The party is to celebrate a lovely woman Tasha Tudor. 
Let's have a little party to celebrate her birthday.
As I mentioned yesterday I didn't own any tea cups! I know your gasping! But I have some now. But first I am going to walk you through setting up the party!
First I gathered something to cover the tea cart . . .

I chose to layer my fabric. I wanted to pull out the blue and the plaid was a little homey. Kind of rustic. You'll see why in a minute.

I put the hydrangeas that I dried in the pink vase. You can see in the first photo I set it to hide the cable router box.
And next my tea cup. It might be a coffee cup but I am calling it a tea cup. It's my party!

When I saw the blue flowers. I knew it was the one. I had in mind using the tea cup fabric and knew there was a lot of blue.

I felt the cut glass plates from my mother were perfect for a little snack.
And then today while I was out I was gifted a sweet orange
cake . . .

Perfect for a little afternoon snack. Perfect for a little birthday celebration.

Happy Birthday Tasha Tudor
Linking Bernideen's Party, The Fabulous party, Create w/ Joy,
The Art of Homemaking, Grammy's Grid, Party in P.J.',
Share Your Cup,
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