
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Sweeties And Critters

The weather has been beautiful!  We've taken advantage!

      The day was perfect for spending some time with the horses!
This is my grandsons sweet 'ole girl.  She plods along ever so nicely for a little boy . . . 
We're lucky to have her.  She is perfect for the therapy sessions that  he has to do after his surgery last summer.  
This is one of his favorite things to do.  He loves riding backwards!

Notice all the Blue There's always lots of Blue around the barn. 
Horse Therapy:
What a sweet and patient girl!
                                            Horse Therapy:
                    What a happy and proud Mama and Grandma. 
                                #1 Rule of horse ownership . . . 
                                                                  Give treats!
Linking with . . . 
Eileen's Critters, Camera Critters, Make My Saturday Sweet, Blue Monday and Good Fences


Anonymous said...

What a pretty horse! Looks like the perfect one for kids. That giving treats seems to be the first rule with all animals.


How wonderful dear friend! I always heard horses work wonders with children who needs them for therapy of any kind. Beautiful animal and little boy.
I can't find where I got featured, I'm a little lost, lol..
Thanking you in advance for the feature, I so feel honored and appreciated it very much.
Merry Christmas and enjoy the rest of the holidays.

Duke said...

Even horsies like treats!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I am so happy for these therapy horses. Congrats to your grandson, he is looking good riding the horse. I am sure the treats are well deserved. Pretty horse and your grandson is cute. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

Linda Kay said...

I understand that the therapy horses are of great benefit. I've never been around horses very much, and I live in Texas!

Powell River Books said...

Makes me really miss my horses. When I moved I had to sell the last one and gave away all my tack. But you never lose your love for these wonderful animals. - Margy