
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Simple Sunday-Fabulous Party

The troubles of this world love will weigh you down, but when we look up at our tender hearted Savior then we will find peace:)


Happy New Year
to the same 'ole same 'ole party
The same easy party. 
 Link any day. All day. Any time.
There is something new!
Coming soon. I am adding an option to tweet.  But it didn't work this morning! 
You can go to the previous test post and tweet now though!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Christmas Traditions part 2 Light Tour

Another tradition we have is driving through town looking at lights.

There are some beautiful homes with lovely displays.

This one is so cool.  I only got a small amount.  It is totally synced with music and there is a sign telling you to tune to a radio station and you can hear it.  There is a full size Santa inside that is working. 

Some are just simple.  I love white lights!

I am sorry this one doesn't show up well.  It is those new fancy lights that are projected onto the house.  

Simple but pretty.

My favorites are white lights but sometimes multi colors make a 
beautiful statement.

A train filled with gifts.  So cute!

More beautiful white.

Love this one!  I am a sucker for dogs!

And one more!  But that's not all.  I did my own little light 
display to start a new tradition . . . 

Happy New Year!
Click here
The Fabulous super easy party. Post any day any time!
Click here

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Our Fabulous Christmas 2017 Sharing A Few Traditions Old/New

We had a wonderful Christmas.  I have a few photo's I haven't shared yet.  
I hope you enjoy the mini tour . . . 
I started decorating this year even earlier than in past years.  
As soon as the tree was standing my grandson had to get the train out and put it under the tree even before I was finished decorating.

Then a couple days later I got the main tree up and decorated and then needed a little help putting the tree skirt under it.
It's a tradition my grandson crawls under and spreads it out. 
Another tradition is adding the wooden train.   
He adds a building from Lincoln Logs.  This year it was a general store and lumber yard. 

We began the tradition in 2015.   He seems so little. 
We were still living in an apartment so space was at a premium

We set up by the train by the cocoa bar.  

Here's a 2016 setting up the train pic . . . 
And then crawling under the tree to 'ham it up' for a photo . . . 

He wasn't too much of a 'Ham' this year.  It's a good thing I got some good shots last year! 

This year I started a new tradition.  And then I realized that we 
started it a few years ago . . . 
This is Rascal and Daisy in 2014.  This was not a set up photo. 
They did this on their own.  I just managed to get a good shot. 
I found Domino almost under the tree.  I was reminded of Daisy and Rascal!
I had removed the train and breakable things because Domino had a house guest for Christmas. 

I did a very short impromtu shoot with Domino and her new friend

I have two main trees.  I worked on the tree in my favorite room 
The green house room We have decorated as a shabby chic cabin.

We have a large family of mooses that visit us every year.  They
have dubbed this room their little B&B for their stay here before
they leave on their annual cruise.  HeHe.

The 1st time they visited in 2015 . . . 

They like the shabby chic cabin much better!

I have a few traditions.  I like Christmas trees
This is the horse tree . . . 

One of my favorite trees.  I hope to get a bigger one next year. 

A new tradition I started a couple of years ago is a special way to label our gifts . . . 
I love the idea of using photo's.  A few favorite photo's of 
our grandson when he was a lot younger.  
Here's the tree the first year . . . 

The Cowboy started a tradition in 2015 while we were still in the apartment.  He has carried it on.  This is his after Christmas 
decoration . . . 
He has a whole collection of Christmas and Fall flags.  He starts with a Snoopy Halloween and then Fall.  He changes them weekly.  
So this was just a little peek at a few of our holiday traditions. 
I hope you enjoyed part one. 

Tomorrow I have another tradition to share.  I hope you'll come by for the ride.  (That's a hint)

Before I go I want to invite you to link your posts at The Fabulous Party and to join me in my very first swap.  
Here's the links to the info.  

This is a simple family friendly party.  No rules just keep it nice and sweet.  The best part is you can link any day any time.  No 
need to worry about what day.  And, 2 links are chosen and featured on Monday.  All links are pinned! Click here to link up.

Come and Swap with me.  Make a new friend or two.  The sign up is going on now!
Info and sign up is here

Shine Today

Rise and shine!

Have a Shiny Day!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Wordless Wednesday-Post Christmas Shiny and Bright

Thanks for stopping 
Come tomorrow for a Party with a few Friends

 Sign up here.

The Fabulous Party
Link any day!  Link everyday!
Link here

Seek A familiar Face-Book Spotlight-I Read Tours

Seeking a Familiar Face by May Patterson
I have not read this book

About the book 
The greatest adventure of your life awaits. And it will change everything.

Ever feel disappointed? Like your life isn't as fulfilling as you had always dreamed it would be? Are you laden down with responsibilities, feeling overwhelmed and empty, or maybe even a bit caged?

You're not alone.

Many people in the Bible felt the same way. Most had difficulties. Some felt stuck. Others were depressed, afraid and uncertain. And some just wanted to get closer to God. So they set out on life's adventure —seeking God—and encountered the One who fulfilled their longings and changed their lives forever.

The same can happen for you.

Seeking a Familiar Face guides you on the transforming journey of connecting with God, through simple, yet extraordinary ways. It doesn't matter if you are already seeking Him or just getting started, this book will encourage you to go a little farther toward locking hearts with God.

In this book you will discover engaging narratives from ten biblical characters, along with stories, humor, and practical ideas for seeking God. There are thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter to discuss with a friend or a group. Most of all, "Seeking a Familiar Face" will offer you fresh hope for deepening your intimacy with God.

Visit the tour 
To view the trailer and enter the Giveaway click here

Buy the book 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Announcing The Fabulous Warm Heart Swap 2018-Sign Up Until Jan 20th

I'm so excited to be sharing this with you today! I've been planning it for a little while and it's been quite hard not sharing it with you earlier. I am hosting my very first blog swap  and I hope you'll join in and we'll all have lots of fun together!

I know in lots of ways it's too early to think about anything more than surviving till the New Year
But let's get all Warm and Cozy and start the New Year making new friends!

The Warm Heart Swap is planned to build a community among our blogging friends.  It's a super simple swap planned to be fun and relaxed and Heart Warming.  A way to meet new blogging friends.

Let's get into the details, shall we?

Who can join in?
Since this if my first  swap this one is for bloggers in the U.S.  only.  I am planning more swaps this year that I plan to open internationally.  I need a few details first to make the happen properly. 
Not to deny anyone that is an instagramer or face book fan if your interested in joining you'll just have to provide more details to your swap partner. 

When can you join?
Sign-ups for the swap are open from today until the January 15th.  I'll email you within 24 hours after you've signed up to confirm your registration and give you your swap badge. (You can share the badge on the side of your blog or post it on social media if you like). 

On the 10th I will be emailing everyone a tip sheet and suggestions for swapping and a time line and 
details about a giveaway.  And a list of fun things to make this swap super fun. 

On the evening of the 15th I will email your partner.  

Sign-ups from Dec. 26th to January 15th
Partners shared on the evening January 15th

Sign Up extended to January 20th
Mailing swap packages should commence by February 1st to arrive near Valentines Day.

Details and Requirements
You should visit your swapee's blog as soon as you can.  Spend some time getting to know her 
so that you can send a Sweet and Heartwarming gift to her.  
Please keep your purchased gifts to below $20.00.  Your not required a certain amount just 
don't go over $20.00
Please package pretty.  It's o.k. to put stickers or pretty doodles on the mailing box.
Make it festive and fun.  

What to send
Anything you think will Warm Your Partner's Heart.  Read through her blog and take mental or written notes.   
If you want to send a handmade treasure feel free. 
If you want to send more than one treasure feel free. 

Spread the word
This is the first year for the swap and I do hope it won't be the last! The more that join in the merrier and the more fun we'll all have. Do spread the word by inviting your friends to the swap, sharing the link to this post on your blog or social media! 
Post about your shopping and progress just don't reveal the actual treasures until you partner has received the package.
Please use #FabulousWarmHeartSwap

So, would you like to join? You'll find the sign-up form here

If you have any questions about the swap do feel free to leave them in a comment below, or send me an email.

Join the party and link your Fabulous Posts.
Click here. 

Happy Homemaker Monday-Christmas Day-Tuesday Edition

Welcome to my weeks plans.  AKA Happy Homemaker Monday.
Each week I share a look at my plans and a few highlights from the previous week.  I link with Sandra at Family Corner.  She provides the prompts (I've added a few of my own") a graphic and a link up.  
Image result for happy homemaker monday

The Weather
 A cold winter day.  But it is sunny.  No wind.  So if you rush around when outside with a coat it isn't too bad!

Right Now I Am
Sitting with my feet up. And taking it easy.  I am writing this on Christmas Day. It's about 3:00.  We had a busy morning and company coming tonight.  
We served breakfast and lunch at the boys rehab/prison unit where we served.  
Our grandson and daughter are coming for dinner.  Her fiancee and new mother in law to be and brother in laws are coming too.

Something fun to share
Pink Frizzle Hen Chicken
Have you ever seen a pink chicken?  I think she is really cool.
I would love to have one or two!  
Visit this site to see more exotic chickens! Click here

Something new on the blog
I am making a few subtle changes for 2018. My goal is to write get back to writing daily.
The biggest change is you will no longer be seeing any book reviews here.  
I will occasionally be featuring a review of a book I think you might be interested in.  The features will only contain the book cover and a teaser with a link to my review or post over at 
My Reading Journeys.  These features will no be the post of the day and will appear on my sidebar.
Click here to visit my book review blog. 
I will still be including Sandra's On My Reading Pile prompt.

On my reading pile
This is the one that I am just itching to read.  It takes place in my home state of Texas.  I'll be reviewing it in mid January.

On the menu
Monday-Christmas Day a traditional Turkey Dressing etc.
I am serving left overs from the meal we cooked at the boys 
Tuesday- Turkey Pot Pie
Wednesday- Korean Beef w/ rice, salad
Thursday- Pintos and Corn Bread
Friday-Kielbasa, Fried Okra, leftover Pinto's

Last weeks menu
What worked. What didn't
It was a messed up week.  Didn't stick to the menu at all!
Monday-Standing Rib Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Ended up  cooking on Tuesday.  Monday we had nacho's
Tuesday-planned left overs from last night.  Check.
Wednesday-Mexican Catfish got sidetracked waiting for a volunter to bring donated games for the boys.  I ended up putting on a pot of potato soup.
Thursday-Eggplant Parmesan
Scratched again! Leftover soup
Friday- Left over Eggplant was planned we ended up eating tacos from leftover taco meat in the freezer.

Although I didn't stick to the menu.  We made do with what was on had in the pantry and freezer.  That's an accomplishment for me.  

In the kitchen
I want to try making these 
diy cleaning wipes for your kitchen and bathroom (NO HARSH CHEMICALS)
I am not all bogged down on the chemical free aspect.  I am more about a little less expensive version of bleach counter wipes.  
I have a friend who sells Young Living Oils and she only uses homemade wipes.  She uses Thieves All Purpose Cleaner in her's.
Click here to visit the above DIY.

In the garden
 Plans. Wishes and dreams.  I want to make a nicer trellis this year for green beans and cucumbers . . . 
Who says a kitchen garden can't be beautiful? - Fine Gardening Article
Making plans and wishin' I was out there digging and planting!

Fabulous Features
Each week I host The Fabulous Party here.  And over at
Our Holiday Journey.   And each week I choose two features to share here at Happy Home Maker Monday 

It's soup weather.  Had to share Suzy's wonderful recipe. 
Click here to read her post. 

And next Fabby is always Fabulous.  She a post filled with past Christmas TableScapes.  In case you've missed them here's the link.  Click Here

In the craft basket
Crochet Black Gingham Blanket - Free Pattern
I want to make this year.  I have been leaning toward doing the cabin room with red/black buffalo plaid to go with theme. 
I love the crochet version!

Devo./ Scripture