry basket.  That sounded better than just meat and potatoes!
Jalapeno Poppers a  new recipe from Pinterest.
Wednesday  Pork Chops, Rice and Black Eyed Peas 
Thursday  Pot Roast, Potatoes, Carrots  
Friday Something new maybe Mongolian Beef.  I've been seeing recipes.

Craft basket plans
I am hoping to join the Crochet Along this year and make an afghan. I got a few blocks done last year but wasn't able to buy yarn. But my clients have been sweet and have given me a couple very nice gifts. $$$$ Yea. 
I am also planning on continuing making post cards.  Not waiting till December again!
One of my favorites this year . . . 

The Fabulous Party Features

Brenda shared a great post over at Becoming His Tapestry.
Click here to read her thoughts. 

I love holiday home tours.  Carol shared some lovely eye candy.
Click here to visit her post. 
If all goes well The Fabulous Party will be back here on Sunday. 
Come back by and link your posts!

Currently reading 
This one is good.  These kind take me a while.  I need to get crackin' I need to review before the 1st!

On the reading pile
Favorite photo from the camera

She will bear a son Jesus Matthew 1 Christmas by SarabellStudio

Friday, December 21, 2018

Photo Friday-The Story Behind Wordless Wednesday

Did you catch this photo on my Wordless Wednesday post?
There were some great ideas for a caption but 1 caught my attention because it was exactly what I was thinking!

Yes, who at the cake?

The kind of funny thing was I was trying to take a photo to show
my breakfast and the book that I was reading on Saturday.  

But the cake just kind of took over.  So your wondering who took 
a bite out of it?  

I have to admit it was me.  Yes.  It was an odd thing for me to do and an odd way it happened.  

Here's the story. . . 
Last week one of my clients asked me to make a bundt cake for her sons birthday.  A Sock It To Me Cake.  She shared the recipe and 
Wednesday morning I stirred it up and left it sitting on the counter cooling. 

That afternoon The Cowboy helped me get ready to leave and put the cake in the cake taker an I delivered it to the client. 

When I returned home what did I find on the counter?  Not the 
lemon cake for my mom  it was the Sock It To Me Cake.   I had baked my mother the lemon cake the day before. 
Is exasperated! Almost in tears because I need to cook supper but   I turned around and headed back out to deliver the real cake. 

I knock on the door with cake #2 and the 15 year old birthday boy just shrugs and we exchange cakes.  

Driving home it's almost 6:30 by now.  I am sure your guessing it. 
I was so starving I reached over and grabbed a hunk of cake.  It was so tasty I got another bite and ate it on my way home.  

And so the mystery is solved.  The mooses didn't eat the cake. 
I did it!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Welcome to Thankful Thursday
I had the nicest surprise for my birthday last week.  
Our son and his family came from Missouri for a visit.  I got this photo of my grand daughter.  She had a fun time looking through my mothers jewelry box. 

I gave her and my D.I.L. the chance to choose something.  

Did you notice the look on her face?  She is oowing and aahing over a simple necklace. 

Domino enjoyed their visit too . . . 
They became fast friends.  

I have to say it was the best birthday ever.  And I am so Thankful!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wordless Wednesday

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday
Add a caption ________
Come back Friday for the story behind this photo!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sparky of Bunker Hill by Rosalind Barden- Great Escapes Tour-Review/Giveaway

About the book 
Lots of characters have it bad, in my Bunker Hill neighborhood smack dab in the middle of Los Angeles, but I’ve had it rougher than most.
There may be something to this 13th business.
That’s my birthday, and I’m learning to dread seeing it roll around. My mother died on one birthday. The cousins dumped me on my last. This year, 1932, I found a dead kid on a park bench. It’s my eleventh birthday, and the day me, Sparky, ended up on the run, wanted for murder.
If the dead girl wasn’t enough, the dirty newspapers pinned every body in LA on me, and even blamed me for the Great War. I wasn’t even born then. The price on my head got bigger by the day.
It was up to me to find out who killed the girl and why I got framed, before I ended up dangling from the hangman’s rope.
And others are saying 
What a fun, exciting adventure book! . . . You just can’t help loving Sparky and her way of thinking and talking.
~Here’s How It Happened
I found Sparky of Bunker Hill and the Cold Case Kid easy to read and with plenty of humor. The author’s descriptive writing style allowed me to visualize the story as I read it.
~The Avid Reader
And I thought
What a fun and adventure type of book.  This one is in the 
category of  Young Adult.  Possibly because there is actually the killing of a young girl.  Which to me is a bit hmmm.  I was actually wondering did the child just die or was there foul play?
Although I was scratching my head on that one I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. 
The main character Sparky a barely 11 year old homeless child 
grabs your attention and makes you laugh. All along while your just crying abit at her circumstances.  She is spunky savvy smart and cautious.   
While running from the police Sparky ends up meeting an eccentric actress from silent movies who cleans her up and gives her old clothes/costumes from her movie days. 

I was intrigued with the cover.  The cover photo shoes Sparky dressed in a sailor suit from the old silent movie.

There is a lot of whit and humor and some other great characters.  
The setting and time period is quite fun.  This one was a fast read 
with lots going on and some twists that keep the pages turning. 

I received a complimentary copy. 
My review will appear on retail sites and Good Reads. 

Buy the book 
Visit the tour
To read more reviews and guest posts click here. 


Saturday, December 15, 2018

Happy Homemaker In Texas

Down troddin' but not giving up. 
 It seems I am continually under attack here at the blog
The newest is my Pinterest pics. don't show up. 
I may not be able to include any pics. today.
The weather
Beautiful sunshine today.  The last week it has been cold and rainy. 
The few days I don't like it in Texas.  Can I move to Florida for a few a couple months?

On the breakfast plate
I just took a cookie sheet out of the oven with bacon.  Do you cook 
your bacon in the oven?  I love it this way.  Always perfect and 
not greasy.  And then I have drippings! 

As I look out my window
Sunshine.  It is deceiving because it's pretty nippy. But it's a nice day.  I am looking at the yard and garden and realizing if I am going to start anything in the green house I need to plan and get going on it. 

Right now I am 
sitting at my desk an old library table that holds my almost as old laptop.  I am wearing my favorite red plaid pajama pants and an 
Old Navy Christmas shirt from 2009.  Has a bleach stain on the shoulder.  Have no idea how I did that.  But my grandson says 
it looks like Tie Dye so it is 'in'.

As I look around the house
I see Christmas.  And I am thinking about next year and if we will be here and where we will be and if we are downsizing and what I should pack and keep. 

To day's 'To Do' list
Get packages ready for the post office. 
Finish post cards to mail for swap.
Laundry, clean and bake maybe.  Brownies are speaking to me. 

The Fabulous Party
Last week I didn't get the party posted so no features to share. 
I hope you'll come back and link your posts!  I'll be starting the 
party early today at Our Holiday Journey.  The party will be 
live here at midnight. 

Currently reading
Finishing up a 4 author  Novella Christmas book.  It is so good I am on the last one.  The 4 authors wrote about a town called Friendship.  There is a Santa type character that is in each novella.
It is so good. Have you read it?
Christmas With You 
Christmas With You: A feel-good holiday romance anthology by [McLaughlin, Heidi, Dover, L.P., Madsen, Cindi, Prescott, R.J., Briggs, Amy]
On the t.v. 
Haven't watched much at all.  This last week I've been 
catching up on reading.  I was very behind. 

On the menu this week
Gosh it's been so long since I put together a menu!

Monday Spaghetti, Salad and Garlic Bread  (I want some
Romaine so bad!  I miss it)
Tuesday  Cowboy Beans and Corn Bread (I have been craving thin cornbread made in a sheet pan.  Is that weird or what?) 
Jalapeno Poppers a  new recipe from Pinterest.
Wednesday  Pork Chops, Rice and Black Eyed Peas
Thursday  Pot Roast, Potatoes, Carrots 
Friday Something new maybe Mongolian Beef.  I've been seeing recipes.

What I am creating
Finish up Christmas Post Cards to mail.

New recipe to try
Copycat Texas Roadhouse Rattlesnake Bites (like a cross between jalapeño poppers and fried mozzarella)  Mongolian Beef 
And these for Domino
Mighty Muffin Muttloaf ( This is an original twist. I like the look of this #dog #treat. So unusual.

From the camera

I was so happy to see our son and his family.  They came for my
M.I.L.'s Memorial but arrive in time for my birthday.  Got in a few visits with my mom too. 

A Miracle happens when you abandon all of your attempts to try and fix yourself. When you simply let go of all your striving, controlling, and worrying. Then let My Spirit fill you, then you will live, move and breath your Miracle. Then you will find the real Miracle is My Presence within you. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. ---John 8:36
We are standing by this promise right now as our son transitions into owning his own riding school.  It's a huge challenge but a huge blessing!
Have A Blessed Week
Merry Christmas