
Friday, February 19, 2016

Five Minute Friday--Forget

Joining Five Minute Friday today.  I haven't done this one in a while.  It's a topic drivin linky party with a twist.  Write on topic 5 minutes.  Set a timer and write.  No over thinking it or worry about editing etc.
Here goes . . .
There are many things a person might want to forget.  I know 
I could make a really, really long list. 
But what's more important I think are things you don't want to forget.
Things like holding your child for the first time.  Or holding your grandchild.  Things like being the day care provider for your grandson his first 18 months.  
Things like your wedding day. Your honey moon.  hmmm (clearing my throat).  Boy the stories I could tell you!  Nothing private I wouldn't share that!  But suffice it to say it was interesting.  
As a person gets older they seem to forget things sometime. 

My mother is 89 this year.  She seems to forget.  The Cowboy teasers her. He tells her things like 'We took you to Disney land last year you don't remember?'  She'll start to answer and then she'll think about what he's saying and she'll say something smart.  Or if she's close enough she'll clobber him.  Sounds mean but it tends to 
help her from being frustrated if she has forgotten something. 

Forgetting can be frustrating.  I'm constantly forgetting something. 
I'll walk into the kitchen planning to do something and have to stop and think about what I had planned. 

It's scary getting older and realizing that forget is an important word in your life all of a sudden. 

I don't want to forget Bible verses.  For some people remembering verse is difficult.  It takes lots and lots of practise.

Yes there is a long list of things I don't want to forget.    

Things link not linking a post. HeHe. 

Linking with Kate at 5 Minute Friday.

                                Or forgetting to add the cute little slippers to your post!


bj said...

O, you are the cutest thing...:)
I am almost as old as your mama...well, in another 10 yrs or so...but I tend to forget lots of things...blogging and using my camera, film editing, typing...really helps to keep my mind from turning to mush, I think...xoxo
O....and we still are sisters 'cause I fly by the seat of my pants in the greenhouse. I don't know squat about gardening....

Dandy Duke said...

Our mom forgets stuffs all the time. She's as old as dirt, ya know!

Denise said...

good post.

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

I tried leaving you a response on my blog to your lovely note but, I received an auto reply that it was unable to be delivered to you. I left it up on my blog just in case you wanted to back track. I wanted you to know how much I appreciated your visit!

I just celebrated my 60th and my memory is always escaping me. My children are so fortunate to have access to so much technology that will store their memories at any given time.
I rely on pictures to bring me back to those precious memories.

Sweet wishes,

Anonymous said...

Yep...I'm right there with you on forgetting stuff. I can go into a room to retrieve something and then leave without getting it. Can be maddening at times. I make a joke of it, but in truth, it does make me nervous sometimes. I can still remember the lyrics to a ton of songs from the 70's and 80's though. ☺️

~#89 on linkup this week