
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Dinner With Jack

I'll be a little busy today.  Jack is coming to dinner . . . 

                            Hope you have a good day. 
                                 I will.  (insert wink)

Friday, October 30, 2015

Fall In Texas/Dallas Arboretum

                           A walking tour of Fall in Dallas


That a lot of pumpkins.  Wanna know how they did it?
Dallas Arboretum pumpkis



A beautiful place for a fall wedding . . . 



Fall in Texas is Fabulous!  Do you have Fabulous places to visit in your 'neck of the woods?'

                  Have a Fabulous Weekend

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Good Fences-Halloween Edition

To honor my friend Tex I wanted to include a few fun fences for our week long Halloween theme.
    Please enter.  It's ok. This one is as creepy as it gets!
haunted house quilt - Google Search:
This one is actually a Spook House in Oregon.  Not sure I would Enter but the fence is cool!        
scarecrow on fence - Google Search:
Now thats a lot of jack o laterns.  Someone did a lot of carving!

halloween fences - Google Search
            Very cool display.  I'd love to see it at night.
halloween fences - Google Search:
Who says a picket fence can't be a little creepy.  Maybe this is the cottage Hansel and Gretal went to.

And a little modern one.  I thought this was a cool idea!
halloween fences - Google Search:
Very creative idea!

I am a fan of artwork.  I don't have any Halloween or Fall themed   When I saw this one I decided I need to start a collection . . .

halloween fences - Google Search:

Wanna see a few more 'non creepy' fences.  Go over to 
Tex for Good Fences.  Click Here.

Festive Quilts

Welcome to the first ever My Journey Back Halloween Quilt show.
I've been visiting Pinterest on a search for festive quilts.
Mainly because this one caught my interest . . .

Witch Quilt:
I'm lovin' this cute little witch.  I'm definately making this one.   Look at the 3D legs on her!  Very nice quilting.
I thought she was sooooo cute I'd see what else I could find!
Happy Jack, 30 X 30", wall quilt/tablemat at Shabby Fabrics:
How fun and simple!
Quilting: Halloween Quilt  Easy Halloween quilt to make without a pattern - as long as you similar fabrics - or do you have a pattern?:
Oh my next one.  Isn't this cute and Ohhhh Sooo Simple!
This witch is a quilter--she's catching air on Flying Geese! From Irish designer Terri McNeill of terristudiodesigns.:
Oh my goodness.  Not a fan of the medalions on the borders but the rest is speaking to me. 
I love the flying geese.  

 I found this one when I looked for the above link . . . 
Adorable. I'm so glad that I found Pink Penguin.  A quilter I'll definitely visit often!  This quilt she found in a quilt shop.

New from Primitive Gatherings!  Lisa, I love this quilt..........simply marvelous!:
I shared this one a few days ago on another post.  Just in case you missed it.  I wanted to share it again!
Amazing Halloween Quilt that lights up! I hear Grandma Ginger has made a light up quilt!:
Yes those are really lights!  This is one amazing quilt.  It's actually a medium size wall hanging.
Wicked Mummy Block  Great Tutorial for a Mummy Block   by Julie at  That's Sew Julie:
So simple.  And so cute.  I love the how brave she was to venture out to a cemetery for the shot!
I love love love this quilt! Someday I will make one. Someday after I've learned how to quilt.:
Oh I really wanted to know more about this one.  The link was to a Flicker page.  I was intrigued because of the awesome spiral quilting.  And the applique.  This quilter is very talented.   Did you notice the cute pumpkin fabric?
Autumn, Halloween, Thanksgiving
What a fun monster!
Crystal Skull, 18 x 25", art quilt by Betty Busby
This was sold but the above link is to the Etsy shop.  I'm not a fan of skulls but this is an amazing quilt.  The quilting and the piecing is Fabulous.
Midnight at the Pumpkin Patch Kit seen on Quilter's Station website. Love the combo of quilting and wool applique. Reminds me of The Woolen Needle's Antique Star Blooms.:
               More my style.  Lovin' this one (the Pinterest link didn't work)
And last but not least.  This one is mine . . . 

I posted about this guy here.

I hope you enjoyed the festive quilt tour. I was inspired.  I am going to my sewing room and tackle that Scarecrow again.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Party Food--Yumeee

I love parties.  Give me an excuse and I want to whip up something festive.
Thought I would share a few ideas I've collected off Pinterest . . .

Get the neighborhood kids together to celebrate the spookiest time of year! Our partner Kara shows us how to decorate a DIY Halloween picnic in her blog.:
You have to visit Kara's blog.  She has put together a complete outdoor party.  Black cats are all over the place.
Healthy Halloween food:
Don't these look so fun.  A Lot of work but oh so fun!
Tentacle Pot Pies: Have Your Fun and Eat It, Too - Spiders have 8 legs, so I'm sure you could rename it for Halloween! ;):
I didn't go to the blog to look at the recipe.  But what a fun idea.   This idea would be good for an Ocean Themed Party
Halloween Treat: Cheese and Pretzel Broomsticks.  These are so easy and such a cute idea for a Halloween themed treat!:
And the simple yet just adorable witch's brooms.  This photo was the one that started this entire post.
Saw it and began to wonder what other fun food I could fin.
These Ritz cracker spiders are so easy! They don't take any more time to make than a sandwich, but they are SO CUTE!:
Another simple one.  Some people are so creative.

Halloweeño Jalapeño Popper Mummies | The Hopeless Houswife:

Oh I love these mummies.  So cute.  I want to have a party just to make these.

And one more I save till last . . .
Halloween gingerbread house:

Join me next Wednesday for a story about Candy Corn at Wit and Wisdom over at Linda Kays.
Linda Kay has a fun weekly linky party.
Tomorrow I'll be sharing my favorite Halloween theme quilts.  Come over and see all the Fabulous quilts.


Wednesday Wit and Wisdom

                    A funny story for Wit and Wisdom . . . as told by  The Cowboy                          
Part 1                                                                                Source
Moms story. . .
What a 'sweet' picture.  I watched as my darling 'sweet children' walked off down the street collecting candy from the neighbors. 
".Now be sure and watch out for your brother he's little!" I warned her.  
I laughed as I heard her grubbling.  "You really should have been Batman.  Popeye is stupid." 
 I clicked my throat loudly and she turned and smiled the cherub little smile she has.  
As they skipped happily down the street I went back into the house to collect the supplies for the neighborhood party. 
I had to rush to make it around the corner and be at the party at the base community center before the kids arrived. 
It was the early '60s on an American Air Force Base in England.  
A few minutes later I watched Cowboys, Indians, Princesses, Astronauts, and Skeletons run through the door.  
And then Cinderella walked in the door with the Military Police. But where was Popeye? 
Startled I ran to the door asking where is he? Where's your brother? The officer answered saying 'She said he came with you!"  
I was horrified!  Moments later slowly walking up the steps was Popeye.  His little face mask was up revealing his face his precious eyes filled with tears. 
I smiled happily to see my little Popeye clutching his grocery sack to his chest wet and rumpled from the rain that had begun to fall.  
Come back next week for part two.  The story told by Cowboy
Linking with Linda Kay at Wit and Wisdom

Have a Good Day

Wishing you a Happy and Fun annnnnnnd Blessed Day . . . 

I'll be back a little afternoon noon to post my Wit and Wisdom story.  
And I'll be posting some fun festive food and party ideas.
Come on back over!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Touring My Friends Homes

I hope your week has started out Fabulous.  I miss the Fabulous Fall Party do you?  I can't get enough of that word.
So today I'm sharing my Fabulous Friends posts and home tours for Halloween week.
First the Fabulous Fabby.  You can visit her over at her blog Fabby's Living. (link following photos)
I love visiting her beautiful home.  This week she used some great black and white dishes for a fun
Halloween setting . . .

Look at that Fabulous table cloth!  And those fun napkins.  Very Halloween.

There are ugly spiders crawling all over her wonderful room.  I guess they want to party too!
Trust me there are lot's more Fabulous photos.  I won't take away the thrill for you.

Let's go over and visit my friend Debbie next.  She didn't just do the dining room.  She did the house and yard too!

There's a fun Jack-o-Lattern inviting you in.  Hold onto your hats friends.  Your in for a fun tour.

We'll start in the powder room with just a sneak peek . . .

Only a peek at each room.  You have to visit Debbie for the tour.

Everywhere you turn there are Creepy and fun displays.  I want to sit down in the dining room for dinner.

I wonder if she'll use her beautiful china or does she have something creepy she hasn't shown us yet?

And while we sit down for dinner she'll show us how she made all the Fabulous Decorations . . .

My friend Debbie is one crafty girl!

These are some Fabulous bloggers.
 Please visit Fabby at Fabby's Living and join Debbie over at here blog Debbie Dabble

Monday, October 26, 2015

Blue Monday Halloween Dogs Part Two

Amazing how much Blue you can find.  This is the post I originally planned for Blue Monday but lost it.
And now here it is!  Enjoy . . .

Top 10 Halloween Dog Costumes (2014)
Pea-shund-think I may need some help making this I am envisioning this for mardi GRAS 2013:
BarkBox list of 21 halloween costumes for you and your dog. Image via Coolest Homemade Costumes
Chocolate Labrador puppy:
DIY dog tutu in 30 minutes for less than $10

Linking with Smiling Sally for Blue Monday