Welcome. Snoopy is joining me today to share my little tour!
Once a month or so I totally clean my desk and redecorate.
It's a good time do a really good . . .
I work at my desk and eat my lunch and breakfast here before I go to my real job. So I am sure to keep up with the daily wiping down.
And then once a month or when the mood strikes. I might be prompted by a season. Or some little treasure I received or bought recently. Which is the case today. I got this in the mail...

My sweet DIL surprises me with prints. She emails photos almost weekly but when she does an order she sneaks in a few for me. I loved this shot of my sons boots and spurs.

I like to surround myself with things I love.

I retired from teaching preschool a couple of years ago. I got this cute little pumpkin from a student.
Isn't the little coffee sticker cute? My phone did that!
I added it to cover a little hole in the doily I thought I didn't get it in the shot but I did. It made a perfect place for a little cup of Joe!

I love this little set of drawers. From Pier One back in the day. Probably 2001. My daughter bought it for her first apartment. When she got married she didn't think it fit. I took it. I just love the colorful drawers. Perfect for little treasures.

I love stemware. Even if it is only Dollar Tree. Makes your water feel more festive.

There are always 2 or a few books sitting on my desk.
I left the little paper and wood butterflies out I received in a paper swap to remind me I need to go to the post office.
I have plans for the pink ones to go to two special ladies that are patiently waiting for junk journals from me.

And by the computer the little touch of fall.
See the little scarecrow? .25 at my crazy Kroger. Found him and a couple of friends at Valentines.
So my desk is all cozy and homey for me when I sit and write a review or a blog post.
Is your desk cozy?
Before I go I want to update on my quilt project and share a few more quilt tops that I have worked on this week to send to Houston.

I hope to find backing and begin quilting today.

Another one needing backing and binding fabric.
This one is finished and will go to my binding girl. She is super fast and super good!

And one more waiting for backing.

Thanks for visiting.
Have a great day.

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