This week I Read Tours is Spotlighting Rachel Tuckers new Bible Study Book. I had the opportunity to spend a few minutes with Rachel and ask her a few questions...
"How do you find time to do all you do and be a wife and a mommy?
That is easy! a couple reason; 1. I am just driven, it's in my blood. I'm a "shoot, ready, aim" person. So, when I decide I am going to do something, I just get moving and figure details out along the way. 2. My favorite saying is "when you have your priorities straight, everything just falls into place. So, my priorities are 1. Jesus 2. Husband 3. Kids 4. everything else. I wake up at 5 am to spend time with Jesus, to put my armor on, and to grow in wisdom. Then I meet with my husband to do a study together, after kids have gone to bed. And turns out, the Lord blesses obedience like that!
"I think some reader's will really be interested in how you manage to juggle writing, speaking and other engagements and all the really fun stuff on that bucket list of yours."
It goes back to priorities. My oldest child is 20 and independent, my second oldest is 18 and a senior and my youngest are in 5th grade. So, I am home all day while they are at school, so I have to the time. I have an awesome ministry team that keeps me in check, and I think everything in life is meant to bring glory to the Lord. The size of your dream is a good determiniation of the size of your God. I cannot do any of it without HIM.
When you travel and speak at event's do you find women that share their own desire to step out of their comfort zone and pursue women's ministry or some other endeavor?
YES! The words of my testimony pretty much scream, "If this chick can do it, anyone can". I am just real transparent about my brokenness. I think being transparent in my messages allows those women to dream bigger and to start letting go of shame and guilt and whatever chains they carry. Because they see what happens when Jesus grabs ahold of a train wreck like me!
"What advice can you give other women interested in serving in women's ministry?"
In the first chapter of my book, the first rule of business is to really find out "who you are, and whose you are". This will start the process of laying down the chains and embracing His perfect love. Also, I always say, "start with your greatest wound", your ministry will come out of that. That takes digging sometimes. This is why our At The Well retreats are so effective, because many chains are left behind at those retreats. The next one is Jan 27-29, 2017. Information is on my website.
"Other than your Mom were there other Christian women that were role models for you?"
My Mom is an amazing woman, but not a role model for me in this arena. I have a spiritual Mother named Carolyn Slaughter. I met her when I started my walk. She is the wife to the pastor of our church. She is a big reason for my growth. I just did what she did. And when ever I need some wisdom, she is always there for me. I actually have a few of those women in my life. I'm uber blessed in this area!
"How did you have the courage to take the plunge and step away from the wife/mother role and begin speaking at women's groups"
Well, it was scary! But, I know it's my calling, and it says in 1 John. 4:18 that there is no fear in perfect love, meaning when we have His perfect love, there is nothing to fear. He is already out there in front of me. He is the one who opens the doors, and He is the only one who can do that. I have unwavering faith. I don't doubt at all. I believe it's because the Lord literally picked up out of a pit, and when He saves you like that, you can't help but believe and have 100% faith.
"Of all the ministries you are involved in do you have a favorite?"
YES! Mine!! I am the founder of Women at the Well Ministries. Again, this was the Lord's doing, I just said, "Use me Lord" ..."Here I am!"
"While you were writing the Bible Study, did you have a focus group of women that did the study."
Kinda! lol. I wrote the book along with a leader guide for that hungry woman! The woman who also says, " I don't know you Lord, but I love you" and I want to serve you. I wrote the leader guide so that it could be done in small groups. That is where the power is. There is something that happens in circles that doesn't happen in rows. So, at our at the well conference in September, we launched the nationwide Bible Study. It has been pretty awesome to see the response!
"The 4 week Woman at the Well is described as an intensive study. Can you describe intensive to us?"
Yes! I focus on 4 of the most important parts of growing in your walk. Bible Study, prayer, fasting and meditation. During each day, they are all over the Bible. I reference many Old Testament prophecies to the prophecy fulfilled through Jesus. I want them to learn how to use their SWORD. Their weapon which is the word of God. In order to fight the spiritual battles. The word of God was not meant to be read, but prayed! My personal reflection questions require something digging and some meditation.
"Although it is suggested to do this study with a group, would you recommend doing it alone if a group isn't available?"
Of course, but the reason I put the leader guide together was to get someone to step out of comfort zone and start their own! They were told to pray about who to invite, etc. It has turned out beautiful!
"Now that this project is completed do you have any other similar projects on the drawing board?"
Always....but it requires my patience! I am a visionary, but sometimes I get out in front of the Lord. Right now I am in the "being still" moment. I have still have lots to do with this book!! But I would love to share when they do get in motion!
"I know you're busy so I'll end our time together with one last question. Can you share with us how reader's can learn more about your ministry."
Yes!! I would love to connect with everyone on social media: Women at the Well ministries Fan page; My Instagram is Championmaker, and I have a youtube channel (Rachel Tucker) but the best way is my website, www.racheltucker.org.
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