
Monday, May 16, 2016

I Have Tomatoes And . . .

I am super excited to share photos of my thrifty garden . . . 
The smallest of the three tomato plants.  They all have actual tomatoes!  Yea me!
and yes in the foreground that is a cucumber . . .
It's finally winding around the hanger!  I just re-potted it after making it mad.  It was  in a pot that was too small and I knew it but I didn't have a hanging basket.  It had already begun to twirl around the wrought iron rail on our balcony!  It needed a new pot and fast!

But I'm on a budget and didn't really have any money for pots.  And then I was blessed with a hanging pot of begonias from my daughter and grandson.  And the begonias were all ready waaaay too big for the basket pot. So being the frugal gardener that I am.  I re-potted them and used the hanging basket for my cucumbers!

This shot I am super excited to share . . .
See my white curtain?  It isn't finished I need to hem it but.  It's up!  I have wanted to curtain the patio
since we moved here 4 years ago.

The Cowboy wasn't too enchanted with the idea.  Mainly because he was the one to put up some kind of bracket or hanger.  And also because I couldn't afford any fabric.  My original idea was a tarp but we were both concerned about the weight.

And then my mother gave me a bolt of this gauzy type of fabric that someone had given her!  Did you notice the yellow squash plant peeking behind the curtain?  Free is good!

Here's a better shot . . .
And a little begonia in the fore ground.  But it's about to get a make over too!  Because today I finally got to buy the bright blue pots I've been wanting!

So my afternoon plans include re-potting a few things!

I'll be taking more pics so come by tomorrow and see the how the rest of the balcony is finally coming together and see my update on the other veggies!

Enjoy your afternoon!

Linking with The Art Of Homemaking Outdoor Wednesday , The Homemaking Party and Share My Cup


Duke said...

Your plants look so healthy and beautiful! Love the sheer curtain☺

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I too thought about planting some tomatoes in small containers like we used to when the kids were young but Joe talked me out of it! LOL!! We have an Amish Farmer that sets up a market of fresh fruit, veggies and baked goods in the Mini Mart parking lot down the street every Friday during the Summer. At the end of the day, He charges $3.00 for whatever you could fit in a bag and he has better tomatoes than I could ever grow!!So I am just going to stick with my flowers for this season . We had hail here on Sunday but it looks like I may be able to plant my flowers on the weekend....
Thanks so much for stopping by!!


Kim said...

Your balcony is looking a vegetable paradise. How healthy all your veggie plants look. Love that white gauzy curtain.

Madeline's Album said...

Your plants look healthy and very nice. Love the white gauzy curtain you put up. Have a blessed day. Madeline

Michelle said...

It's looking good!

JES said...

May you have a good harvest! Thank you for sharing at the Art of Home-Making Mondays! :)