
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Warm Heart/Wordless Wednesday Critters

Wordless Wednesday . . .            

Warm Heart Wednesday . . .
HoneyMoon Ducks Collage:
Update on The Honeymoon Ducks . . .
This is the duck family I shared about here.  Please forgive the quality of these photo's.  PicMonkey did
it's best to spiffy them up.  I was shooting with my phone with a lot of sun.  I actually could barely see the ducks.  But I was so glad to see them I had to try!
I hadn't seen them since the beginning of April.  I have always thought they completely left our property.
But I guess they do have a nest somewhere close.  Maybe we'll be luck and see them again!

                          I hope your Heart was Warmed a little today!  Thanks for visiting!

Linking with  Warm Heart Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday, Camera Critters, Eileen's Camera Critters, Wordless Wednesday


Betty said...

That video was priceless!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

How adorable! There is a famous statue in a park in Boston of a mother duck and her ducklings. The author of the book "May Way for Ducklings" lived there.

Duke said...

The duckies are too cute☺

Jim said...

"Get your ducks in a row!" Now you know the meaning of that phrase, command. It was a very nice video, Grantham, 'Heart Warming'.
Jenny isn't up yet but I'm working on a Mother's Day post.

Unknown said...

Quite a large family. Loved the video and the music.

Kathy Walker said...

So cute!!

Annesphamily said...

I love Jim's comment! I am going to visit all of you because I love knowing each person here through Jenny but since she is dealing with her health and making me so sad because she isn't getting any better, I will keep doing these posts and hope others will too. I am no good with technology and linking up etc. so I will keep checking in with everyone. I hope you have a great week and your photos were wonderfully done. Take care.

Madeline's Album said...

I have seen this on the internet before. It is cute. Have a blessed day. Madeline

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the ducks and ducklings are so cute. I enjoyed the video, it is so funny and sweet. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a nice family!