The mantle is very different from last year. And honestly I am really not enchanted with it. Especially since seeing this
Here's last years . . .

Do you see what's or should I see who is missing? The big
Santa waving was replaced with the quilting Santa. He has a new special place...but that's another post. HeHe.
The mantle does look so different this year. I know I'll 'tweek' it
I always do!
I played around with Picassa because my computer won't load Picmonkey or BeFunky (don't know what is up with that. insert pout!)

This guy joined the collection last year. A thrift store find.
He's wearing a warm and cozy coat and carrying his ski's.
He has some goodies in his bag . . .

A sweet little jointed stuffed Teddy Bear.

And a wrapped package. I wonder what might be inside. He has some greenery with berries in his bag that ties with a shiny red cord.
I have two Santa's that have a list . . .

He arrived last year too. I hope he doesn't check that list too closely. My name isn't on it. He is comfy in his stuffed chair. See the little red button on his left? His head moves while he is writing. I guess maybe he is adding my name! I need to push that button!
I have another list making Santa. He is much older . . .

I have had him since the '90's. His bag used to be bright green. It has faded over time. I don't remember where I bought him. I didn't thrift shop back in the day. I was dumb.
One of my newer favorites is this guy . . .

He's apparently had a hard season!
I know how he feels oh I'd love a bubbly bath!

I wish I could get a shot of the whole mantle. My camera is on the funk so I'm having to use my phone.
Here's a shot of who's on the other end . . .

Santa and Mrs. Claus with a few reindeer. They have such happy faces. I guess they were happy The Cowboy rescued them from a thrift store.
Standing behind them is another new favorite . . .

He stands 28" tall. He has wood inside him for stability but no stand. He is one of my favorites because of his coat.

His coat is wool edged in sherpa (I think that's what it is called). There is wire in the edging so his coat has some body. I really like the flowers embroidery on the coat. His bag is a wool plaid and holds . . .

I love the bright striped candy cane! He has some packages, pine cones, greenery and some berries. He's been loved awhile but I don't know how old he is. I love him anyway. I just need to get him some new berries and fluff him a bit and he'll be good as new!
I hope you enjoyed the tour of the mantle in my new sewing room.
Next time I'll be giving you a quick tour of the tree's in the rest of the house. There's a Cowboy tree, a snowflake tree and a simple tree trimmed in _________. HeHe it's a secret. You'll have to come back to find out!
Until then you can go over to Our Holiday Journey and link your Christmas posts and visit some other great blogs!
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Linking with my favorites. The list is on my parties page.
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