
Monday, December 30, 2019

Menu Monday-and- A New Recipe-Cookbook Feature

All our meals are Low or No Sodium.  Lot's of experimenting going on with recipes. 
Monday  Potato Soup, Cesar Salad, Fruit 
Tuesday  First attempt at No sodium Taco's
Wednesday Fried Cod, Onion Rings, Cole Slaw and Fruit
Thursday Deer Camp Casserole, Fresh Green Beans
Friday Oven Roast Chicken, Potato's and Carrots, Turnip Greens
It's a new challenge to cook No Sodium but I am happy and excited to learn a new way of cooking that is healthier for both of us. 

I will be splurging a bit to make this casserole for New Years
Day brunch . . . 

I found the recipe here . . . 
The cover just says buy me!  And it is filled with yummy goodness all from author Dianne Harman's personal files. 
Many of the recipes are featured in her books.  

Want your copy?  Get it fast over at Amazon! Click here

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Happy Homemaker In Texas

Welcome I am so glad to be back to Happy Homemaker.  I love the January theme of snowmen.  I found this adorable guy last year when I cleaned out my mothers apartment.  He was boxed in the back of a closet.  I had never seen him before.  That is how my mama rolled.  She probably bought him to give to me and lost him!  

I am looking forward to the New Year and I pledge I will be 
Image result for happy

with that said let's get on with it!

The weather (Sandra's prompt)
Today (Saturday) it is rainy.  We  went out for a quick potty (the dogs) a bit ago when it wasn't rainy but it started again. It's a great day for staying in . . . but Oh I had plans!  It has been really nice this last week in the 70's!  Gorgeous weather.

What I am wearing (Sandra's prompt)
Today . . . right now I am wearing some jogging pants and a tank. I don't match but I am inside and no one knows but you!  
Later if I decide to venture out I'll find something that matches better!

On my reading pile (Sandra's prompt)
I am still finishing a few Christmas stories this week . . . 
A Christmas Homecoming (Bar V5 Ranch) On my Kindle cloud reader.  I figured out how to use it!  
Marry Me: A clean, sweet, faith-filled small-town romance, where life begins at forty (Chapel Cove Book 6)  On the tablet.  I only have a few preview chapters but it sounds good.  I hope it has a happy ending.  Not in the mood for tears. 
REVENGE by Goerge Lockie  And a suspense I need to get on for a tour in January.  

On the blogs (My prompt)
Next year LOL I love saying that this time of year!  I have something planned.  The end of January I will be hosting 
A week of Romance.
I hope you'll stop by and meet some great authors.  I have picked a few of my favorites.  You'll find intro's to new books and author interviews.  Come by and see some behind the scenes of some of my favorite authors.

On the menu (Sandra's prompt)
All our meals are Low or No Sodium.  Lot's of experimenting going on with recipes. 
Monday  Potato Soup, Cesar Salad, Fruit 
Tuesday  First attempt at No sodium Taco's
Wednesday Fried Cod, Onion Rings, Cole Slaw and Fruit
Thursday Deer Camp Casserole, Fresh Green Beans
Friday Oven Roast Chicken, Potato's and Carrots, Turnip Greens
It's a new challenge to cook No Sodium but I am happy and excited to learn a new way of cooking that is healthier for both of us.  

In the garden/green house (my prompt)
I have growing:
Romaine, Celery, Garlic, Green Onions, and Basil
I have planted:
Swiss Chard (not looking good), Broccoli (not sprouted) Green and Red Bell Peppers (from seeds from Peppers I bought/cooked)
Planning to pick up some potting soil today.  I'll pick up a few seeds if there are any out.  I have tomato seeds and turnips I will plant this week. 
Barring no hard freezes I don't have enough heat in the green house.  I may end up with a house full of sprouts!

A new simple pleasure
Walking my dogs.  Lot's of changes going on and planning.  
We will be moving to an apartment soon.  I am learning the habit of going out with the dogs again. 

In the craft room
Sandra's prompt is in the Crafting Basket but I changed it cuz I have more going on that will fit in a basket.  But with the upcoming move all that will change!  
For now I am working on Valentines Day and Birthday Cards. 
I am in several FB groups and a Letter Writing Group.  I love mail!
I have made some wonderful new friends!  
Here's a new project I am starting today. (if it stops raining and get out to shop a bit)
No photo description available. This is for a SWAP we will be making 3 pretty tags to send to a partner. 

Also in the craft room.  Sorting through and packing away fabric for the move. 
Paper crafting supplies will be packed last!  My current fav. hobby.

From the camera
Sharing with you a picture of our super sweet dog Lola.  I am sad to say unless God gives us a miracle we will not be able to take her to our new place.  We cannot afford deposits for two dogs.  Finding a place that we can afford for two people and one dog has been a super challenge.  
I am looking to Re Home Lola . . . 
Image may contain: people sitting, dog and indoor

Prayer needs
The Cowboys health...he has Liver Disease
We need to find a place to move within the next few weeks
We need to re-home Lola  ASAP

Image may contain: outdoor and text

And before I go I want to thank Sandra at Family Corner for hosting Happy Homemaker.  I'll be linking to her party.  
You can visit Sandra here

Happy Trails
Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor
Christmas morning photo's

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Death by Proxy-Author Interview- Great Escapes Tour with Giveaway

About the book 
With preparations for her upcoming wedding to handsome Wes Wesson, a Center City police lieutenant, on track and her DIY Bridal Crafts class at Hawkeye Haven’s community center wrapped up, DIY Diva Laurel McMillan looks forward to a calm pre-nuptial week to finalize her wedding plans. There’s only one problem: the week turns out to be anything but calm. Laurel and Wes narrowly escape being run down in the parking lot of their favorite restaurant. Laurel’s bridal shower is interrupted by a mysterious stranger who sends Laurel’s lovable chocolate Labrador retriever Bear into a frenzy, and when Laurel and Wes go to meet Lisa, their real estate agent, at a house she promised to show them, they discover Lisa’s sister’s body floating in the pool. Strangely, Lisa seems more concerned with selling houses than she I does with her sister’s death. After Lisa’s mother inadvertently reveals family secrets, Laurel wonders whether Lisa could have killed her own sister. Will the mayhem and murder stop before Laurel discovers the key to the killer’s game

An interview with Paula

Hello Paula. I am delighted to get the chance to ‘chat it up’ about your books.
Thank you! I'm delighted to be here, too.

Before we get into the ‘nitty gritty’ I have a some fun questions for you!

I seem to always be writing interview questions at lunch so food is on my mind.
What’s your luncheon plate?
 I just finished a chicken sandwich and some green beans with cranberries left over from the Thanksgiving feast.

You’ll gasp when I tell you this but I don’t drink coffee! Do you like coffee are
you Star Bucks girl?
I rarely drink coffee, but I drink four or five cups of tea most days. It's my go-to beverage.

I love a good piece of chocolate but don’t put nuts in mine. Do you like nuts in
your chocolate?
I absolutely love chocolate, especially dark chocolate, and I prefer cream centers to chewy or nutty centers.

One last one and then we will get into the new book and the series! If you
Could go anywhere in the world to write your next book where would you go?

I'd probably choose Hawaii for its great weather.

Do you have a favorite t.v. or movie character that solves crimes?

My favorites are Jessica Fletcher of Murder She Wrote and Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot.

I am so glad your touring again with Great Escapes. What is your favorite part
about book tours?
Hearing from readers and what they like in the cozy mysteries they read is my favorite part of the tours.

Is the DIY Dive series your first series?
Yes, it's my first series.

Can you tell us how you came up with the idea of a DIY Diva series?
I wanted to create a character who was an independent woman working for herself and not depending on an employer. Also, I make a lot of craft projects and do a lot of sewing myself, so it seemed easy to make her business crafty since it's something I know about. I think that also makes her craft projects seem more authentic. I include instructions for a couple of craft projects at the back of each DIY Diva mystery book, so readers can the projects themselves.

How did you decide on the location?
There are two key components of the location in the DIY Diva mysteries: one is a fictional town in Iowa and the other is the guard-gated community on the outskirts of the town, where Laurel, the main character, and her friends and neighbors live. Again, I opted for familiar territory since I was born in Iowa and lived there for many years. Although I don't currently live in Iowa, I do live in a guard-gated community that's governed by a homeowners' association, so that was familiar territory, too.

Does Laurel remind you of yourself?
In her love of her Labrador retriever and her crafting and sewing projects, she does, but not in the other aspects of her character. I would never try to solve a murder mystery!

I haven’t read Death by Proxy yet but I was wondering since Laurel is
getting ready for her wedding if she gave you any trouble with this one?

Not too much. Laurel planned a small wedding with just family and close friends, and that never changed. One thing that I didn't plan ahead of time was that she becomes so distracted by her upcoming wedding that she almost misses solving the crime.

Can you tell us a little about the process of writing your book. Do you begin
with a plan or outline for the plot and how it will end? Or does the story develop as you write?
I normally have a plan for the entire book before beginning to write. Along the way, sometimes I make changes that seem to make sense because sometimes new ideas crop up.

I have one more serious question but before we go there here is a fun one!
You got the call. . . DIY Diva series will be made into a Hallmark Movie!
What actors would have play Laurel and Wes?
Cool! Laurel has red hair, and she's in her late thirties, so perhaps Kate Mara for Laurel and maybe Bradley Cooper for Wes.

Do you have plans for other series or will you stay with the Laurel for
and DIY Diva series for awhile?
I'm planning a new series, but I'll probably re-visit Laurel and the DIY Diva series sometime in the future.

Thank you so much for taking a few minutes to chat today. I hope
we can do this again!
It's great to be here!

Best Wishes on the tour!

Thank you and thank you for hosting a stop on the tour. I really appreciate it!

Buy the book 
Visit the tour
To read more interviews, reviews and guest posts click here


Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Cross To Kill by Andrew Huff-Spotlight/Giveaway

About the book 
John Cross is a small-town pastor, bent on leading his flock to follow God's calling. He's not the sort of man one would expect to have a checkered past.

But the truth is that the man behind the pulpit preaching to his sheep was once a wolf--an assassin for the CIA. When John decided to follow Christ, he put that work behind him, determined to pay penance for all the lives he took. He vowed never to kill again.

Now someone wants the peaceful pastor to pay for his sins with his own life. And when a terrorist out for revenge walks into the church, John's secrets are laid bare. Confronted with his past, he must face his demons and discover whether a man can truly change. Can he keep his vow--even when the people he loves are in mortal danger? Will his congregation and the brave woman he's learning to care for be caught in the cross fire? In the end, his death may be the only sacrifice he has left to offer . . .

Andrew Huff's thrilling debut is not only a riveting story of suspense, it's also a deep exploration of the moral quandaries that face those who choose to follow the Prince of Peace in a violent world.

Read an excerpt
Click here 

And others are saying 
"An action-packed nail-biter from beginning to end, filled with enough twists and turns to put 24 and Jack Bauer to shame! I couldn’t put it down. Many thanks to Andrew for hours of entertainment and frantic page turning."
Lynette Eason, best-selling, award-winning author of the Blue Justice series

“What a ride! A Cross to Kill had a lot of amazing action (right from the beginning!) but an even better story to tell. I was amazed at the amount of detail Andrew was able to write into the scenes to bring them alive in my mind.”
Rob Thomas, Founder & CEO of Igniter Media

“Huff has written a fast paced novel which draws the readers into the adventure from the opening pages. An intriguing story with suspense, action, and danger. The major characters wrestle with faith, forgiveness, and redemption in a believable plot line that holds the readers’ attention to the end.”
Glenn Kreider, author of God With Us

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

NIV Beautiful Word Coloring Bible for Girls-Review/Giveaway

About the NIV Beautiful Word Coloring Bible for Girls
Created especially for girls ages 8 to 12, this beautiful Bible provides ample space for young artists to express themselves through coloring and journaling.

Girls can get creative with the detailed, ready-to-color line art surrounding the hundreds of inspiring verses in the NIV Beautiful Word™ Coloring Bible for Girls. This Bible is a perfect gift for a special young girl in your life and will become a cherished keepsake full of personalized creative expressions of faith.
Features include:

  • Hundreds of verses illustrated in ready-to-color line art
  • Thicker white paper for enduring note-taking
  • Lined, wide margins for notes, reflections and art
  • Complete text of the accurate, readable and clear New International Version (NIV)
  • Easy-to-read black letter text in single-column format
  • Lays flat in your hand or on your desk
  • Ribbon marker
  • Beautifully designed Leathersoft-over-board cover featuring screen-printing and other cover embellishments
  • 8-point type size
Using the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV) text makes the Bible accessible and easy-to-read for kids. The NIV is the result of over 50 years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, who oversee the efforts of many contributing scholars. Representing the spectrum of evangelicalism, the translators come from a wide range of denominations and various countries and continually review new research to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance, and authority.

A look inside

Download a coloring page
Click here for a sample. 

Something special  
 Every NIV Bible that is purchased helps Biblica translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world.

And I thought
I was super excited for a chance to see this Bible and to get a copy to review. 
I love the opportunity that publishers and authors give bloggers to
see, touch and read their books!

I am writing this review from the perspective of a Grand Mama. 
I know that my 10 year old grand daughter would love this very pretty and girl Bible.  It is made just perfect for girly girls!
The polka dot cover is fun and girly and would make any young girl pick it up and see what is inside.  

I was very pleased with the paper that the Bible was printed on. 
Although I did not test it.  I can see that the paper is thick enough for coloring. However, the illustrations can be seen through the pages.   Since I didn't test because I wanted to keep my copy clean I cannot make a comment about 'bleed'.  Below you'll find a list of other bloggers reviewing that might address the topic.

There are lots of pages with coloring pictures that illustrate
stories and God's promises.  Every page has space for writing 
and journaling.  There are  no actual spaces or pages for drawing or coloring except at the end of books where the text ends before the end of the page.  

I thought that this edition is put together well and I loved the cover.  It appears to be well made and will be durable.  

It is a large Bible.  And it is rather heavy making me question whether young girls will want to carry it with them to church. 

The NIV Beautiful Word Coloring Bible for Girls is great for the young girl that wants to color and journal in her Bible 'like' mom!  

Add this one to your Christmas list!  A great gift for your daughter or maybe an Angel Tree gift.  

“I received a copy of the NIV Beautiful Word Coloring Bible for Girls from Zondervan (HarperCollins Christian Publishing) for this review. This post is sponsored by Zondervan.”

Purchase Links

Visit the tour

Life is Story12/2/2019
Finding Peace in God's Word12/3/2019
My Reading Journeys12/4/2019
A Mom's Quest to Teach12/5/2019
A Beautiful Inheritance12/6/2019
Bergers Book Reviews12/6/2019
Carpool Conversations12/6/2019
Christian Chick's Thoughts12/6/2019
Poems for Warriors12/6/2019
Radiant Light12/6/2019
Tangled Up In Writing12/6/2019
More Than Just Coffee12/7/2019
Reviews by Kris12/7/2019
Savings in Seconds12/7/2019
The Christian Fiction Girl12/8/2019
Entrusted By God12/9/2019
A Modern Day Fairy Tale12/10/2019
A Peace of Mind12/10/2019
Day to Day Life12/10/2019
For Him and My Family12/10/2019
Inklings and Notions12/10/2019
Lighthouse Academy12/10/2019
My Table of Three12/10/2019
Natalie Walters Writer12/10/2019
Older & Smarter?12/10/2019
The Forgiven Former Feminist12/10/2019
Among the Reads12/11/2019
Genesis 502012/11/2019
At Home: where life happens12/12/2019
Beauty in the Binding12/12/2019
Bringing Jesus Home (from Church)12/12/2019
Christen Krumm12/12/2019
Peaceful Pastime12/12/2019
She Lives to Read12/12/2019
Vicky Slutier12/12/2019
Wall-to-wall books12/12/2019
Aryn the Libraryan 📚12/13/2019
Cara Putman12/13/2019
Heck Of A Bunch12/13/2019
It's Story Time With Van Daniker12/13/2019
Roads to Everywhere12/13/2019
The Ginger Librarian12/13/2019
The Livy Updater12/13/2019
This Is Me12/13/2019
Chat With Vera12/14/2019
SK Bell12/14/2019
Edits and Reviews by Leslie12/15/2019
Texas Book-aholic12/15/2019
Book Referees12/16/2019
I am believing God12/16/2019
Little Homeschool on the Prairie12/16/2019
Locks, Hooks and Books12/16/2019
Mustard Seed Mommy12/16/2019
Sunday Gatherings12/16/2019
The Scarlet Rope12/16/2019


Monday, December 2, 2019

Happy Homemaker in Texas

Welcome back to a new week
The 1st week of December!
The weather (Sandra's)
Rain or cloudy for a few days.  Temps low to mid 40's and low to mid 60's for the week.  It is supposed to be 73 on Thursday!

What I am wearing (Sandra's)
Warm black fleece leggings and a bedraggled Old Navy Christmas t-shirt from 2014.  I am staying in today.

On the breakfast plate (Sandra's)
Pancake's, Bacon and Strawberries

On my reading pile (Sandra's)
My pile is overflowing.  Even have books already to 
review for January.  It seems so far but it really isn't!
Here are a few Cozy Mysteries I'll review on my Book Blog . . .
Death by Proxy: A DIY Diva Mystery       
You'll find my reviews over here for The Great Escapes Tours

I am reading now
  Click here to enter the Giveaway

My 'Ta Da' moment 
Fall is put away.  And Christmas is coming out of the closet(s).
The Mantle is done.  I still want to buy new stockings.  I hope I get that done today before the ones I want are all gone.
I got the tree in the room but still need to decorate. 

On the menu
New menu plans.  Many things have happened in the last few weeks.  My head is still spinning.  My Cowboy has been in the hospital.  He has liver disease.  So all the Menu's will be sodium free.   Still working on figuring all this out. 

A few plans for the New Year
Getting my blog back. This last year I have been distracted to much illness and death in the family. 
Also I have signed up for more reviews and spotlights and interviews here than I normally prefer.  There have been weeks this blog has been more 'bookish' than blog.  
I am getting my blog back.  
I hope you'll still around!

My 'To Do' list
Navigate a Sodium Free diet
Finish Christmas decor/decide what is being donated and what to keep. 
Cleaning closets and garage to be ready when we downsize or move in a few months. 

In the craft room
Finished my first round of Christmas cards.  I few more on the crafting table. 
The snippet rolls are almost done.  I have to finish in the next couple of days to get them mailed. 

From the camera 
From the archives
The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies begin afresh each morning! Lamentations 3:21#hisdearlyloveddaughter #godinthehardplaces #hisgracegirls #bible #biblestudy #scripture #wordofgod #bibleverse

Linking with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday
Click here to visit Sandra's party!

Mosaic Monday

Welcome to my first Mosaic Monday 
of 2019

This was a weekly party I enjoyed a few years ago. 
I am glad to be back. 

Have a good week 

Friday, November 29, 2019

A Week Of Christmas Romance-Feat. Hazel's Mail Order Joy by Annie Boone

Welcome back to A Week of Christmas Romances
If you've missed the other posts scroll down to find links.

Hazel's Mail Order Joy (Home for Christmas Book 4) by [Boone, Annie]

About the book 
Twists. Turns. Disappointments. Unexpected Christmas joy.

For beautiful, blonde-haired Hazel Ellis, the trip west as a mail-order bride is fraught with uncertainty. She and her sisters have decided that they must leave Boston, where their father’s financial downfall has left them with no marriage prospects in elite Beacon Hill society. Their husbands await them in Colorado so they must go there. 
Wealthy rancher Harley Wyatt is a man whose cattle and acres mark him as someone of importance in the growing town of Newton. Aloof and used to getting his own way, Harley has secrets he’s unwilling to share with a woman he doesn’t even know. It doesn’t matter she’ll be his wife, she’ll have to earn his trust.
He expects her to fulfill her role as Mrs. Wyatt, the wife of the area’s most prosperous rancher. But he offers little insight into what that position entails and timid Hazel is reluctant to ask him. She is equally reluctant to ask him about the identity of the ten-year old girl named Oakley who lives at the ranch. 
Colorado will prove to be a challenge of the heart for sweet and naïve Hazel. Will the bonds of her new life be powerful enough to overcome the beloved memories of her home back East, particularly as the Christmas season arrives? 

Home for Christmas… a sweet, romantic journey spanning decades - even centuries - of holiday cheer.

There’s no better season than Christmas to look back with gratitude for all the family blessings and forward with anticipation to all the joy to come. A holiday romance or a surprise Christmas wedding that leads to a lifetime of happiness is an irresistible story for a true romantic. Add some snow, hot chocolate, and carols at the piano and you’ll fall in love again and again.

Second chances, mail order brides, marriages of convenience – this clean and wholesome series brings all this and so much more. Join our heroes and heroines from proper Regency England to the majestic Rocky Mountains as they find peace, true love, and inspiring Christmas spirit.

This multi-author Christmas series is brought to you by these best-selling authors:

Joyce Alec
Rose Pearson
Natalie Dean
Bethany Rose
Annie Boone
Hanna Hart
Sophie Mays

Buy the book 
Meet the author
Hi!  I’m Annie.
I grew up going to museums and watching historical movies. My dad was a history buff and we got a steady dose of it in our home. I declared I’d never watch another John Wayne western or Civil War movie again when I moved out of my dad’s house. Then I married a history lover. Oh my!
I love to write romance and have been doing that since I was in high school.  I’ve come to love writing Western Christian Romance stories.  I love the rugged adventures of people looking for love in the Wild West!
History is an important part of who we are as individuals and as a society. I recognize and appreciate this now! Someone asked me not long ago how I name my characters and I use history to help me. Many of the characters in my books are named after people who have been important to me in my life. For example, Viola in Don’t Fence Him In is named after my paternal grandmother and Frederick is named after my father-in-law who passed away at the end of 2014. Neither character is based on their personalities, but I used their names as a tiny tribute.
My stories are clean with a Christian thread.  I won’t pound you with scriptures, but my characters – at least most of them! – are God fearing people.  They trust in God to help them through life’s twists and turns.
I really hope you’ll enjoy what I write and find a little entertainment along with a little inspiration!

Visit A Week of Romance

Thursday, November 28, 2019

From Wild to MIld 'A Dog in Two Worlds' by Sunny Weber- I Read Book Tour Review/Giveaway

From Wild to Mild by Sunny Weber

About the book 
Eight-week-old Australian Shepherd Kaya is kidnapped by a nasty coyote to be food for his mate and puppies. Instead, the loving mother raises Kaya with her own pups. But as hard as she tries, Kaya can’t completely fit in—she can’t kill prey or stay awake for night hunts. Why can’t she make herself a true coyote? Constantly criticized by her coyote father, Kaya finds support in her new mother and siblings. She also figures out how to contribute through teamwork with her brother and sister. Trapped by a dog rescue, Kaya re-enters the human world and learns the differences between how dogs and coyotes live. When freed to roam again, does she return to her forest freedom—or remain with her farm family? Can Kaya forever straddle between the Wild and the Mild?

And I thought 
An amazing book that most likely will have the adult reader wiping a few tears.  This is an a emotional story.  But a great read!

Adults and children will both swept away while turning the pages
anxiously to the end.

As with the other books in the The Pups and Purrs series author
Sunny Weber does a great job of telling a story that feels real.  

I have enjoyed each of the books in this series and can recommend them to parents, teachers and librarians.  

I received a complimentary copy. 
My review will appear on Amazon and Good Reads.  

The Pups and Purrs  series is on my Christmas suggestions list and will be featured in my 2019 Christmas Books week. 

Buy the book 
Visit the tour
Nov 11 – ROCKIN' Book Reviews – book review From Wild to Mild / guest post / giveaway
Nov 12 – My Journey Back – book review The Dog at the Gate / giveaway
Nov 13 – Locks, Hooks, and Books – book review The Dog at the Gate / giveaway
Nov 13 - Blooming with Books – book review Hurricane Dog / giveaway
Nov 14 –Book Corner News and Reviews – book review of From Wild to Mild / giveaway
Nov 15 - Svetlana's reads and views – book review From Wild to Mild
Nov 15 - Rosepoint Publishing – book review From Wild to Mild
Nov 15 – Jypsylynn – book review The Dog at the Gate
Nov 18 - ROCKIN' Book Reviews – book review Hurricane Dog / guest post / giveaway
Nov 19 – FUONLYKNEW – book review The Dog at the Gate / giveaway
Nov 19 - Blooming with Books – book review From Wild to Mild / guest post / giveaway
Nov 20 – Locks, Hooks, and Books – book review Hurricane Dog / giveaway
Nov 20 - Rockin' Book Reviews – book review The Dog at the Gate / giveaway
Nov 21 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book review of The Dog at the Gate / giveaway
Nov 21 - Svetlana's reads and views – book review Hurricane Dog
Nov 21 - Books for Books – book review The Dog at the Gate
Nov 22 - FUONLYKNEW – book review of Hurricane Dog / giveaway
Nov 22 – My Journey Back – book review Hurricane Dog / giveaway
Nov 25 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book review of Hurricane Dog / giveaway
Nov 25 - Blooming with Books – book review The Dog at the Gate / giveaway
Nov 26 – FUONLYKNEW – book review of From Wild to Mild / giveaway
Nov 26 - Books for Books – book review Hurricane Dog
Nov 26 – Jypsylynn – book review of Hurricane Dog
Nov 27 – Locks, Hooks, and Books – book review From Wild to Mild / giveaway
Nov 27 - Svetlana's reads and views – book review The Dog at the Gate
Nov 28 – My Journey Back – book review From Wild to Mild / giveaway
Nov 29 - Jypsylynn – book review of From Wild to Mild
Dec 2 - Books for Books – book review From Wild to Mild
Dec 2 - Mystery Suspense Reviews – book review of From Wild to Mild

iRead Book Tours