Happy Tuesday everyone!
Today I'm sharing my Christmas trees. I enjoy putting up lots of trees . . . The main tree is in the living room. I usually do it 'dressy' this year it's just Red. I've never done that before. I think I like it.
Do you?

please forgive the bad photo. I am having to use my phone.

please forgive the bad photo. I am having to use my phone.
I usually only put one tree in the living room. This year I did something a little different. I put a second tree along the wall that
faces the fireplace . . .

Even before we moved I had planned this wall for the Christmas Cowboy's gallery wall. The tree just spoke to me and said I want to be there.
I needed to use a small tree because we just began collecting the ornaments. I wasn't sure what to put it on. We are lacking in tables. Here's what I came up with . . .

Next I'll show you the little tree in The Cowboys Room. His 'man' cave.
This tree he picked out at Hobby Lobby last year when we were shopping a few days before Christmas. It was 90 off!

He added the ornaments. Also in his room is the tree that I started a few years ago. I added the cowboy ornaments until this year when I had enough for an entire tree . . .

A very different kind of tree. I know. But like any other tree it is filled with memories. I'll share in another post.
Next I'll share one you've already seen but I wanted to include it in this post anyway. I hope you don't mind a second look . . .

You now how I love Santa Claus!
And next my room that I think I love as much as my sewing room.

I love this room. It is so cozy. The only thing it's missing is a fireplace. This room has a bunch of trees. I'll show you more when I feature the room.
But I do have one more last tree to show you today . . .

This is the tiny tree that my DIL made me for my birthday a few years ago. It is a mini and all the ornaments are handmade.
I hope you enjoyed the mini house tour. I'm trying to post everyday even if there is a book review scheduled. If you come by and a review is posted look at the post just below.
Next week I'll include featured posts on the sidebar. This week I'm keeping the Count Down To Christmas post featured.
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