
Monday, October 26, 2015

Blue Monday

Welcome to a Fun Blue Monday.  Daisy wanted to invite a few friends over .  She made sure everyone wore a little Blue!
19 Pets Who Will Never Forgive Their Owners For These Halloween Costumes - Dose - Your Daily Dose of Amazing


Giving new meaning to the phrase, 'working like a dog,' this Halloween pet costume cleverly repurposes closet castoffs.:


And one more I couldn't resist because it was too cute!

                         Enjoy your day!
Come back tomorrow for a visit with Debbie Dabble and her fabulous decorating!
Linking with:
Blue Monday
Camera Critters
Eileens Saturday Camera Critters


Duke said...

What cute, cute photos! Thank you for the early morning smiles☺

Denise said...

I love the blues.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

How sweet!! and how sweet of you to come by and visit our puppies. BTW, our Mom's name is Lynn.

Piper, Celti, Argie, Ivy and The Sweet Buglets

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

O dear!! I guess this is your secret????? LOL!!
LOVE all the picks that you have shared so sweet!!

I am glad that you liked my secret!! LOL!! I have now completely finished the upstairs!!! I honestly can not beleive that i got it done! I LOVE being part time!! LOL!!


Linda Kay said...

Made me smile on this Blue Monday morning!

SmilingSally said...

Hi Sherry,

I called my husband over to laugh with me as we looked at this post. Thanks for playing today.

Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

Annesphamily said...

Oh my goodness, I am having a truly miserable day and this made me smile and laugh too! What a bunch of characters. I truly enjoyed this smile maker. Have a great week and thanks again for sharing.

Ida said...

Cute post. That first pug made me laugh as we have a Black Pug and she would look just as silly if we dressed her up.

Anonymous said...


do check out bluebell short story slam today.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Those dogs are hilarious dresed up like that.I did chuckle. Have a lovely weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the little girl is adorable, cute costumes. And the dogs are cuties too. Great images. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Halloween, enjoy your weekend

carol l mckenna said...

The photos say it all and that darling little girl! Wonderful post and photos!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol