This kitchen would make my Saturday soooo sweet. Well not actually the entire kitchen. Well actually it would. But there is one part that is extra sweet and special.
I do really like the whole kitchen or at least what we can see of it . . .
Well first I really like the idea of the art.
Although I wouldn't put it above my stove. All that grease yes we fry and all that steam from boiling pasta would play havic on beautiful art like this.
But I could see it on another wall I love this grouping.
And I really like the stainless cook stove. Did you notice the oven?
Not sure if that is a second small oven drawer or the broiler on top. But I like stainless. Did you notice
the floor. Lovein' me some wood!
One of my neighbors just moved and the flooring people were here today. Dawng it if they aren't putting wood look linolieum. I am praying my tile starts peeling up. They really should have replaced it already.
Maybe soon! I can only hope. Boy that would make my days super sweet. All of them.
But, I know your wondering just what it is about this little kitchen photo that speaks sweet to me.
So, here it is . . .
That's it stuck over there on the very edge of the kitchen. Yep that simple little red kitchen stool.
This one looks like a reproduction. But there is one just like it well not all shiney and new looking
sitting in my mothers storage unit.
I remember sitting on that stool swinging my legs while holding a big bowl and snapping beans. Or just sitting and watching my mother cook. Usually bake. She baked more than she cooked. Well no that's not exactly right. She cooked everyday just not very many different things. But it was all very yummy.
She loved making merinque pies. I hated them. She still thinks I'm nuts.
So that is it. The simple little red stool sitting in my kitchen would make my Saturday sweet.
What would make your Saturday Sweet?
On a Journey to Sweet . . .
Linking with Christine

Nice post, and memories.
I love how you took my link party to a whole new level by incorporating what would make your Saturday sweet! I think that kitchen stool would be super handy and it would look better than our plastic one that I keep in my kitchen for Amanda (and for me when I can't reach something). Enjoy the rest of your week!
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