
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Late But . . .

I'm late sharing my Sunday Sketch today . . .
I am working on a Christmas present for my daughter.  It'll kind be like a page a day calendar.
That means I need 365!  Wow.  I need to get busy!

I've been working on a lot of backgrounds.  I'm learning to paint with water colors.  Here's my attempts . . .

I love the way this turned out.  The blue is bubble wrap.  I'll add scripture later.
Another heart with a few doodles.  I love how the colors blend and run into each other.
Another water color.  This time on a piece of velum.  Love the way this it turning out!

And, I did do an actual sketch this week . . .
I am so in love with this drawing.  I am almost afraid to add anything to it.  I love it the way it is.
I actually feel accomplished with this one.  (If I showed you all my attempts you'd agree!)

Today I a linking with Alexandra over at Sunday Sketch.  I'm inspired and supported in my new passion!


Denise said...

awesome my talented friend.

Duke said...

How pretty! Your calendar is going to be beautiful!

Down On The Farm said...

Wow!! You are very very talented!!! Blessings!!

Linda Kay said...

Not be the artistic one, I use Shutterfly to make calendars for the kids.